CRank: 5Score: 22440

Ironic that you're accusing people who mention Xbox in relation to DX12 of being fanboys when you're the only one talking about Xbox here.. Doesn't make sense either considering DX12 is going to Xbox too so why can't they mention it?

Also ironic that you would accuse people of being a fanboy. We can see your comment history. Xbox has no good exclusives? Troll on.. Do you even realise your a fanboy yourself?

3370d ago 17 agree1 disagreeView comment

I remember the same nonsense being said about the PS3 the year it launched. That it might be the last.. Now look at how well the PS4 is doing. Those comments seem very stupid now.

The Xbox One is doing really well for itself, it's selling more and faster than the 360 did. And the 360 didn't have a stigma to get rid of, it was cheap and had no competition for a year.

3371d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nope. I only played Dark Souls 2 but I really didn't like it. Loving Bloodborne at the moment. It's a fantastic game.

3371d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am torn between Smite and Hearthstone. Both fantastic games and I never feel like I want to spend money in Smite.

3371d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Will they work?

3372d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I didn't claim Xbox had more or better exclusives, only that it had more that I like so this statement from Patcher is nonsense because it implies it like it's a fact.

If you don't like Xbox games and love the line up that PS4 has, I won't knock it. But surely you can see how foolish a statement like this is considering everyone has their preferences. If he said the same thing about Xbox that you should get it, you would understand how foolish it is to the in...

3372d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

But the amount of exclusives I want on PS4 is overwhelmingly outnumbered by the amount of exclusives I want on Xbox.

Is Patchter an alright dude now? I find this statement just as absurd as the rest of the nonsense he says.

3372d ago 10 agree12 disagreeView comment

It would make sense if it was limited to the first half of 2015 but luckily, these machines last longer than 6 months and it comes back to our preferences and tastes.

For example, Xbox has impressed me with 2014 Holiday season and is again looking very impressive for the second half of 2015 meanwhile PS4 only has one game that I want. A remaster of a game I already played.

But this is pointless, I remember you making fanboy comments on another article so.. bu...

3372d ago 12 agree54 disagreeView comment

Why don't you just enjoy this update instead of trying to put a negative spin on things by taking a shot at Sony's competitors?

I swear, people just can't enjoy anything these days.

3374d ago 26 agree11 disagreeView comment

People have been calling the entire game bad and I have really enjoyed it. More so than the last few games in the main series but I don't feel inclined to listen to this. I bet I will really enjoy it.

Just sad that if everyone hated this then we won't see more. I thought it was great. And so cheap!

3381d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I would love to play this on console with a controller, I hope they don't change much of what made the first ones special to me.

Mods is a very big part of this game, how will the console version fare without them.

3384d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yes but it is also closer to the older titles than 4, 5 and 6 were. I mean... Nothing has transformed into a dinosaur and then back into a lion with guns on it's sides..

Ammo is scarce, inventory room is low, puzzles are present and the enemies are better in my opinion.

I thought it was great, shocked to hear so many people are not happy with it. And a little sad. I think it's far better than the main series. I hate to see it get treated worse than th...

3386d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am surprised to see so many people complaining about Revelations. It seems nobody is happy with it.

I really loved it, it's more akin to the older Resi games than any of the main series has been for many years. I hope they continue this series.

3386d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

"I see a lot of you guys"

Don't generalize Xbox fans like he generalized Playstation fans. Fanboys for both systems are constantly in each others articles, hoping for delays and bad news.

The real gamers don't care. It's a pity how few those seem to be on the internet. Why is that most people on the internet always seem to be the fanboys? It makes it hard to find rational and unbiased discussion.

3387d ago 20 agree12 disagreeView comment

I already got the Atlas with the collectors edition so I wish this was an Ogre or Stryder but I am all over this. Still playing Titanfall regularly, a year after launch. Favorite game on the Xbox One this gen.

3388d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

He is a douche bag for having glaucoma? He wears the sunglasses because of a medical reason. So who is the real douche bag here?

The guy who wears glasses so he can see or the guy who calls people names for no reason? Do you also tell blind people to stop being jerks and take off their glasses and ditch the dogs too?

3390d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have had no issues with the game on Xbox, am getting an absurd amount of game time out of it and couldn't be more happier with it. I hope this is successful enough to be continued. I am enjoying it more the main series.

3394d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


The average consuming isn't stressing out over getting games later and most won't even know that it's been out on another platform for a while. Small studios may already have to choose one console to do first, getting an extra bag of money to do something they already were going to do will help the studio survive.

And as for people discrediting Indies altogether, I bet those are the core guys who visit sites like these. Ignorant people w...

3394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The timed exclusives deals for Indies may seem or even be a bit redundant but it's a great help to small indie studios financially.

Some studios are small so can only work on one console anyway so these deals are great for them.

3394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


But Hyrb is not just some PR guy.. He is director of programming and has done a lot for the actual technical side of Xbox. Especially the Xbox One with monthly updates.

These are ignorant and childish comments to make.

3395d ago 11 agree17 disagreeView comment