
CRank: 5Score: 20780

Dreaming your Mrs was carried away to the pikmin onion and git turned into hundreds of pikmin, that's what happened to me so I stopped playing for a few days, I never dream about games and this dream freaked me out.

4060d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

"the problem with Nintendo... You know I like them and everything but not a lot of people buy it"

Its this kind of bull shit that is really annoying me with devs, if he was referring only to Wii u then fair enough but Nintendo has the world's highest selling console on the market right now in the 3ds, but yeah no one buys Nintendo then they say there 90 percent sure that it's coming to vita which is selling nothing like the 3ds, why can't they say "...

4060d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

I understand what you are saying but why's are you comparing the 3ds to smartphones, yes entry level smartphones technically have higher specs than the 3ds, but there also required to do a lot more than just play games. if it is the chip set that is the problem, why is no one developing for the vita as well
which has a more modern chip set that devs have the tools and Api's for. the only answer is lack of developer interest which again is not Nintendo's fault, same goes w...

4061d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Third party support is not Nintendo's fault but third parties, before you say yes it is, the Wii u is not selling I would like to point you towards the 3ds, highest selling dedicated gaming device in the world at this point, where's all the western support, oh yeah it's hardly there. Nintendo isn't the problem third party companies are especially EA, it's getting that bad I'm refusing to buy some publishers games on any platform, if they don't respect there consume...

4061d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well you obviously haven't used the Wii u to see it's online, it's does use simple names and is a good stable network, the problem is developers are ignoring it like batsman Markham origins not getting multiplayer on Wii u, that's nothing to do with Nintendo or the network but developers themployees selves. Warner bros said they are making online for the platforms with a big online presence but how can The Wii u get an online presence if no dev takes it seriously, granted Nint...

4062d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks dude, link took me ages to draw and get the colours right and in the alien pic it was originally a ray gun but just before I posted it my brain said, Nooo you gotta give him a banana, for some reason but the idea made me giggle so I edited it just before I published it.

4062d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Love this app. Here's a. Link to some of my drawing on miiverse, not the best but pretty decent.

Windwaker link drawing.

Sketch of my Mrs.

Naruto uzamaki
4062d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is old news, the writer has it wrong there is a single player but not one with cut scenes this was mentioned months ago.'

4079d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that just shows how closed minded you are, all the games you mentioned are only in 3 genres, FPS TPS and Racing, plus none of them are exclusives so why dont you play them on pc,

almost every wii u exclusive is in a different genre that change vastly from one another, Zelda is compleatly different to mario, mario is compleatly different to Wonderful 101 which in turn is alot different than bayonetta even though its made by the same studio.

now im not saying t...

4082d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

If your on about 3ds it is top selling console in America Europe and Japan so they have beaten them all around the world. Not bad for a doomed company.

4084d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's funny because isn't sega doing an exclusive deal with nintendo, so you want Nintendo on Nintendo, well you have it.

4087d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

i like the disagrees with lack of replies, whats wrong, haters got nothing to say.

4089d ago 8 agree9 disagreeView comment

you cant say that, people hate the truth, and pikmin is probably nintendo's least popular franchise.

4089d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

@ lol wut

no matter how you spin it, pikmin 3 is top of the charts with only 2 days of sales, regardless of the sale numbers nintendo is in 1st and 2nd place how is that a bad thing. please enlighten me with your wisdom

4089d ago 14 agree5 disagreeView comment

not defending Mario bowling but all of them Mario games are different IP's, Ip stands for intellectual property so Mario kart is one ip and super Mario is another, ones kart racing and the other platforms,

the puppeteer from Sony is a new ip although it uses an already established character from littlebigplanet ( any respectable Sony fan would know the puppeteer is the main baddy in LBP) same argument,

4094d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wtf are you chatting, do you know how to put a sentence or paragraph together. how can you say the Wii u is powerful compared to last gen consoles then say 360 and ps3 are more powerful. also the ps4 and Xbox one are only powerful compared to last gen consoles so it that nothing yo be proud of neither as many pc's are more powerful than ps4 and Xbox one.

4095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the thing is and People don't know because there stupid is ip stands for intellectual property so Super Mario bros is one ip, Mario and Luigi is another ip and if Mario did skiing that would be another ip, it like Sony's new up, the puppeteer is a spin off of littlebigplanbet as all Sony fanboys know the puppeteer is the main baddie in littlebigplanet but yet it is a new ip because it's a different game with already existing characters

4096d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think anybody expected game and wario to do well, that said I have played it (not owned) and it's good for drinking games and that's about it, if your not playing with a mate it's pretty pointless.

4096d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

are you deliberately forgetting bayonetta 2 is full hd 60 frames and is a graphics and cpu intensive game it runs and looks better than last gen bayonetta also you can't compare uncharted to monolith x there is a lot more happening in monolith x than uncharted as it is a seamless open world not a corridor shooter. you need to compare it to a seamless open world rpg and it looks better than anything released in that genre so far.

also gt5 IS NOT NATIVE 1080 HERE'S IS A...

4102d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

look at monolith x that debunks everything you just said and yes this game is Nintendo first party and yes looks better than any current gen rpg.

4102d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment