
CRank: 5Score: 25940

One of the leaders here for most idiotic post of 2008. Please come back Jan 1 09 to see the results. Keep up the good work.

5804d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The point is who really cares if it can or can't. Especially a game that is still not out yet and was announced in 2005. Really doesn't matter when you are waiting and waiting on games to release.

5806d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment

How many times has that question been asked? Every exclusive that comes out someone states it can't be done on the 360. They have been saying that since Resistance.

5806d ago 15 agree9 disagreeView comment

The same thing happen when the original came out.

5806d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now that the PS3 doesn't sale as much all of a sudden the numbers don't matter when they are not in your favor. Oh yeah this was never supposed to happen with the numbers being higher than the PS3 at all. Feel kinda sad for the fanboys

5809d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

No less mis-leading than having a PS3 that does HD with HD cables sold seperately.

5809d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are going HD

5819d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Clearly you don't have anything to say then. Another wasted post. You obvously didn't read my whole post. Before you continue to go into defense mode I was pointing out the history we have seen. Nothing Nostradamus about what I am saying. I am providing my opinion of what I have seen and read. Sure I am going to check out Home but IMO(In My Opinion)I don't think you understood that acronym, HOme is just a glorified Second Life that doesn't seem to offer much.

5820d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Wait a minute? That is all you have to say? You mean to tell me we all have the same enjoyment of games and that is all you can do to respond to my post on a forum that talks about games? Why waste your time with that post. If you don't agree or don't like what I said in my post, please provide an opinion but don't waste your post with ignorant stuff like that.

5820d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

HOME Will be answer to xbox live

Yeah it is an answer but not a really good one IMO in the long run. It has been said before and I will say it also. It is Second Life 2.0. People like myself will try it out and will have Live for the last 6 years in the back of my head wanting to just simply get from pont a to b. I will walk around home a few times to the point that I am simply looking for a shortcut like I would in an RPG game that takes me straight to the town I want to ge...

5820d ago 11 agree12 disagreeView comment

Please contribute actual news sites instead of personal gain. Don't play the game or series anymore. The game is over a year old and yet, people want to hate or go in detail on a game they don't care for. It would even make a difference if you were talking about this a year ago or a much much more recent game like COD: World at War or Gears 2 regardless if it is postive or negative. Please stop the blogs submittals especially the person who did the actual blog.

5823d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Read again. The PS3 hasn't outsold it month after month. The 360 just outsold it in August and it is expected to outsell it for September. It also outsold the PS3 earlier year. At least get the facts straight.

5824d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So funny how some of the fanboys made statements that this clearly shouldn't even happen in the Land of the Rising Sun. I mean it is bad enough fanboys brag about the numbers in Japan with them as low as we see them under 7,000. But what is more interesting from the fanboys is that you are now making statements like wait until the bundle comes, wait for the price drop, and wait for FF to release and you will see it sale like hotcakes. Yet it is funny that you have to make these comments on...

5824d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Somthing tells me they didn't get enough Qore subscribers to play it. Funny they release a demo only weeks after Qore.

5824d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So where is the indepth preview of the game since you claim to already played the PS3 version?

5830d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have to decide which version to buy which I am leaning more towards the PS3 version than the 360. If I get it for the 360 I am going to buy a stick for the game which I was planning too for SFIV.

5830d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You do realize that the Tekken series has usually launched with each system right? Your telling me us that you thought it might be out in the beginning of 09. Soul Calibur IV was announced to be in development a 1 1/2 years before a trailer was shown about Tekken. That game has been out for 2 months and it is from Namco. I am looking forward to it also but I find it suprising this game has been in development for so long before it was announced 24 hours ago that it will be multiplatform re...

5830d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The game has been delayed for 2 years now lol. It has been in Japan arcades for a year. The 360 didn't effect an already long awaited usually out on launch game.

5830d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really can't figure out how anyone who is not a dual owner has issues with whatever game was originally exclusive goes multiplatform and then makes a comment about not sure they are going to get it. Why the hell would you care if you were alreading getting it for that one console you have in the first place? If you or anyone doesn't care about the 360 why bother keeping up with the news about it. Same goes for the PS3. The ones who benefit are the gamers and the company making more(prett...

5830d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Some of you come up with the most idiotic reasons and don't bother to here the responses or reasons from the actual company or developers. It is always MS fault. The game has been in development or unavailable for 2 years now since announced. Way before we got confirmation less than 24 hours ago about the 360 version.

5830d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment