If you are reading this, I am causing you pain


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I don't think he's saying they will NEVER jack up the price. Just that their intention isnt to go in low for the purpose of jacking up the price later.

Tbh, the service is priced so low that people are questioning how sustainable it is. Doesnt that mean that as far as some consumers or gamers are concerned, the price can be raised?

1721d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Nothing to show for it? The likes of Red Dead Redemption, Gears 5 and pretty much most multiplats showed off the power of the 1X.

1721d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Lol. Even if they raised it by a couple of quid, it's still pretty great value. Right now people are saying its unsustainable because of the fact that the price is so low or that they are getting some crazy deals like XGP for £1 etc.

1721d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Well said. Damn

1721d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I suspect that it's enough, it has to be.

1721d ago 0 agree12 disagreeView comment

Lol yeah.The narrative keeps changing. Its unsustainable or Sony did it first or...MS isnt competitive enough. Crazy!

1721d ago 11 agree16 disagreeView comment


1721d ago 10 agree21 disagreeView comment

If positive opinions/news about Xbox causes you to suffer then you maybe looking at a longer term of suffering beyond 9 months.

1722d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lets just bookmark these posts and see what holds true? Sooner or later we will all see whether the leaks were correct or not. Unless WW3 puts a spanner in the works!

1722d ago 10 agree12 disagreeView comment

"Are they just going to be making filler games? Because what they have shown so far hasn't looked that great."

Really? Despite people's attempts at downplaying the likes of Halo and Forza, do you really think these games are filler? Gears 5 was filler? Hellblade 2 will be filler? The Outer Worlds was filler? Ori will be filler? All the studios that MS acquired are going to be working on 'filler' titles?

1722d ago 31 agree37 disagreeView comment

LOL! Well I guess XGP is unsustainable and it will bankrupt Xbox /s

All that marketing might, all that push for this service and all that money spent on studios, only to throw it away because....I dont know, maybe for Xbox cares so much for gamers that its just practically giving games away lol.

Come on people. You really think Xbox haven't thought this through?

To me, the people saying its unsustainable is proof of just how incredi...

1722d ago 28 agree49 disagreeView comment

“I know some people — I’ve seen it — some people say, ‘Oh, they’re just kind of burning money left and right in order to gain customers so they can trick you into raising the price later.’

“There’s no model like that, for us,” he said. “We feel good in the business that we’re running now. We’re definitely investing in it, but not investing in a way that’s unsustainable."

There you go. Straight from the horses mouth. Now let me guess...he's lying ...

1722d ago 63 agree73 disagreeView comment
1722d ago Show

The first view of the innards of the beast.

1722d ago 59 agree84 disagreeView comment

@The Wood

Why cant people address the points in the article instead of subscribing to conspiracy theories? People need to come up with a proper argument against XGP instead of acting salty when its blatant how good the service is.

1722d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah that's my point.

1722d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

This looks amazing. Everything Project Spark tried to be and more.

1722d ago 3 agree25 disagreeView comment

I cant wait to see what devs do with the power of the PS5, especially Naughty Dog. They will create some incredible looking games. Oh and Guerrilla Games.

1722d ago 69 agree48 disagreeView comment

Yeah I think that appears to be the case for a lot of the commentators on here.

Its weird; one the one hand people weaponize XGP in their arguments when it comes to an Xbox exclusive being released, pointing out to the nominal amount they have paid for it to play the games. Clearly there is value here otherwise they wouldnt bother because (1) the game is good and (2) the value is good.

On the other hand, apparently XGP is a scourge that will destroy the ...

1722d ago 11 agree26 disagreeView comment

Precisely. Its extremely difficult to argue against the service and at best the opponents arguments really are quite poor. They boil down to (based on this thread):

1. It needs internet.
2. This will ruin the industry or promote awful practices.
3. It's not sustainable.

It is extremely difficult to deny the value it offers as a service hence why you have such poor (imo) points in opposition against it.

1722d ago 15 agree25 disagreeView comment