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its funny because the only major publisher that openly said they are not supporting Wii u is ea.

Activision, check

Ubisoft, check

square enix, check

capcom, check

Sega, check

other publishers like konami, 2k, rockstar have neither said they are or not so it can go both ways at the moment but atleast 1 major publisher reconises and stated that Wii u is NEXT GEN

4165d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

how can bayonetta not feel like a Wii ugame you havn't even played the game as its not out and probably haven't even played the Wii u, and dismissing a Nintendo game because it doesn't feel right is say there's no games coming apart from Mario so someone gives you a list to clarify then you dismiss all the games, also im buying watch dogs on Wii u instead of ps4 as I believe

(1) it wont be much different in terms of quality and


4165d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love trolls and there selective trolling, like on the article about how many games Nintendo first party games sold and not one troll went on it. (the numbered where too good to bare).

4165d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

every one is missing the point, the team that make this game are all ex RARE (WARE) staff that worked with nintendo before and they only have a wii u dev kit. people wanted rare back at nintendo we finally got it. this game is just an ios port but there already thinking of gameplay ideas for wii u.

4166d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

what he said

4166d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

this will be good for nintendo and could make other publishers rethink there support, however it doesn't really matter much to me as i have pre ordered it on ps3 but if it gets announced on wii u i will move my order over. rockstar is getting my money either way.

4167d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

not only that but they never hesitate to support any new platform there usually the one of first devs to get on every system release at launch. there not a perfect company but I like them a lot more than most.

4167d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

talk when you know about the industry, alot of sales across all console platforms are casuals, hardcore console gamers ( as in the people who buy consoles on release, buy games on a monthly bases and play more than cod) are the minority, casuals make the console market, thats why sony had a cd player in there playstation, dvd player in the ps2 and thats the main reason it kicked gamecube and xbox's butt (more gaming oriented machines as higher specs would suggest but the dvd player had so...

4167d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i.e, your full of shit. how more powerful is the vita than 3ds and what do people want more? power doesn't = sales, software does and nintendo will be holding onto there biggest sellers until ps4 releases.

also vita only 5 million in just under 2 years is that dead?

4173d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

go check the list of game units sold that nintendo has posted then tell me its only mario and zelda that sells (by the way there's only one zelda in the rather big list) this is why nintendo is not doomed.

4173d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it was probably the same people who brought them, myself included. just goes to show nintendo is not to be messed with and this is the reason why they won't go 3rd party. no need with numbers other companies could dream of.

4173d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

well the Gpu is better than current gen in Wii u and it has more ram than current gen so by your own defenition the Wii u is next gen, the CPU is about the same (even at lower clock speed) however ps4 CPU is worse than PS3 cell in raw power so does that mean ps4 is not next gen, I think not, there has always been a weaker system in each gen, the ps1 was a lot weaker than n64 but it is part of the same gen, ps2 weaker than GameCube and Xbox but part of the same gen, Wii a lot weaker than ps3 a...

4173d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

excite bike would be good you don't get many good motocross games these days could sell quite well. I want

lylat wars 2, (10 points if you know what franchise this game is older gamers should know)

more wind waker footage and release date

see what retro is doing would like them to make a new game, pass metroid to EAD,

pokemon gba virtual console with added online to the port.

GameCube virtual console anou...

4177d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

if microsft bought Nintendo that will be a sad for gaming, look what they did to rare, if any go it should he ms, I used to love the old Xbox and 360 (for about 2 years) but hate microsfts direction and exclusives. there was a time where Nintendo was equaly matching or higher spec home consoles but they know console power didn't matter its the games, if you look at the first brick gameboy and compare it to Sega gamegear, the game gear should have killed it, that was a bigger gap than 3ds ...

4177d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

because people buy and play them so there's a market, when they sell 30m retail units of Mario kart (no other publisher has ever sold that many units of a single game on one platform and many many strugle to reach 5m on multiple platforms) you think there not going to make another one. like it or not all of Nintendo's main franchises are the highest selling and amoungst the highest rated games. they also make new IPs but everyone dismisses them because there not Mario or zelda. regard...

4178d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

GameCube technically wasn't a flop, nintendo made a shit load of profit off it even though it only sold 21m units, more money than microsoft did with there 25m Xbox sales. and at the of the day its profits that count. virtual boy however has been Nintendo's only commercial flop but I think they never really had high hopes for it. its also funny how Nintendo is only Wii u forgetting the fact 3ds, ds and Wii are still selling and they make shit loads of money off them products.

4179d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mario kart Wii sold 30 million now if only half of them buy a Wii u for Mario kart u (which is plausible) that's 15 million units and you can't count out Mario kart that game was responsible for a massive increasevin 3ds sales people want it, with smash bros and 3d Mario and zelda, them 3 could easily make up 10 million units so were on about 25, and these are games that are coming out in the next 2 years. plus other sales on top, I havn't even got to metroid or star fox as they h...

4180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still love it, got monster hunter but not played it much as I have been playing Lego city and just got skyrim dlc for ps3 (a year late) so keeping me busy, can't wait till windwaker hd as I stoped playing the gc version when it got announced. if you've played on the system and don't like it, fair enough but theres a lot of mindless hate towards it at the moment, can't wait for e3 and I'm skint at end of year with ps4 comming, pokemon and zelda on 3ds, watchdogs, GTA etc ...

4180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ neotribe
you obviously are not a zelda fan then, really, if you've already wrote it off, because if you where a fan you would wait to see the game before judging. stop your trolling also what Nintendo system has had decent 3rd party support. none since NES that why I own PlayStation aswel, if your a real zelda fan then Nintendo would be worth buying just for it. what 3rd party multi plats did you have with your Wii because I'm assuming you've played twilight princess an...

4182d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

not bothered about this, i'd rather get project cars until gt6 is out. not bashing anyone who wants the game but I don't see the point in a social driven driving game. I play racing games to race not make friends and chat.

4189d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment