
CRank: 5Score: 32100

Seems like some of the sites now are contrasting each other. Ign did not like the puzzles but loved the boss fights; Gamespot like the puzzles/dungeons but did not like the boss fights.

Reviews are a personal taste, if the game is getting good reviews in general, try it out for yourself and see if you like it.

4324d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Amazing. Can't get over all the great reviews this game is getting. As a huge Batman fan, I cannot wait til Tuesday arrives.

4629d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

As much as I am sick of these articles, this was one of the better MW3 vs. BF3 articles so far. It actually tries to educate a newcomer to either series about what they maybe getting themselves into. I have only played Bad Company 2 out of all the Battlefield games, played every CoD on the 360, have BF3 pre-ordered and felt like this article helped get me excited about both games.

But please people, don't approve anymore articles like this.

4633d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Can someone please explain to me what language this is?

4639d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GOTY contender but can they stop releasing spoilers? I will know everything about this game by the time it releases.

4640d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Agreed. It was one of the most enjoyable single-player experiences I had this generation. Being a fan of all things Zelda had a thing to do with that. Plus I found the story and atmosphere to be quite interesting, and Mark Hamill went a long way to making the Joke...I mean the Watcher entertaining.

4640d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

This game is gonna be F'n amazing. Too many great games coming out this year. I feel bad for my poor wallet.

4650d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Deadshot? Well they could have done worse and had Egghead or King Tut from the 60's Batman. I would love to see Hush or Black Mask in the game but I guess they have to save some good rogues for the third game. This game already is going to be a sensory overload, especially for any Batman fans.

4657d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I cannot wait for this game. Im not sure it will live up to the standards of the first but with each video I watch, I am definitely having higher hopes for it.

4707d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is why I have enjoyed Ubisoft so much this generation, they are not happy with their series getting stagnant and continue to try and improve them unlike some companies *cough* Activision.

4741d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Okay so this makes no sense. My horses in Red Dead Redemption ran fine, but ubisoft have to slow them down because I don't have a solid state drive?

4784d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I honestly think the author needs to get more of a life. Who spends 40 minutes looking for a Best Buy salesperson to try and disprove a tweet that the author misinterprets?

4859d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with Pachter 110%. Cliffy B is just in response to the other person's twitter account saying it was sold out in HIS area. He is no way implying that the game sold out anywhere, he is just wondering if it did, and IF IT DID then it is a good problem to have for him and the companies involved obviously. As for EA, they are a large corporation who will say whatever they can to boost sales, and don't they consider units shipped not sold when reporting sales figures?

4859d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is it just me or there is no lies there whatsoever. Cliffy B just asked a question about which other stores were out of stock in response to one post that a store close to him had no copies. I don't know if the people here learned a different style of English then me, but the English language I learned leads me to believe that what he said is not a lie.

4859d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sooo you dont like Gears, but to say Left for Dead 2 and especially Batman: Arkham Asylum is not good, for shame.

4878d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont think you are going to hear the "more than 5 years" comment so much for the reviews for this game for a couple of reasons. 1. The game continuously pokes fun at its long development cycle. As long it doesn't do it too much, it should provide a few chuckles and 2. development on the game actually stopped and then switched developers, none of that happened with the other games mentioned.

Ever since Borderlands I think Gearbox found their calling in making l...

4892d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unlike most of the "major" websites, I find AOTF actually honest reviews.

4969d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

After playing this game it is just "too much the same." If Activision was willing to wait until next year to bring this game out with some extra development and innovation it would be alot better. Right now, it is too much the same and not worth the full price of admission.

4969d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of course someone has to troll and blame a games problems on a video game system, not the ones that developed the game and the money hungry publisher forcing them to put out the same game each year, nooooo can't blame the problems on them.

4969d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Haha disagrees because so many people on here are insecure about their console they are obsessed with and making such a big deal about such a small thing, sounds about right for N4G. I think most people here need to get out of their parent's basement and live a little. Not have lil nerdy fanboy wars with other people online about how the graphics during a video is beefed up a bit compared to regular gameplay.

A brand new game is announced and barely even talked about, but oh no,...

5183d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment