CRank: 5Score: 2500

They both look damn good and neither one "destroys" the other one. That's just fanboy talk.

One thing baffles me about their comparison. I have played the KZ3 beta for 3 days and there is definitely slow down. I think their analysis is off. Either their analyzer malfunctioned or something because there is definitely slow down in the recent beta.

And I didn't see any screen tearing in the Crysis 2 beta either. As Digital Foundry said, it...

4880d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guarantee Figboy's reviews would be worthless to a multi-console gamer like myself. He is so consistently anti-Xbox and pro-Playstation on this site to the point that I would never trust his reviews as being fair or impartial.

But let me just ask, Figboy, what would happen when your "objective" review clashes with my "objective" view of a game? Who decides who is right? I'm sure you would proclaim your own review as objective and mine as wort...

4881d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Please name these "lots of games" I can laugh. The only game in 2010 that rivaled Halo Reach in overall graphical quality was God of War 3.

But, please, list these games that supposedly look better than Halo Reach, so we can all laugh at your blindness.

Halo Reach is a fantastic game. The fact that you are not only attacking the graphics, but also the quality of the game itself shows that you are nothing but a trolling fanboy with ulterior m...

4881d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

ufo8mycat fanboys are always trying to downplay Halo Reach's graphics. In reality Halo Reach looks better than 99% of the games on the PS3 and is way more open and expansive on top of that. The couple of games on the PS3 that don't look worse than Halo Reach are the exception. So if Halo Reach has average graphics then 99% of the graphics on the PS3 are also average.

Get real, Halo Reach is by far one of the best looking console games.

4881d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

PS3 fanboys are freaking blind. No wonder they think games like MGS4 and inFamous look

4881d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

Anybody could have the same attitude about any console. Have your mind made up that it sucks and then when given a list of games that it offers just say they all suck. It is a common fanboy tactic.

'Why don't you give me a reason to own a PS3. and don't bring up Unfarted 2...that game is so gay.

See, anybody can do that.

The fact remains that the 360 has by far the biggest library of games of any of the current gen consoles (al...

4881d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

Many people couldn't care less about the PC. They have a 360 and maybe a Wii or PS3 so for them the 360 is going to be the only place they play those games.

4881d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

I loved the first one, though.

4881d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually, I believe there have been about 4 other well known sites that have given it a 7. And quite a few others have given it scores just above that, around the 8 mark.

4882d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

None of that proves that Edge is biased.

First of all, they might have certain tastes in games that happens to be at the opposite end of the spectrum compared to what many PS3 games provide. Let's face it, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft, all have a certain overarching "flavor" to their games. It's possible to generally not like the type of games Nintendo puts out, or Sony puts out or so on.

The second thing is, it's entirely possible th...

4882d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

You assume it's the better game. That's the thing, they are saying it is not the better game. It has some improvements in some areas, but in other areas it is worse.

4882d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

You're too biased to see the truth. If you were more neutral or a fan of one of the other consoles I guarantee you wouldn't think that. Nintendo, Microsoft and other companies also get criticized, their games are given low scores some times, people attack them. Why is it some of you only seem to notice when it is the PS3 or a pS3 game getting the criticism?

I know for a fact that I don't hate Sony in any way. They are a company that has made some great games. ...

4882d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

The first dead space had a better frame rate on the 360 version. The second Dead Space is actually equal. Most of those games were merely equal on both consoles.

And you have to admit in any case that is a pretty small list of games that managed to be about the same or better on the PS3. There are literally hundreds the other way around.

4886d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ bluwulf

You talk about underwhelming. MGS4 is underwhelming. The fact you hype it up to be some graphical monster makes me think you aren't a very good judge of graphics and makes your opinion completely worthless to me.

Just as one example, Dead Space 2 looks far better than MGS4 and that is a multiplatform game (which I am playing on the PS3, btw). MGS4 was sub-hd, had poor texture resolution, jaggie shadows and merely above average effects and ani...

4886d ago 3 agree10 disagreeView comment

I thought that they said it would be among the top three best looking games on consoles. I'd say that with a little polish between now and release they have easily achieved that.

I mean, aside from Killzone and Uncharted what else looks as good as Crysis 2 on consoles?

4886d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you the author of this comparison? ..because you made the same mistake as he did in the article. It's moot, not mute, bro.

You say "it's a moot point", not "it's a mute point".

4886d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony is catering to the hardcore market with the NGP and for that I applaud them.

This guy doesn't realize that there are a ton of people that want deep gaming experiences that they can take with them. Not to mention that there is nothing to stop the NGP from having more casual type games as well. PSN already has lots of games like that which I am sure the NGP will be able to play.

In my opinion, though, the two biggest things are the price and trophy s...

4888d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That would be awesome. If I could use it as a home console and a portable console I would be willing to pay much more.

I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. The graphics are of such a high quality that it would still look great on an HDTV.

In fact, that is the only problem with my PSP--I have found that I don't have many opportunities to play games on the go and when I am at home I have my home consoles to play and the PSP doesn't look ne...

4888d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think we know the release date will be sometime later this year right? But yeah, it would still be nice to know the exact date.

The price is my biggest concern. I really want one, but money is a lot tighter now and I won't be able to afford it if it is too expensive. Somewhere around the price that the original PSP launched at would be acceptable.

However, I fear that with all the tech packed into this amazing little device that it will be impossib...

4888d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everything about the NGP is great: the support, the specs, the design, the features. The only important question mark left is the price. I hope that they can somehow make it fairly affordable. I know that it packs a ton of tech under the hood so it is going to be difficult to make it affordable, but in order for it to be as successful as it deserves it needs to be at least somewhat affordable.

4888d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment