CRank: 5Score: 22440

"But.. Graphics.. You guys like graphics right? We heard you like graphics. If we knew this before hand, we might not have cut all the cool parts to reach such a high graphic fidelity.."

3439d ago 18 agree2 disagreeView comment

Don't get your hopes up, it might still be too early. We might only get a CGI trailer this year.. If that.

3440d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

All I want is for them to put CoD in it's own pre E3 show this year like they did in 2013, nothing against the game but it really shouldn't be up on the stage. I want to see exclusives, gameplay and hopefully new stuff.

3440d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Multiplat as in, plays on all systems. Not Multiplat as in, only plays multiplatform games... Nothing wrong with wanting exclusives and new IPs at Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo's shows.

Every year except 2013, Microsoft has shown CoD on their stage. And nothing against the game but that time could have been better spent on just about anything really.

They have so much to show without wasting time with more footage for games like Metal Gear that already h...

3440d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

These predictions sound a little bit underwhelming. I would rather hear about new stuff from first party studios and exclusive content rather than multiplats. Especially all the games we have seen plenty of. I don't need to see God of War 3, Metal Gear or more Final Fantasy 15 stuff.

3440d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

So no party chat, no in game chat and now way to play custom games together? Why would anyone want to play this game online?

If it has bots, it will be nice for kids at least.

3440d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

Not buying into the hype does not make you a hater. I've been accused of being a hater because I said it was a shame that Space combat and Galactic Conquest didn't make the cut because I loved those from the older games.

It seems to me that people are overreacting and accusing people of being a hater because they are not hyped up. Why do we have to be so dramatic every time a game comes out? I don't see anything wrong with Battlefront fans being turned off becaus...

3440d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

I loved Origins and hated Inquisition. Dismissing somebodies opinion because they don't align with your own is not that simple.

3441d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

They not only enjoyed it, some people thought it was game of the year material. I don't get it either, it felt like an MMO without the other people because of the large open yet empty areas and horrible fetch quests.

3441d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't call it a disappointment, it still looks very good and I bet it will be fun. But it's not the Battlefront that a lot of us wanted.

Without Space combat, AT-ATs you can actually use on Hoth or Galactic Conquest, I am not as hyped for it as I was.

3441d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thank goodness it's not cross gen, the current gen only games are starting to look very impressive now. Hopefully they have something to show at E3.

3442d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

If you oversaw a game project then you would still be proud of it, even after you left the company. It doesn't mean you're still on a payroll... Don't be so ignorant.

3442d ago 16 agree0 disagreeView comment

Already completed it three times and am one trophy away from the plat.. I considered cancelling it but hoping it has some good lore or info in it to still make it worth it.

3443d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Your going to get bombarded with disagrees from Souls fans but you're right. The visuals of Dark Souls 2 are not stunning, even the PS4 version.

Bloodborne is stunning. Dark Souls 2, even when it first game out was very average at best.

3453d ago 10 agree5 disagreeView comment

When they announced the delay; the website implied it wasn't because it needed more time but that the bright side of the delay was that they got more time.

Looks like the delay was because Microsoft thought 2015 was already too full of games or wanted it for 2016. Either way, more time to work on the game.

3455d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

So considering he can make his fortune from Steaming and from his website, why is he stressing out about Nintendo when he doesn't even play many Nintendo games and only has the system because somebody gave him one?

Seems like this guy is just really resentful towards anybody who doesn't like him earning money off of other peoples work.

3456d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I see everybody calling Nintendo greedy but it's not like he is making pocket change from Youtube, he gets enough to live off and live well. He bought an extra Xbox and Playstation so he could give them away. I don't think it's unfair that Nintendo feel entitled to some of that money since it was made off of something they created.

I think taking down videos is wrong, stopping people from earning money off of something you created though.. I don't see anythin...

3456d ago 11 agree11 disagreeView comment

I wonder how popular they would be if it was just a facecam then. No game footage.

@Snookies... That was a horrible comparison. It didn't even make sense. And you missed the point. Everybody claims it's the Youtuber and his personality that they are watching for and not the game. But take away the gameplay footage and just leave audio and those views would shrink.

I am not opposed to them making money but if the company would actually made the game ...

3456d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

They made this purchase for the patents. Obviously Streaming is a huge part of their long term plan.

3459d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

They are not confirming the game. Just saying that it's a talking point within the studio. The part about it being exclusive to Microsoft isn't news as they always owned the IP.

Nothing to do with April fools. But also not confirming that it's even coming. Just that if it did, it would an Xbox/PC game.

3461d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment