
CRank: 5Score: 25940

What I find funny is everyone that either can't afford it or wants to play on Live wants it to be free and then at the same time will say Live sucks. MS has been doing this for 7 years now. Paying for Live from a company stand point makes sense. Hell it would make sense to Sony if the system wasn't as expensive when it started out. But Sony wouldn't be where they are today if t hey charged that service on top of the price it was then and even now. If you can't afford live or 8 bucks a mo...

5680d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

That would be because they haven't reached that many games played idiot.

5683d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I picked this game up yesterday and haven't even installed it to my console yet and it has ran just fine.

5684d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

They are not planning to change the controls. They are looking to add more options to the controls. So more options better for the issues some users are having. You don't have to change your controls

5684d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some you arm chair analyst are a joke.

The Wii needs a price cut
The PS3 is now #1

Japan isn't going to be a game changer for sales so get off their di*k thinking this is the case. Some of you are idiots sometimes with your comments.

5684d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment
5691d ago

great now break it all down so the fanboys can stop with PSN is taking over Live becuase they group all the memberships together. Tell me what the actual number is for the PS3 since that account is usually what you use to go to the PSN store and online gaming. Give me a break with the bs about taking over.

Bottom line is MS decided to go the pay route 7 years ago and it has worked for them when consumers do actually use the service from games to movies to DLC. Hell, I have ...

5691d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

not a mass system seller. It is only going to sale the the 2006 launch buyers. If the holiday games couldn't even sale systems during that time then what makes you think this one game is going to do that. They came out of a bad holiday and you expect it to just pop back up when January still showed a declined compared to 08? No it isn't a system seller but you have your people that are in denial about that until it is released and we see NPD and then the excuses will start flying.

5692d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

People get the PS3 for the games? Where the hell are they on the sales chart then. Kind of ironic to make that claim when the proof is out there that for 2 months in a row only one PS3 game has sold in the TOP 20 and it was multiplatform. 360 gamers obviously enjoy other games besides Halo3 but being ignorant will cause you to be blind or you choose to be. Either way idiotic comment about PS3 gamers buy games as if 360 gamers clearly don't from what you are saying.

5694d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

what is the shock with that? I buy only the exclusives for my PS3 everything else for the 360.

5698d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

I don't care if you call yourself a game Journalist. The problem with some of the articles especially from HHG site is the people that do articles like Hydro can't seem to comprehend that opinion doesn't equal fact or actually doing any research to back up any claim they make. I mean come on don't make an article about the doomsday concerncs about the 360 after the NPD for Jan was released and then have qoutes from usernames from some forum to back up your claims. If you can't spell what t...

5701d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why I find funny is how everyone keeps talkingabout the 199 SKU. Yes the 199 Sku is cheaper than the Wii one and only Sku but the 360 also sales other sku’s. The article assumes no other sku is sold except the arcade. The article doesn’t researched done becuase it seems like you had 3 articles ready to post.

The current article you did to try and paint a better picture for the PS3.

The possible article of the 360 outselling by 200,000 units then what would you sa...

5703d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

The real problem is your site and the writers like Hydro who pass off opinions as facts. I mean, at what point do you and others simply take responsibility for your actions. People call you out on what you and your writers say on your blog. The issues with grammer somthing that shouldn't be an issue. SPELL CHECK is what you should be telling your folks. Then you have Hydro making excuses about a guy that is new to the site posting on YOUR SITE. Since your other writers represent you the...

5708d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The real problem is your site and the writers like Hydro who pass off opinions as facts. I mean, at what point do you and others simply take responsibility for your actions. People call you out on what you and your writers say on your blog. The issues with grammer somthing that shouldn't be an issue. SPELL CHECK is what you should be telling your folks. Then you have Hydro making excuses about a guy that is new to the site posting on YOUR SITE. Since your other writers represent you the...

5708d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


Thne maybe you "experts" or seasoned veterans need to learn to set guidance on your site. This isn't an excuse either about being new you and others on the site continue to push articles as fact or BS like articles about Killzone 2 will do or might do or can do Halo sales instead of just letting it sit as what it is vs measuring up and you wonder why fanboys come out the wood works to cuss and complain. Your blog is no different than the o...

5709d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Where are the gamers that bought Rachet and Clank?
See what I did there. Didn't think that one through did ya?

5710d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

So even if that is the case. You all are getting excited because Sony says they sold 10.7 mil VS 10.3. ???????

So how does 400,000 get them closer to outselling the 360 in its lifespan?

5718d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Did the article not specify they were talkin specifically about the PS3 and 360. The article is misleading because it is talking about Sony as a whole from PS2, PSP, and PS3. Not PS3 only numbers in comparison to the PS3. So yes BS article. The fact that they did a follow up to explain the numbers and still not get it shows how sad the article is. Get some honest journalism instead of playing as a wannabe journalist.

5719d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

And it started. See it is idiotic comments like this that doesn't make sense.

5721d ago 5 agree28 disagreeView comment
5721d ago