If you are reading this, I am causing you pain


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I live in London mate :)

1719d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah it seems like a really long way of saying we only like Playstation exclusives to me...but maybe I'm being too harsh

1720d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

"Again...there's basically 10 to 11 months before next gen starts & there are no current XBO exclusives XBO owners to look forward to hopefully MS supports their next console with exclusives to the very end of it's lifecycle."

But then you're deciding what's quality to you. You wont count NT's next game because a MP GaaS game. Not everyone needs to get excited by linear third party over the shoulder games all the time.


1720d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Creatively crippled is massively overstating it. They are set to have a lot of variety courtesy of their buying spree. Just look at the studios and the variety of creative titles they have released.

"Have yet to show they've yet to realize let alone move towards fixing the issue."

How can you say that they haven't shown a move towards fixing the issue when they have taken one of if not the biggest step in doing so by acquiring a large n...

1720d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

I agree but they still created some real changes in it that left their opponents reeling and catching up at some stages in key areas such as online where they paved the path for others to follow. The next frontier seems to be the digital space as the landscape changes again.

Next gen they seem primed to really offer a fight whereas last gen they were limping from the very beginning.

1720d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

"Microsoft have always had studios."

What?? Have I entered into an alternative universe where MS werent being constantly raked through the coals for not having enough? They didnt mate and those few were working on their key titles.

"Lets see fruition before we laud or condemn."

Well we can go by some of the studios'past work. What's stopping us from praising the guys that made The Outer Worlds and Fallout Ne...

1720d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

Yeah I wonder if you'll get an answer to your question here..

1720d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

97% of connected consoles is insanely high. There were massive arguments about people not having internet etc but clearly this information shows how out of touch those views were. Obviously not being forced to go online is a big thing.

I am almost always online, even if I am playing a single player game. It feels odd not having your console connected for some reason but that is the way things are these days. Gaming and our interaction with it has changed quite a lot in lin...

1720d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment

"Hey heptic xbox is the most powerful now
What's it gained against"

The 1X was a mid gen console. This is an entirely different thing. What did it gain? Well it completely outclasses the PS4 Pro.

"If I think a few falling needed to be bought studios are gunna gain then think again"

Lets see mate :) Time will tell.

1720d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

Yes let's talk when the specs are revealed 😎

1720d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

FFS I just bought Tekken 7 on PS4. Ah well, the DS4 is a better controller for fighting games so there's that...but I bought a fighting stick so..... :/

1720d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

"Phil seems pretty confident that the SX will be the most powerful next gen console. How he can possibly know, I have no idea."

Yeah I'm intrigued about how/why he appears so confident that the X will beat the PS5 in power.

We shouldn't write off Sony and their ability for last minute surprises. They did that this gen with GDDR Ram, they could pull something off now too.

1720d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

Lol so apparently AMD are in cahoots with MS to market the X as some dastardly plan to market their tech

1721d ago 14 agree27 disagreeView comment

The initial deals and upgrades may entice people to the service (which they clearly have) but long term engagement is key to their plans I'm sure. I've got Ultimate now and I'm sure a fair few will end up getting it too.

1721d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Very impressive!

1721d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

They attained that status years ago.

1721d ago 14 agree20 disagreeView comment

Oh yeah I'm definitely relying on XGP to race me a fair few quid. But the X and PS5 and its exclusives are going to create a real dent.

1721d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

It's going to be an epic year. Cyberpunk, TLOU2, Halo Infinite, beastly next gen consoles....I'm ready

1721d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment


1721d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment


1721d ago 8 agree19 disagreeView comment