
CRank: 5Score: 32210

The Sonic gameplay looks good, glad their isn't a million other characters to play as but I am still concerned about the wolf aspect.

5971d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Def, seems like Activision-Vivendi is the only major publisher not on the list

5971d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I may trade in my original 360 (which is yet to rrod) and get the new Jasper model if the single chip 360's aren't coming out until later 2009

5971d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

The game looks good and the gameplay seems fine but does it seem like the player moves around at a very fast pace, seems like he's almost skating on ice.

They should slow down the gameplayer run speed and make the game more suspenseful instead of just run n gun, make better use of your subject matter.

5975d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

First gameplay footage I've seen for this game and I have to say it looks great. Only concern is the controls for this game. Jumping is not really an easy task in first person.

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Sega got their act together and started producing quality innovative games again instead of copying ideas from other developers and rushing their products then this would actually be a good idea for the next MS console.

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really, and when did this happen?

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would MS have to pay EA money for the second one to be exclusive? I thought I read something before talking about how MS has a contract for the first two Gears of War and Mass Effect games.

5977d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Okay why would someone disagree with OC. He's stating his opinion that he had fun with alot of games already this year, and across all three consoles too. How can someone disagree with that? My guess, a fanboy, more likely sony with all of them running around here recently since the sony nuthouse got shutdown, disagreeing because he mentions and enjoyed games from another system that is not their system of choice.

5977d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope they fully utilize the aspect of having a dog as a companion. I remember in one of the first trailers I saw for this game I was impressed by the feature. I just hope the realism of raising a family and having a pet aren't lofty promises and turn out to be dissapointing.

5978d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rick, do you plan on purchasing Gears of War 2?

5978d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I dont know if you have noticed watdafuk but the 360 articles tend to have more PS3 fans commenting on them then 360 fans, whereas the trolling of PS3 articles by 360 fans is certainly alot less.

Look at Rick for instance, as a blatant PS3 fan, he has nothing better to do in the run of a day then look and discuss an article based around a game he will never buy. If an article comes out about a game he's not interested in why waste the time to read the article and then make commen...

5978d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

I totally agree, you said it better than I did. I should have clarified better but I never meant MGS wasn't popular as in doesn't sell well but it does lack that mainstream popularity that GTA4 and Halo3 has.

MGS3 was a good game, I liked the story in that one, but because MGS2 was rooted in the future it had this big convoluted technological story and didn't emphasize the characters enough, like you needed to be a rocket scientist on acid to understand what exactly was going on...

5981d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ace Ventura you're the idiot and based on your other comments, definitely a fanboy. Yes the series has sold well, primarily based on the awesomeness of the first game (which is why the second is so close in sales to the first), but since then it has been declining in sales. Since MGS2 left a sour taste in alot of people's mouths (mine included) it hasn't had the appeal it once had. Admit it, the high point of the series was the first game. I'm a huge MGS fan and all I'm basically saying is MG...

5981d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sorry to burst everyone's bubble but MGS isn't that popular either. Yes it sells decent and the series always gets favourable reviews, but the average consumer who doesn't troll around gaming forums or check gaming websites everyday aren't looking forward to MGS4. If you ask the casual gamer (which is a large percentage of the video game market) what games they are interested in it's always the same response, Halo, GTA, Gears of War, God of War, Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy, Mario, and a few o...

5981d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Thanks. It's true, all the controversy surrounding the game and with only two previous games produced by Guerrilla Games I wasn't sure what to expect but I want this game, even more than Resistance 2.

Reason why I haven't picked up a PS3 yet is all my friends have 360's so we all play online on that system and the exclusive single-player games for the PS3 that I want such as FF13 and God of War 3 aren't coming out yet. MGS4 is not a system seller for me personally. Loved MGS1, bu...

5982d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The dvd drive is the worse part of my 360. Yet to have any heat problems but games like Saints Row and now GTA4 always get disc read errors after playing them for a few minutes and I have to turn the console back on then it works fine for as long as I play except its quite noisy.

I was thinking about getting a new dvd drive for the 360, does anyone know which one is the best and has the least amount of problems. It's hard to find information on google without all kinds of hd-dvd ...

5982d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not going to lie, I am a biased 360 owner but this game definitely has my attention. I wasn't too interested in Killzone2 because Killzone 1's gameplay was too generic for me but after watching this video I am definitely getting this game whenever I get around to picking up a PS3.

5982d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Cannot wait for this game, day 1 purchase for sure. Ninja Gaiden for the xbox was one the best games I have ever played but it looks like this one might exceed that one. All I need to do is be able to put down GTA4 long enough to play it when it comes out.

5983d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If engineered properly it would last longer than you think. With little to no moving parts. It would basically be like a device playing a video because the 360 console would do all of the work.

On a small screen to have the same quality resolution as a HDTV it wouldnt have to be the full 720P. If you were to do 480P on your PSP's small screen it would look pristine.

5983d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment