
CRank: 5Score: 25940

It is that time of year where we here the same song and dance. MS was supposed to be doomed in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and now here we are at 2009. RROD didn't doom them, Resistance 2 didn't doom them, Motorstorm didn't doom them, LBP didn't doom them and Killzone 2 was supposed to doom them. But they are doom this year FOR SURE. None of the systems are doom now and please with these articles pointing out MAG and GOW 3 when we don't have solid dates on them to begin with. Even when we get...

5643d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Again your dumba** pointed to comments about them SUPPORTING the PS3 for 10 years not the physical systme lasting for 10 years. Again think before you speak.

5646d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Some of you really try hard not to think before u speak? If you can show all of us where it is stated that a system WILL last 10 years then I will stand corrected. Otherwise, you must be confused with Hyundai 10 year warranty. The warranty on the PS3 is 1 year. If it was 10 years then don't you think Sony or MS would have a 10 year warranty? Stop being so gullible.

5647d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

What do u mean why do you have to pay 150 to get your PS3 fixed. Are you trying to tell EVERYONE here that you didn’t know you have a 1 year warranty on the PS3. Guess what? Sh*t happens. Doesn’t matter if you got an electrical surge or your system overheated. You had an option to purchase your PS3 from somewhere like Best Buy and get a 2 year replacement plan. The PS3 isn’t the holy grail and nothing is guranteed not to break, overheat or get a power surge. Sh*t happens and it happen to your...

5647d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Excuse me but what does claiming NA being the the biggest market and your opinion that Europe is the biggest market for the PS3 have to do with the sales of the game? Yet your telling someone to take it easy about the sales yet you throw sales right in your comment ABOUT A SALES ARTICLE??? If you got links to support it passed the million mark in Europe then please provide them and please no VGCharts. Thanks. Because like this article, wouldn't we have heard from Sony Europe right now abo...

5647d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I keep laughing about the big budget market campaign and yet they had to make an announcement about it hitting 500,000 when compared to 360 exclusives that had less of an install base and did 2-3 times that in just a matter of days.

You gotta love PR though, they try so hard.

5648d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow you sound like a bit*h. You and other fanboys getting fired up over somthing that isn't even guranteed facts.

5649d ago 13 agree13 disagreeView comment

Yet no proof was provide just a fanboy opinion. Nothing different that the same type of article since 2005. Move along everyone nothing to read.

5649d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

You forgot Gears of War is also on that list but you were TRYING to make a point and obviously failed.

5649d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Apparently not the exclusives which is what the comment comes from. It hasn't been a surprise about the multiplatform games. The exclusives are the ones that lack. Resistance 2? Motorstorm 2? Killzone 2?

5651d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Except Quaterman isn't just EGM HHG's site is mostly about flaimbait titles and articles and he has already stated to us all it is all about the fanboys not "real talk as claimed". How is rumors and guessing "real talk"? See EGM didn't rely mostly on fanboys or rumors or inaccurate information. They had Journalist who were actually gasp Journalist who had an editor who actually gasp edit and for the most part they had gasp integrity. Reviews are opinions and EGM was a...

5652d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

N4G is not inside news and it isn't difficult to get to E3 or GDC so please.

5652d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why does MS need to answer to Home? It hasn't posed a threat. 1 vs 100. It is funny how the wording is put to make it seem like HOME is what is on top when HOME hasn't proved to be mainly a waste of money thrown at it so far. That is just as bad is one of the articles yesterday trying to take a shot at Live because it doesn't offer 16 player text chat????? Please.

Mortal Kombat? I guess last weeks test of no flaimbait titles proved a point about what we have been saying...

5652d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I wish some people would get their facts straight and understand the game is not going to have 256 people at once playing with EACH other. You will only fight pockets of people vs actual 256 fighting YOU at the same time.

5653d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

notice it is 2 million users not 2 million sold.

5655d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yippie and it is VGcharts what a fracking shock.

5657d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Why do u all act like this is the first time a developer has done this? This is nothing new.

5659d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Wow. This is going to be interesting

5660d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing nuts about it. Yeah it sounds strange but did it cost cheaper for him to develop it that way?

5662d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is funny when Sony is in the same boat about profit and everyone here is hoping for them to drop as much as 100 off the system and stay in the red. Also you and I don't know where they are at on the cost by the Fall of this year or by the beginning of next year so saying them dropping a price based on NOW isn't the point. We are talking about later which the field will be obviously different by that time frame. The cost of parts are not going to be the same as it is now for both syste...

5662d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment