
CRank: 5Score: 20780

1) wind waker hd/ New zelda

2) Mario kart/ Mario 3d

3) New xenonblade

4) its nice and small so it can fit nicely next a ps4 on any shelf.

5) gamepad is awesome and can't wait for the games to come.

4096d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

my launch 360 only had 20gigs and I got a 32gig Wii u so the memory doesn't bother me, I like to buy all retail games in physical form because I have a massive collection of games and I like them on the shelf, the only games I download is indie games. I hardly download dlc and my 160gig ps3 is full of mandatory game installations, something the Wii u doesn't need to do because it has 3x faster disc read than ps3. even if I do chose to go digital I will purchase a external HUD for abou...

4097d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

actually no, some people don't want it some people do but a lot of people don't know its out, a lot of people have seen mine and I had to explains its a new console, this is nintendos job not mine and that's where advertisement has failed. but there's no point putting a big marketing campaign untill a few more decent games come out. people play games and that's what Wii u needs.

4101d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

its funny, people are saying. 125 percent increase doesn't mean anything because uks sales are low, then forgetting the 3 times the amount on top for the rest of europe. regardless that's a lot of sales and I think Nintendo is happy with that, and then when pointed out about a nearly 200 percent increase in us, that doesn't mater because The ales will drop, well obviously until another big game is out but these increases build momento and Nintendo only has to last 3 months till e3...

4102d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

people still don't get it, a lot of wii u gamers play multiple systems, fanboys can't believe that people buy more than one console and I don't care how much more powrrful ps4 is to Wii u as ill have both, I can play zelda and uncharted (I don't care about killzone they bore me). a system can still be 8bit all I care as long as there's fun games to play and not all games need blood and gore to be "hardcore" you can tell who the kids are on this site that don'...

4104d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

watch dogs and assassins creed 4 are coming to wii u, I can already pre order assassins creed 4 for it and I'm not bothered about bf4 besides if I wanted ill get it on ps4 anyway, as for shoddy ports, the games could have run properly but with all the hardware revisions nintwndo done in the last 6th months before launch and all the deadlines to meet, it was going to be hard to get perfect running ports in such a small time but I've olayed black ops and ace on wii u and they seem to ru...

4104d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ahhhh is it too much for you to read, who's the kid now, also for all you stupid fanboys here a lot of us Wii u gamers ate actually multiplatform gamers who still get to play the games you mention. also race club looks shit, id rather get project cars on Wii u, also assassin creed 4 already on pre order for Wii u and id rather play zelda than uncharted and I fucking love uncharted. Microsoft has nothing to make me buy another Xbox i gave up on my 5th 360. and I don't see the point in ...

4104d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

not really, you can give me the most powerful pc money can buy and ill still play Nintendo and Sony over it, I don't give 2 shits about power or specs I only care about games, that's why I'm still happy playing ps1, n64 and old sega games, because there fun. pc gamers need to understand a lot of people don't care about gaming on pc, but on the other side of the coin people are delusional thinking ps4 outclasses high end pc's in specs and a lot of the ps4 resources will be ...

4104d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i cant wait for this, windwaker is one of m favourite games. i was playing the gamecube version when it got announced so i stoped playing it and waiting for it in hd. people complaining about hd remakes on the wii u just shut up, i have metal gear hd on my vita and ps3 aswel as the originals on ps2 and psp, aswell as silent hill hd and devil may cry because good games are worth rebuying and almost every console has hd remakes now.

4107d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is BS, my Mrs only plays PlayStation and she plays games like uncharted and devil may cry but she is a casual gamer, I play 3ds, vita, ds, PSP, ps3, wii, Wii u had played Xbox till my last one red lighted and still play gamevoy color, gba, GameCube, ps2, ps1 and old pc games like dungeon keeper, I play all types of games from "kiddy" games like Mario, naruto, little big planet and pokemon, to mature games like uncharted killzone zombi u metal gear solid and assassins creed to r...

4120d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo is a long way from 3rd party publisher people seem to forget that have a very successful console the 3ds, even if the Wii u fails they will at the very least stay in the portable market as they've proven with the gameboy vs game gear and neo geo pockets, ds vs PSP and 3ds vs vita that no one can touch them in the dedicated game handheld market and they would probably still end up releasing a new home console at some time.

4124d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think this update is for game loading next one os, I've noticed games load faster but os is the same.

4124d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

that funny dude I take it not a lot of naruto fans here neither or is that too kiddy.

4124d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

your not going to be playing ps4 games over internet on phones, maybe vita at some point but can you play uncharted, killzone, infamous on nothing but a touch screen, theres 16 buttons on a dualshock 3, 15 on dualshock 4 the whole screen will be covered in overlays. never mind the lag. you will be able to navigate menus, watch media and prob a second screen like smartglass. thats it for phones, if you believe you can play ps4 games on your phone your going to be very i said...

4127d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

i own vita and wii u and vita is not a tablet or smart phone so why bring it up and the reason the gamepad has advantages over smart phone is it has buttons, thats it but thats what counts, why would i want to play console game on a phone or tablet the controls suck. also if people believe you can play ps4 games over internet from your ps4 thats not going to happen straight away. they said that about ps3 and psp/vita and all you can do is play indies a few hd remakes and ps1 games, but remote...

4127d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

im in the same boat as you, i got my wii u, getting ps4 on launch for infamous but looking to get watch dogs on wii u if gamepad intergration is good, xbox has little chance as im board of halo and gears, i like forza but its not worth a console purchase when ps has gran turismo.

4127d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

metal gear solid on gamecube says hello, ok it was 9 years ago but you made it sound like nintendo have never had metal gear solid, also people forget that nintendo has the 3ds with more 3rd party support than vita, nintendo is more than just wii. i buy third party on nintendo i didnt get ac3 or cod on my ps3 coz i got it on wii u, also watch dogs im getting on wii u even though im getting a ps4 on launch, infamous is only ps4 game im currently interested in.

4128d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i brought both, i even waited to get black ops on wii u instead of getting it my ps3 for online 2 player, how many did they expect to sell, over a million because 1/3rd of wii u user base is going to buy cod? i think not. there just pissed because they know people are loosing intrest in cod, then they make that shitty walking dead game and skylanders. if they made good games people will buy. they should make a new crash bandicoot. that will sell

4132d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

to be honnest i wasn't really impressed, it doesn't matter because im buying one anyway as i love my playstation 3, and 2 and 1, however everything they showed i expected like screenshot and video sharing with messeging ( basically miiverse but with video capture), i said the graphics wasn't going to be much better than last of us and it turns out im right. they've focused too much on connectivity and comunity which is fine but im a gamer, i play games not comunities. only 2 g...

4141d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

its not the nintendo's dreamcast as they have the money and stubborness to keep it on market like they did with gamecube ( which only sold 10m more than dreamcast), there handheld market alone is enough to keep them in the game.

4141d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment