CRank: 5Score: 22440

It's pretty sad that so many users of a different console keep coming to Xbox news and make it a very hostile place for Xbox owners to even discuss the thing. And this site is set up horribly so it enables this to be a thing.

Make a troll comment about Xbox and watch it get so many agrees, make a troll comment about PS and watch it get taken down in minutes.

I own all the consoles and love them. But PS fans are just as annoying as those PC masterrace guy...

3327d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

It saddens me that people like yourself don't get flagged for trolling and worse than that, actually get agrees.

If Microsoft were to bail out of Gamescon, we would never hear the end of it about how they have nothing to show.. But when Sony bail out of Gamescon.. We hear about how Microsoft are only still attending because they are desperate.. It sounds like Microsoft can do no good and Sony can do no wrong to a lot of you guys.

This childish console wa...

3327d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Pressing the "start" or menu button brings up several options including settings. If you had to use Google to find that, it's not the consoles problem. It's yours.

@Brisco This place really calmed down on the Xbox hate since launch but my goodness. The disagrees for people who are happy about an update and I seen comments being removed for being "off topic" in another thread despite being totally on topic just because they were positive.

3327d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why is that a bad thing? These subscriptions are optional and take nothing away from you for not being a member. If others followed, it would just allow gamers with no interest in EA games to get this great value with the games they are interested in.

So far, I can see no downside. And most of the issues people have with it are very silly in my opinion. Like because it's from EA, we should hate it. That seems to be a popular one..

3332d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

I keep seeing people claim other publishers will follow but why is that such a bad thing? EA Access is great value but it doesn't take anything away from you for not being a member. It's not like they force you to buy games through it.. It's optional. No game is locked behind a paywall like you claim and access to the vault is exactly the same as GWG and PS+ offerings..

EA Access is great. Other publishers following this would be great for gamers who like the valu...

3333d ago 15 agree9 disagreeView comment

I cannot wait. I loved Titanfall and it should serve as a great foundation for a great franchise.

3333d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, the Xbox video flashed the ONI symbol from Halo along with the Binary code that led to the website.

3335d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They're not really giving anyone an opportunity for bad press right now. They have really been knocking it out of the park lately.

3338d ago 15 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ To everyone saying nothing has been announced yet.. I am just going by what the rumour said was happening.

And remakes rarely happen in gaming. More often than not; it's remasters. There is no reason to believe this is a remake rather than remaster.

3338d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would like to know what the statue looks like before dropping this kind of money. Are they keeping this for E3 or something?

3338d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I wish it was a remake! But no, just a remaster. Only thing being remade is the cinematics.

3338d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Christopher - Of course but how often do they dramatically change video games with a patch? Most patches are simply balancing and tweaks. Changing AI elements is one thing but being able to update code, package it and deliver it to games without any downtime opens the possibilities to a whole lot more.

3339d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

It would be foolish of any dev to experiment with live code of a game. It will still go through testing and whatnot before being published. It just means games won't need to go offline for maintenance when patches are being up out.

3339d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

They updated the game without any downtime or without having to even restart it.

3339d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Check his comment history. Most of them are troll comments on Xbox news.

I mean.. You can't be enjoying your life if you spend time talking down the console you don't like rather than talking up the console you do like.. Must suck to be him.

3341d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lots of games are announced years before launch.. If you really had this mentality that two years is too long a wait then you would be passing on a lot of big titles.

But going by your comment history, I can see you have an agenda. I don't understand fanboys. You obviously don't like Xbox, why are you here? Do you not think it sad that you spend your time talking smack about a console you don't like? Have you no games to play?

3341d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

If it was just ported over like most of these "Remasters" then I would agree with you. But the rumours said this was a real remaster with redone visuals and cinematics. I think it's unfair to ask them to charge such a low price if they actually put the work into it.

3343d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

You realize that Deus Ex has existed for over a decade now and that the last Deus Ex game was four years ago right? A year before this even started production.

It's a great story arc and I am sure this will game will use it well but the CoD guys are hardly the most creative guys when it comes to making their own ideas.

3345d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

Calling out stupid decisions doesn't make us Nintendo haters.. Is that why valid criticism is being met so harshly round here? You people are that over sensitive that you think it must be from Nintendo haters?

You can call people ignorant and brainless but you're the one who refuses to acknowledge that they are making silly decisions regarding this game and feedback is important. Being against feedback because you're afraid of some people not liking your console ...

3346d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because Nintendo can do no wrong in a lot of peoples eyes.

This should be a choice. I don't play online unless I have somebody to play with, why would I play this at all if I can't even talk to that person?

This is a really dumb idea. Only a fanboy would defend this.

3346d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment