
CRank: 5Score: 32100

While I don't agree with the first part of your comment because this does put Sony in a tighter spot since most people buy systems for the games, not blu-ray movies, and that's the biggest advantage the PS3 has right now console-wise. I fully agree with your second part, drop the arcade unit altogether, it's just going to limit what future developers can do with the sytstem.

5942d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Xbox live is a measly 5 bucks a month, if you can afford to be online and on N4G you can afford five bucks. The whole xbox live cost money deal is blown out of proportion. What MS needs to fix is offering more downloads for free since were paying for live.

The new price for the premium model is amazing, especially with the new sku coming out that has a 60gb hard drive and if it has the better cpu and gpu it will definately be worth the $300 US/Canadian.

5942d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

They dropped the price now so people will not only go out and buy them before easter break but prepare to sell off the remaining sku's and make way for the 60GB model. That is what they're saving to release just before GTA 4. As for Sony, with them currently having one of the best blu-ray players on the market in the form of the PS3 and the MGS4 bundle coming up, they're not going to drop the price soon.

5942d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Definately not, so many people had trouble with that game. The angry video game nerd even does a video on how freakishly hard and unfair the game is.

5942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Both games will definitely be added to my game collection. The original Mafia was amazing on the PC, hopefully the second one lives up to the original.

5943d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dam right they need to make a new Strider game like Devil May cry 4 except faster and with a huge @ss sword swinging around

5944d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I currently don't own a PS3, still have to finish my back catalogue of 360 games from 2007, but I am interested to see which game most PS3 owners will choose So I know what one to pick up and play online when I purchase my PS3.

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you, or anyone, wants to build your own computer, but dont want to do it actually yourself try out this site, http://www.lucomputers.com/... Its a Canadian company that gives you a ton of options in choosing your components, and from comparisons ive done its fairly cheap.

A friend recently purchased a Quad Core 2 duo 6600, 4gigs of ram, and Ati 3870 for $1000, which can run any game right now smooth as butter on high...

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game will run better on the 360 than PS3 for one reason and one reason only, not because of power but architecture. The 360 is more like a multiple processor pc than the PS3 is, plus it utilizes some dx10 effects, which the PS3 doesn't, end of story.

5947d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Flock of seagulls would be an amazing party song for either guitar hero or Rock band.

5948d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The first saints row did enough things different, like having a gang focus, and creating your own character that it was different enough from GTA to be enjoyable, though I still wouldn't play Saints Row 2 right after GTA IV, but a couple months later would be good.

I remember the original made me laugh so much harder than any game before, when you had to steal ho's for your pimp friend, who has a lisp and gap in his front teeth, I cried I laughed so hard or when I saw the guy dre...

5948d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Preferably 2011 would probably be the best bet for MS, and release a redisgned 360 this year much like the PS2 slim. There probably won't be a huge graphics upgrade so if they make the next xbox completely backwards compatible with all the features of the 360 I dont mind upgrading to the next system. Sell my xbox 360, get the new hardware and keep most of my games and start with an already decent collection, sounds good to me.

5949d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gameplay-wise, I'm waiting for the demo to test out the gameplay, but based on the screenshots, the graphics look like some of the best this gen.

5949d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Stupid fanboys and sony defence force, bubbles for you. I agree both games look good and a good shooter year no matter what system you own, why so much arguing. If people want to compete go play some sports or play your games online, something you at least have some control over.

5949d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If consumers did their research they would find out that minus slightly lower storage, that overall it was a better format for consumers whilst blu-ray is a better format for the corporations, and in this war the corporations won.

Hd-dvd lacked any region codes, all players have internet access to upgrade firmware, and the first batch of Hd-dvd players were capable of the same features as the new players. Blu-ray has more restricted DRM, is region coded, early Blu-ray players lac...

5952d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have to say I am amazed and impressed with the people commenting here today. Usually a biased article like this would have a war started by now, but other than a couple of people like power of green it seems quite civil.

It's nice to see people just expressing there opinions and not shoving it down someone else's throat, like I prefer peer to peer networking because in a couple of years if I want to play a game I don't have to worry about dedicated servers, just if people stil...

5953d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

True, well if they kept up the work and upped the number of polygons I think this would have been a sweet game to have on live, would have been a definite purchase by me.

5955d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Based on those screen shots Rare did a good job of at retexturing but what about the player models, they still look horrible.

5956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think someone has some anger issues and something to prove.

5956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If everyone wants a remake of Goldeneye check out Goldeneye Source for the PC, it looks pretty freakin' sweet so far.


5956d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment