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But as amazing as the graphics are it is the gameplay that has me most excited. I absolutely loved Crysis on the PC and it is obvious that the same style of gameplay has carried over to Crysis 2. I can't wait.

4967d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Journalists have been extremely impressed with the graphics of the 360 version they showed off.

I told people that they were going to be surprised by how good the console versions looked, but a lot of people wanted to stick their head in the sand.

It seems Crysis 2 was absolutely right about Crysis 2 being in the top 3 best graphics on each platform.

4967d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love the Thief series. I hope they can do the series justice. I am excited for it.

4967d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

You're a troll if you think that your opinion has to be shared by everybody. I don't care if you thought the Killzone 3 demo was amazing and the BulletStorm demo sucked. Not everybody is going to feel the same way.

Personally I found the Killzone 3 demo to be just ok, nothing that exciting. The BulletStorm demo didn't blow my socks off either, but at least it was something a little different.

4967d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

When the PS3 first came out most people that owned it were adults simply because the price of the console was so high, but I can guarantee that isn't the case now. I hear so many pre-teen and teenagers on PSN now it isn't even funny.

I think it is funny that you bash a game like Bulletstorm, but will turn around and play a game like LittleBabyPlanet and act like it is so mature.

4967d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

You're right. I usually see a lot of hate towards most multiplats from that crowd. I don't get it, some of the best games are multiplats. Let them play nothing but exclusives if they want to be that stupid.

4967d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

lol indeed. The only thing Uncharted had going for it over Gears of War was the real-time lighting engine that Gears or War lacked. Gears always did have the better texture resolution, though (Uncharted has nice textures too, but not quite as high resolution on average). Now that Gears 3 has a fully dynamic real-time lighting engine (as well as other improvements to the engine) the last piece of the puzzle has fallen into place and Gears 3 will easily be one of the best looking games on co...

4967d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment


The recent showing of the 360 version of Crysis 2 looked as good or better than Killzone 3 so I don't know what you are talking about. And nevermind Crysis 2, Metro 2033, Crysis 1, etc on PC. You have to be joking. Killzone 3 is a very nice looking console game, but don't over-exaggerate it.

4967d ago 21 agree6 disagreeView comment

True. I have heard almost nothing but positive comments from those that attended the event. Crysis 2 is shaping up to be something great.

4967d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just because PS3 fanboys think they are comparable and then a few sites take advantage of the fanboys and make silly comparisons doesn't mean that Killzone 3 is actually close.

The PC version of Crysis 2 is vastly superior to Killzone 3 in every way. Even the 360 version is doing a lot of things better than Killzone 3.

4968d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

No, he doesn't like video games, he is a PS3 fanboy.

4969d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

"textures are nothing special"

I don't know where you are pulling that from. The article certainly doesn't say that. I have seen the game running and the textures are very good.

"Although we have only tested an early "beta" version of Crysis 2, we aim to purchase and re-test the full version next March 22nd as the results and the game itself look stunning.

We cannot say with certainty that the performance ...

4969d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


I don't think people ignore Uncharted, Killzone and God of War. Those are great looking games. I think the issue is that many of us feel that some of you overhype their graphical prowess and downplay the graphical prowess of other games.

The other point is, those games look as good as they do because of the hard work and talent of the developers that made them, not because of some mythical superiority of the PS3 itself.


4970d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

You're the deluded one. The graphics tech in Crysis 2 is several steps ahead of Killzone 3.

Killzone 3 doesn't even have HDR lighting, look it up. It also doesn't have real-time global illumination like Crysis 2 does. In terms of precision and realism the lighting engine in Crysis 2 is superior to that found in Killzone 3.

The consoles are capable of HDR, it's just that Killzone 3 doesn't use it.

Crysis 2 also beats Kill...

4970d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Absolutely, Cock4Gamers, these fanboys are so delusional. The 360 has equally good looking exclusives. People's subjective appreciation of the exclusives on each console will vary, but objectively there is not much difference.

These fanboys always talk about "PS3 exclusives" as if all PS3 exclusives belong to some elite club. The reality is, most PS3 exclusives are nothing special at all. I'm talking about games like Warhawk, Ratchet & Clank series, ...

4970d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Redman22, you act like an idiot. Even when you have the freaking video right in front of your eyes you are going to sit there and spew that crap about Killzone 3 looking better. Clearly it does not.

I have a PS3 and I own or have owned all the top games like God of War 3, Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2. I have also played the demo and beta of Killzone 3. Don't try to tell me any of those games crushes Crysis 2. It's pure nonsense.

I personally think ...

4971d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

"as for interactive environment I hear KZ3 has that"

Well, you might hear that, but where is the proof? There is a ton of campaign footage from Killzone 3 out there and I have never seen the degree of interaction and physics as we have seen in Crysis 2. There is some decent interaction in some cases, but not to the same degree as Crysis 2.

Certain pillars and barriers in Killzone 3 seem to have destructibility, but Crysis 2 has that too and it see...

4971d ago 8 agree4 disagreeView comment

I agree with MarcusFenixITA, Gears of War 3 with it's new lighting engine is looking amazing and will probably look better than Killzone 3.

They both have a great real-time lighting and shadowing engine, but the main difference is Gears 3 has higher resolution textures. There are a few great textures in Killzone 3 here and there, but most of the textures I see in the game are fairly flat and low resolution.

He is also right about Crysis 2. Have you se...

4971d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

I agree, there are a few of you that actually have a brain in your head (like you for example).

He also should have said 'PS3 fanboys' to distinguish between the irrational fanboys and the regular fans of the console. I am a fan of the PS3, as I am a fan of the PC, the 360, and so on. I am not, however, a fanboy of any company or platform.

4971d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

A little common sense will tell you the comment was a joke.

The delay of Gears of War 3 was only known a few months ago, while Bulletstorm was clearly in development long, long before that. So obviously it is a joke that they 'suddenly' built Bulletstorm because they no longer had something to go up against Killzone 3.

4971d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment