
CRank: 5Score: 20780

Congratulation we have a goon that thinks he knows what core gaming is lol. Oh and you have never played donkey Kong tropical freeze so how would you know if it's easy or not and FYI it's actually hard, harder than Skyrim but skyrim is an open world game so it hardcore lol. And yes I own and played completed skyrim as well as donky Kong and dinky Kong is a lot more stressful

3807d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Wonderful 101, that game was a huge risk and new ip so stop your gibberish

3810d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

@the pcz, No if they announced no smash bros on Wii u then they would be giving up on Wii u, your obviously a kid that doesn't understand how the world works, a company does not make any games on a console that they are giving up on, so no Mario kart, no bayonetta, no Xeno, no smash or hyrule warrior, oh wait Nintendo is still making Wii u games. Let the adults talk who know what there on about and a winter release for console smash is best for sales and it wasn't delayed this is the ...

3819d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I love how people say Nintendo should go third party for financial reasons but fact is even though Wii u isn't too hot Nintendo is still one of highest revenue generating gaming companies in the world more so than EA and a main reason for this is there portable market ( currently 3ds) and Nintendo can't put Zelda on ps4 and Xbox then make it an exclusive for 3ds they would need to go third party on both and would Nintendo want to put there handheld games on vita a console with less in...

3820d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unless your a 3ds ambassador you wouldn't have played these on3ds there only available to purchase on Wii u.

3821d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You might want to look up monolith soft x that's an open world Nintendo game in developmen and I'm pretty sure the Wii u Zelda will be in 3d, just for you.

3821d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

What I don't understand is, by going from your name you have or will have a ps4 am I correct?

Now you already admitted that you want to play nintendo games and say the reason you don't play them because the console and company are behind the times. we'll if you already have a ps4 and want to play Nintendo games as well then Nintendo's hardwhere shouldn't bother you.

if you like the games they are offering, you'll probably still get yo...

3821d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nah Microsoft is the most cash orientated company. Yes Nintendo likes money but what buisness doesn't.

3829d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It has 16 New tracks and 16 remade tracks going by what destructoid said.

3829d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Apparently according to destructoid it runs at 60fps with local 2 player. it's only 3 or 4 player local player matches that get capped at 30.

3829d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's only UK read the actual paragraph under the title, Warner bros UK so Lego sold more than a million in UK alone read people. So everyone bringing up world wide sales numbers of previous Lego games have wasted there time. Is it really that hard.

3846d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Chances are it's probably not a system seller but with all the talk about how great xenoblade is it might be a run a way Success, I for one was looking forward to it and now I've played xenoblade it's my most anticipated game even over ground zeroes and second son.

3874d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because it's only one of 3 home consoles released in the seventh gen, and how is it in a different market when pS3 Xbox 360 and Wii are dedicated games consoles for the video game industry all of which are the same Market, an iPad is a tab not a home console which is a separate market in itself.

Do you realise how stupid you sound, I'll ignore the fact that the ps1 won the 5th gen because n64 was more powerful and not in competition with Sony. See how stupid that soun...

3878d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes but 1.1bn loss for a quarter is a lot though and it doesn't matter what the ps sales are if Sony as a buisness is going bankrupt, a bankrupt Sony = no PlayStation, it doesn't matter how well PlayStation is selling if Sony as a whole can't make money so it's not dumbass logic it's the sad truth, I like PlayStation I have a ps3 ps4 and vita so I don't want Sony to go but if they can't sort there shit out there gone long before Nintendo

3880d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

The 3ds and psvita are part of the 8th gen of video game consoles, handhelds used to have there own generations but for some reason now there put together as one gen.

3926d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's 35 million in 2 years typically Nintendo handhelds sell for 7 years. Talk about numbers when the 3ds is all done and dusted. 35 million in 2 years is a lot of units more than the gamecube, original Xbox managed in 5 by a long shot.

3933d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

The ip is owned by Sega I've actually looked it up. its joint owned by platimun and Seg(Sega has more control) like wonderful 101 is joint owned by Nintendo and platinum. Nintendo had to get permission of Sega to make bayonetta 2 and Segas logo is on bayonetta 2 promotional material.

4003d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've pre ordered pokemon and it's coming tomorrow, yay, I also have watchdogs pre ordered on Wii u and ps4, waiting on infamous.

4003d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo still did it first look up powerglove.

4004d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We'll kindly explain why dues ex is 20 more then ps3 version is its not sabotage, I already own dues ex on ps3 but I was wwilling to buy it again for wii u bit fuck that now there ripping me off. See the point third parties obviously want Nintendo out. N64 was most powerfull console of gen 5, hardly any support, GameCube power wise was better than ps2 just under Xbox, hardly any support so ppower isnt an issue it's developers attitudes that are.

4004d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment