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1617d ago 11 agree38 disagreeView comment

This is a new narrative getting primed now that DF are in MS' pockets in light of rumours and leaks suggesting that the new Xbox will have the best specs. It started building as the X1X got revealed and flexed its muscles and IF the leaks are true, I imagine we'll see more of the ill founded and frankly silly "DF collecting cheques" statements.

It really is silly and it isnt fooling anyone other than all those that force themselves to subscribe to it...

1617d ago 10 agree45 disagreeView comment

I'm not a fan of this approach. Yes its good supporting the old console in a way, but I dont want the new console to be shackled by really old hardware.

There are some questions regarding how this will be implemented but its for first party titles only so MS and its studios will be better equipped to scale this. But my question is why bother?

Seems like there are some questions regarding how it will be handled. Even DF says that "for the most par...

1618d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

How is E3 smaller than other events? In terms of attending guests?

1618d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't think it's a good idea but then again I get that Sony is leading by a big margin so it can afford to miss it.

But I think it's still a bit of a risky play. Not as risky as it would be historically though as there a multitude of events, whilst not as big as E3 afaik, can get just as much exposure in this more digitally focused age.

1618d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

This Tweet means Xbox is going head to head with Sony?

1618d ago 22 agree32 disagreeView comment

Yeah I'm hyped now for what is most likely going to be a reveal in February.

1618d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

They don't need to attend the biggest gaming event in the world because they can impress the world with a logo that just replaces the number 4 with the number 5?

1619d ago 12 agree32 disagreeView comment

Fully agreed here. Sony isnt invincible like a lot of people pretend. Sony itself had this mentality with the PS3 and it got humbled.

1619d ago 11 agree33 disagreeView comment

Wtf man that's mad. I don't think that's a good idea although I guess Sony doesn't 'need' it. February reveal incoming!!

1619d ago 21 agree60 disagreeView comment

Theres no crow to eat lol. It's just a discussion.

1619d ago 8 agree13 disagreeView comment

I think they'll do what they did with PS4. Have their own event next month or so AND attend E3.

1619d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Exactly. People start crusading and saying 'Sony doesnt need this' like they did in other articles but it would be mental not to show off the PS5 and its games at E3 on a console launch year.

Yes Sony is dominating the scene but it doesnt make business sense to skip the biggest gaming show of the year. I seriously doubt Sony will not show up.

1619d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

Yeah exactly. It looked stunning when it was first shown off this gen; imagine how good this would look on PS5.

1619d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Hopefully this is revived. Would be great to see this come back

1619d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Haha that was....glorious

1619d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Septic - x or series x? I'm confused already."

Uh oh- and here thought only mums and grandmas would be confused. Come on man. It's not hard!

Halo 5, despite its SP problems was still an excellent title. Not one console exclusive this gen comes close.

Halo Infinite with a whole new engine and a decent campaign continuing the epic nature of the MP for Halo 5 will smash it. Hey the last God of War before the one this ge...

1619d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

"And you're basing your information on this gen? They got stomped here and in the UK."

Read the second sentence in my post.

"Could you enlighten us with examples where Microsoft, with all their money, was actually competition? "

It's going to be hard with your head in the sand butpok at the 360 years. For a fair good few years the 360 was reigning supreme in sales and it did cause a massive dent to Sony unle...

1619d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

"while I wait for ms to stop holding 3rd party games hostage."

Its first party only....

1619d ago 27 agree43 disagreeView comment

Head to head, they stand a chance in the US and UK. Worldwide, not really. The 360 years were a good example of how Xbox did cause a severe dent to Sony despite being relatively fresh on the scene, irrespective of the very alte conclusion of that gen.

Xbox will inevitably go head to head in many areas against Sony where there is direct competition but the industry is large enough to accommodate both. Xbox has definitely carved its own space here and led in other areas so th...

1620d ago 0 agree13 disagreeView comment