
CRank: 5Score: 20780

yeah but whats sad alot of people who play pokemon are adults, like me. im 25 and i still play it. i dont stop playing a game because its considered kiddy, besides there more value in playing pokemon when out and about than playing some shit phone game. if i like a game i will continue to play until the franchise turns to pot. its the only turn based rpg i like, i usualy don't play turn based i prefer real time combat. and regardless of what some people i know alot of people want a consol...

4138d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't see it as forcing me, ive been playing nintendo longer than playstation and xbox, does that mean there forcing me to buy there consoles for there games, no. i like nintendo games so i buy nintendo hardware, i like sony games so i buy playstation and i used to like xbox games so i had an xbox, its about what i want as a gamer/ consumer and like the dude said above if people want to play nintendo games but not on nintendo hardware then they don't to play them that much. i never ...

4138d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a 3ds and to be honest none of them games really intrest me, I never really liked the Mario sports games and rpgs etc, is it a bad thing, no. why, because I already own or know about the games I wanted, like pokemon x and y (yeah I know its sad I'm a 25 year old playing pokemon), zelda (both ocarina 3d and new one that is gonna come at some point), metal gear 3d, dead or alive dimensions I could go on.

however I can understand why people don't play nintendo or ...

4140d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i replay games because there good games that deserve to be played again,hell ive played silent hill 2 and mgs3 on ps2 over 30 times and brought the hd collections of both on ps3 and mgs hd on vita and mgs3 on 3ds. achievments add nothing as a shit game is shit and i wouldn't replay it afterwards anyway. there not worth my time. i've played all the uncharted numourous times and not even 50% trophys on them because i cant be arsed, i play games for fun. thats why i still play wind waker...

4141d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

if one dropped out (although i doubt it), i think it would be microsft, nintendo do nothing but games and had failed systems in the past but there still here, besides there quite a rich company and sony would drop another department before playstation goes as its now one of there few profitable devisions and both of them have alot of strong ips. microsoft on the other hand could drop xbox and focus on surface or another media device if the next xbox doesn't sell and just by the rumours ab...

4141d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

your wrong dead rising released in 8th august 2006 no where near launch window, november 2005 to march 2006, so we can add hd zelda to wii u launch games then? prey was 11th june 2006 (not launch window), saints row was released on 26th august 2006, if you said games released in first year you would have an argument but this debate is about launch games not games coming out in first year

4147d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

console gamers play games not specs, pc gamers play specs because they need specs to play games. with consoles it not really the specs that matter but what devs can do with them, take ps3 for example the most powerful console out of last gen but most multiplats where worse than they where on xbox, what happend to that power?

also apart from a few childish fanboys that only play one console most gamers play more than platform (few can't afford multiple platforms but i d...

4147d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

the title doesn't even make sense, "PROOF that wii u MIGHT not be next gen" well i would have thought if it was proof surely it woud be IS NOT next gen. journalist cant even write these days and this title is proof of that

4147d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

actually no, Read the neogaf thread, no one knows what is exactly in the gpu, im not really defending it as i don't know how powerful the gpu is nore care as im getting a ps4 aswel but there is actually really interesting stuff going on over there and the architecture is really unique, its not even close to normal amd designs so comparing it to amd pc gpu is compleatly irrelivent.

however i will say this, i do believe it is more capable than ps3 and 360 ( i hate ps360 t...

4147d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

firstly i doubt amazon actually knows the price its just a guess based on Wii u game prices at the moment and it could very likely be cheaper and I'm fed up with hearing Wii u has a drought of games, guess what every New system does this is not a wii u problem but a new console problem in general. if people expect a system to be realeased and have 100s of games in the first year your delirious, name 1 console that has had 50 plus games in 4 months, oh wait nonę, your lucky to get 30, the ...

4149d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

this is getting stupid. ps1 and Saturn was weaker than ng4 all 3 where gen 5, ps2 was weaker than GameCube which was weaker than xbox all gen 6, Wii was weaker than Xbox which is weaker than ps3 all gen 7 and Wii u is start of gen 8, no consoles match each other in power and power doesn't determine a gen, if power determined gens then all consoles are never next gen that title goes to pc, if you disagree you know Fuck all about gaming and its history and probably only started gaming in th...

4149d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think its more important for Microsoft because Sony and Nintendo have already have my money but Microsoft will have to show me something I really want. However Sony has got a lot of work to do to wow us after last of us, it looks like they've raised the bar for what consoles can do.

4152d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

that's because devs heard the words "nintendo" and "wii" and didnt even look at it, ea dice said they heard the Wii u CPU is rubbish, they haven't even looked at it an 4a said they had an early look at Wii u and they didn't think it was plausible, that means they had a quick look at the first dev kit and couldn't be bothered but probably because of thq and we all know what's.happened to them so no surprise, where as crytek said they saw cry engine 3 run...

4161d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

sorry but techically all consoles are outdated the moment they are made. that is a mater of fact, and if going by recent rumours from devs the current graphics cards in the next ps and Xbox are not that much better than the Wii u although they said it could be changed at a moment's notice but even if this rumour is bullsgit I really doubt there is going to be a gap like last gen.

just out of curiosity how many Wii u owners or potential Wii u owners are going to own multip...

4161d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

name 1 RPG made by Sony that looks this good all them games you mentioned are linear games with limited freedom of movement and exploration that always look better than rpgs because of lack of scope and scale, this is a compleatly open world looking like nothing ive seen in this genre. why does infomous not look as good as their other exclusives, because its an open world. ok its not an RPG but is the closest thing to one in scale i can think of made by Sony in house. and no im not a Nintendo...

4162d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

it really pisses me off when people say zelda and Mario are the same rehashed game, if they played them they will know for a fact they are all different (except New super Mario bros) but then they will play cod, halo god of war etc, almost every zelda game is made on a different engine with different graphics style and gameplay mechanics but they just see a person in a green tunic and think its the same, play Mario 64 then sunshine then galaxy and you will see that they are compleatly differe...

4163d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have a vita and a 3ds but upgrading to the xl for the same reason 3ds screen is too small and the size cramps my hands after a few hours, I have massive hands and most controllers and portables feel small even the vita, its wide enough but hasnt got a lot of hight or depth fella really uncomfortable especaily when trying not to touch the rear touch pad. I'm getting board of my vita at the moment only keeping it because it has mgs hd coleection and golden abbys I love them games.

4168d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

this always happens in UK we have january sales and as retailers are allowed to set there own priced a lot of things go on sale, rrp is only a recommendation but manufactures can't force prices on retailers in Europe something to do with European trading laws.

4168d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

this is the UK for you the ASA is over strict it only takes 1 complaint of a misleading nature and about 3 complaints of an offensive nature and 1 for sexist, most of the time its old buddies complaining for the fun of it.

4169d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've always owned multipal consoles and don't plan on stopping now. loving Wii u and looking farward to ps4 I'm unsure on Microsoft though I had a bad experience with my 360's so I'm playing waiting game on them, steambox has more chance at getting my money than Microsoft at the moment

4170d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment