
CRank: 5Score: 25940

This has to be one of the dumbest comments that a person can come up with.

5628d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

There is nothing gangsta about living at grandmas house

5628d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please get your facts straight and stop with the dedicated server crap. only a couple of games actually do dedicated. Not standard for every game. Come on people.

5628d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Such emotional attachment. I hate SE I hate SE. Get a life folks. Get to the gym or somthing wow.

5632d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

This interview had to have happened 2 months ago. Gotta be with some idiotic comments he has made. Never fails to entertain.

5633d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Did you not just see the NPD results? You seem to be doing some of these shows early and by the time you post it makes you sound out of touch with what is going on. Not one exclusive was in the top 20 for NPD December on the PS3. the only game in the top 20 overall was a multiplatform game COD: WAW
It wasn’t even the fact that it only sold less in November and December compared to Xmas 07, but the install base simply is not buying the games at all. All this talk about Resistance 2 and ...

5635d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed and I don't see a price drop coming. No need too. Keep focusing on profit goals vs kudos for how many units you sold. If they price drop and sales go up to a point where it is only selling on par with the 360 then it would be pointless to price drop.

5636d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

The best thing Sony can do is focus on what they already said to do and that is to get profitable. No need to drop the price just to brag about monthy units sold. They don't need to bleed anymore than what they are bleeding now.

5636d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow. Not one exclusive title for the PS3 and a multiplatform game is on the list out of 20. I thought 2008 was the year of the PS3? I thought with the lineup for Fall surely the PS3 would sale systems based on that very lineup. It is time for some of the fanboys to simply give up with the doomsday come back scenarios. I can't wait to try out Killzone 2 next month but at the same time I am not naive to think this one game is supposed to sale systems for the rest of the year. Please no on...

5636d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

That comment didn't make any sense. Games have been selling in the millions even before the price drop. They are not doing a price drop because Killzone 2 is out and one game isn't going to save the PS3. It is not going to do what Halo did for the Xbox when it came out. It is 2 years in. Killzone 2 will not make someone who doesn't even use there PS3 for games go out and buy it and others. It will not turn PS3 onwers who don't like FPS into FPS players. It is not a messiah so stop tryi...

5637d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So we keep moving the like forward now huh? I thought it was a must have by the Fall of 08?

5642d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What I am saying to the fanboys is that nothing has changed. Yes the Wii has been dominating in Europe but the software sales for the 360 continue to sale more than the PS3. We have seen both the eclusives and multiplatform for the 360 dominate both Chartrack and NPD. So I have no idea what your point is to me. The fact remains the games sale more on the 360 which is what alot of denial fanboys on this site continue to say. Even though the evidence and facts are posted.


5642d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

So what happened to all the claims about the software for the PS3. Look at where are are at now. The PS3 has one game(which is multiplatform and not an exclusive) in the top 10. Where is Resistance 2 that was supposed to beat out Gears 2?
Where is LBP which was supposed to sale consoles along with Resistance 2?
Where is Pacific Rift which was supposed to add that(ohhhh 360 can't touch this years line up blah blah blah)

This has nothing to do with if the games a...

5642d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Shouldn't be surprised when you are coming in 3rd place. All of a sudden send out comparisons(again)

5646d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't see what is stupid about it. The PSP is as big as the screen Apple is talking about. The PSP as big and thick it is still fits in peoples pockets. to have a 9inch size ipod touch is good news for me. I have a first generation touch. I am glad i didn't get the current one with a smaller screen.

5653d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is idiotic. For one, you can say the same thing for every product on the market to complain about the numbers. PS3's do fail also so how many should you take away from that number. See how pointless that is? For a system that has such a high failure rate it is funny that everyone seems to buy alot of games and has done so since this system launched compared to the PS3, a system with a less failure rate. Some people claim the failure rate is 40% or whatever yet more games get sold on...

5660d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment


No I don't agree. See post 12.

By the way I am still waiting for you to dicuss how you hyped up HOME and claimed it to be this OMG thing they have only to find out after 2 years of waiting(Yes I know it is a BETA) that this is what they have to show after that long in development and close beta? In addition, how is it that during that time of hyping it up and claiming it to be competition against Live that you or your incside sources didn't know or commen...

5660d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Let me get this straight. We just saw the November NPD and yes the price drop did help the 360. But explain to me why not only the PS3 but the PS2 and PSP all dropped in hardware sales in one of the biggest months of the year? Plus the most anticipated games of 2008 haven't sold like R2 and LBP. Now all I here is excuses left and right. The 360 outsold the whole PS3 family in November. Coulda shouda woulda does't matter if the PS3 was priced at 200 today. It isn't. Even why I am deploye...

5660d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

Who wants to bet this will be in Beta until the PS4 or PSP2 release?
Who wants to bet that fanboys will still defend this "Beta" when that time comes?

5660d ago 17 agree23 disagreeView comment

We keep moving that line.

5660d ago 13 agree7 disagreeView comment