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"Oh, yea Xbox deffo gonna win next-gen now I can't wait."

:/ Okay...

1691d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment

"Subs is all they need and even that won't save them. Some heads are gonna roll, when it doesn't play out the way they think it will"

Been hearing this for years. The same people on here were espousing the demise of Xbox and how they wouldn't even be in the console race next gen. We've heard it all before; just look at the comments in the article I linked.

The takeaway from this has been "Switch outsold Xbox lol" ? Yee...

1691d ago 6 agree29 disagreeView comment


Sony is dead if your comment were to be taken seriously (it shouldn't)

1691d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To a certain extent its fine when it's kind of loose banter. I enjoy the debates and arguments but it doesnt take much for it to descend way beyond that. Console wars can hurt the industry when people take things too far.

Generally though, I do enjoy the banter and it's a good way to pass the time at work etc. But these things often go WAY past that

1691d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment
1691d ago Show

because there's no exclusives? why would someone waste money on a console when they can play on one platform?

did common sense fly out the window with you guys?"

Use some of that common sense yourself and understand that people may still want to game on gaming console. Just because exclusives are gone doesnt mean people want to magically start gaming on PC's. Or are you saying the ONLY reason people game on console is because ...

1695d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Otherwise what’s the point"

The point of what?

"If you get rid of exclusives than platforms will die and only one will remain; PC."

No lol. Why wont there be any consoles?

1695d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment

"Well the good thing here is that you still need a PS4 to use remote play so Sony literally doesn't miss out on anything"

Lol how is that a good thing??

Edit- beaten by Havik above.

1695d ago 17 agree56 disagreeView comment

Very interesting. Sony is quite naturally looking at making its games available on other platforms too. Would be a good move and a big one at that if you could play PS games on Switch and mobile

1695d ago 43 agree85 disagreeView comment

Nintendo Switch is a BEAST

1695d ago 14 agree15 disagreeView comment

You dont need a Xbox on. You're not streaming from your console. There is a separate function for that btw.

You dont even need to download games. There's a library of games you just play straight away save for loading.

1695d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

RIP bro :( A true legend has passed away

1698d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

As completely lacklustre as The Order 1886 was, a sequel could be good if it sorted out all the problems of the first:

1. Consistent Story
2. Gameplay- remove the useless QTE's, sort out the gameplay loop,ai (well pretty much everything)
3. Level design
4. Boss battles

1698d ago 33 agree41 disagreeView comment

Absolutely they do. MS had to work backwards and strip away all the necessary fat and then start building muscle.

1702d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

"And it was meant to be humor.. your basically saying how bad you think xbox is doing by making comments like "How could it get worse for Xbox?" That's not a statement that implies strength."

I was posing the question in response to Thundercat's statement where he said:

"For what I know, this new gen can get even worst for xbox."

I was wondering how it could get worse when compared to how it stumbl...

1703d ago 3 agree13 disagreeView comment

Well you do highlight some good points.

The Playstation 5 reveal will be the big tell. Really excited to see the beast finally revealed.

1703d ago 11 agree49 disagreeView comment

You think forward compatibility would cause people to forsake the console completely? That's a massive stretch.

"Especially when the door is open from the get go for people to just stick with or move to PC instead"

People dont want to stick with old tech and moving to PC isn't an attractive nor viable option for everyone.

"Though I think your comment may say more than I ever could about the state of Xbox." ...

1703d ago 32 agree30 disagreeView comment

Yep there's that.

1703d ago 79 agree59 disagreeView comment

Facts lol

1703d ago 5 agree20 disagreeView comment

How could it get worse for Xbox?

1703d ago 34 agree35 disagreeView comment