CRank: 5Score: 2500

Of course, it's a really great game.

But what does it have to do with supposedly being the best version. You can think that if you want, but that isn't why it is getting good scores. The 360 and PC versions received great scores last year.

4999d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are going to miss out on a great game then. If you are happy with your 360 that is fine, but you shouldn't be so negative about games on other consoles.

5004d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

What losers. PS3 fanboys talk crap about the 360 in 360 articles, they talk crap about the 360 in PS3 articles, and they even talk crap about the 360 in articles not directly related to either console. Basically the comment section is just being abused by PS3 fanboys as a means to constantly talk crap about the 360.

Why is it that I don't see Wii or 360 fanboys making such outlandish comments nearly as much? It's about common decency and respect for your fellow gam...

5004d ago 18 agree34 disagreeView comment

Yeah and the graphics on 99% of the games still look worse than original Xbox games. Either the Wii isn't that powerful or developers aren't even trying.

5006d ago 14 agree8 disagreeView comment

All I know is that I want it. Well actually I can also say that I doubt it will be as powerful as the PS3, nor does it need to be. If it is as powerful as the original Xbox it will still look amazing on that small screen. The stuff talented developers would be able to pull off would make you think that the graphics were pretty close to the PS3's graphics.

5006d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

There are other places that saw similar things happen as happened in Washington D.C. under strict gun control laws. Crime often goes up, not down. Not to mention that law abiding citizens are denied their right to defend themselves. An elderly person generally cannot defend themselves with anything but a gun.

Like feelintheflow I don't own a gun, but I simply see the reality that gun control laws actually tend to have a negative effect and never accomplish what the gun...

5006d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

People always want to find something external to blame, when in reality sometimes there is nothing to blame. I mean, it's not even necessarily his parents fault. He might simply have something wrong with his brain that makes him have a tenuous grasp of reality, which when combined with paranoia, anger and fear eventually led him to commit these heinous acts.

We obviously cannot have people like that running free in society. It's like a mad dog -- all you can do is ...

5006d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You blaming it on the gun is not much different than people blaming it on video games. In both cases the reasoning is faulty. The guy is responsible for his actions, period. He was obviously insane (you have to be insane to kill a bunch of innocent people). The tragedy was not caused by anything other than the insane thoughts of this individual.

5006d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

"another blah and boring xbox style console"

Really? You just proved how biased and worthless your opinion is. You are just another Sony fanboy that defends them at all cost. How many of you were concerned about piracy on the 360 or Wii? Hypocrites.

I am opposed to piracy as a matter of principle, I don't change my opinion due to shifting circumstances or loyalty to some corporation.

5006d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have a feeling that if this was Microsoft suing the hackers all the fanboys on this site would be calling Microsoft evil, blah blah blah...

In fact, when Microsoft banned modded consoles all the Sony fanboys across the net accused Microsoft of some dastardly deed, saying that they only did it to supposedly make people go buy a new console, etc. They didn't stand up for Microsoft's actions to do something about piracy on their console.

Double standa...

5006d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

I am against piracy, but modding your console to enhance it in various ways should be legal.

5006d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, I'm not even a PS3 fanboy and I think those graphics look outstanding. I think it looks better than any other console game so far.

5007d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

True, he isn't as well-known, but he is way more suited to the character. The Malcolm Reynolds character he played in Firefly/Serenity is so much like Nathan Drake, they have the same witty sense of humor and everything.

5007d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nolan North does an amazing job voicing Drake and he seems like a really nice guy, but he really doesn't look like Nathan Drake much at all.

5007d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know what you mean. I hope it stays true to its PC roots.

5007d ago 18 agree7 disagreeView comment

Don't even waste your time, Dude111. Most of these fanboys don't even understand things like analogies or logic in general. That is why they are always behaving so irrationally.

@ jcaashby

You are absolutely right about negative 360 articles never getting this much heat. Every week there are dozens and dozens of negative 360 articles, but they never blow up with hundreds of comments because it seems 360 fans know that there are always going to be...

5007d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

You don't get it. Things like "great acting" or nice "cinematography" are still mostly subjective judgments.

Moreover, those elements are not what people go to watch a movie for. If I wrote a review and just said that I thought it had great acting and beautiful cinematography readers still wouldn't have any idea whether it is a movie they might enjoy.

That is why good reviewers will explain how a game or movie made them feel and ...

5007d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ nycredude

But you guys are indeed PS3 fanboys. You, HolyOrangeCows and other people complaining about being called PS3 fanboys are whining about being called what you really are. It's not just how you are reacting in this article, it's how you act in every article.

No, I don't think LBP2 deserved a 7.5, but you guys never spoke up about obviously unfair, low scores for games like Halo Reach. At those times you guys just jumped on the bandwago...

5007d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know that it has a very, very high chance at being my GOTY. Deus Ex was simply the best game I ever played.

5007d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really enjoyed it. 80+ on metacritic is hardly bombing, as Jimmy Riddle already pointed out. Some of my favorite games this generation scored in the 70s and 80s on metacritic. Not to mention that there are a few games that scored 90+ I really don't like at all.

5012d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment