If you are reading this, I am causing you pain


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@The Wood

"Did Sony tell you that."

Actually yes they did. Lol.

1670d ago 2 agree19 disagreeView comment

I think they are definitely on the defensive or at least it seems like it. On power they MAY be beat and by quite a margin and with them admitting they are waiting on Xbox on price goes to show not only how defensive they are but reactive too. The show cancellations just adds to the narrative. This a FAR cry from the tone and run up to the current gen.

1670d ago 25 agree98 disagreeView comment

"I think Sony have proven time and time again that they march to the beat of their own drum"

That's why they're waiting on Xbox before they reveal anything...

1670d ago 18 agree58 disagreeView comment

This is nothing like the current gen. MS have revealed their hand first with a ridiculously powerful machine and a lot more confidence going in. Whilst Sony is cancelling shows because of the Corona virus...supposedly...

1671d ago 13 agree14 disagreeView comment

A massive power advantage if true. RDNA 2 vs RDNA 1 as well.

1671d ago 19 agree16 disagreeView comment

Clearly they dont care about their own health! /s

1671d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment


1671d ago 24 agree21 disagreeView comment

"And you are explicitly ignoring the subsequent context SC provided because it doesn't fit this strict narrative you are trying to enforce"

Why do you feel vindicated by his subsequent response, as nonsensical as it is?

"You don't like my answers to the questions because I don't agree with the premise of the question"

And then you accuse me of cowardice. How many posts of utter fluff have you posted. ...

1671d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The fact that you still dodge not only the initial question but the subsequent one says a lot. No point tapping at Sophisticated when maybe when I should be trying to help you as you're so scared to answer the questions I raise you start posting further questions.

You're implying that he should lock himself up in his house; I can only guess here because you're so scared to answer the question you're pretending you've answered.

When you...

1671d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


Yet you couldn't answer it at all. Should he lock himself up in his house?

Should everyone cancel attending PAX?

Common sense is out of the window on this one and scaremongering reigns supreme.

1671d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

" Respond to what? The fact that he lives around Chinese people in Canada? What does that have to do with anything?"

Responding to his question that I pasted?

1672d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

"So let me get this right.. you are fully aware that your region can get infected in a very large scale and because you feel like Superman with out a worry, everyone else should?!"

What? He feels like Superman because he ventures out of his house?

1672d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment


"What don't you understand about people flying in from various parts of the country and the world?"

Are Sony the only company attending PAX East flying from various parts of the country and the world?

"In case you haven't noticed, there is currently a pandemic."

It hasn't reached pandemic status.

1672d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

"However, I still deal with people in the Chinese areas of the Metro area I live in, so should i just lock myself in my home until the coronavirus goes away?"

I would love to see someone actually respond to this and not just phantom disagree.

1672d ago 3 agree20 disagreeView comment

Can someone please reply to Christopher with actual figures.

You are talking about a convention in Boston. Cases in the ENTIRE US = 35.
There are a multitude of of other studios going in. How is "this virus isnt specific to China or Asians" a proper retort?

1672d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

Such incredible logic! Sony has coronavirus confirmed!

1674d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


1674d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lol you serious brah?

1675d ago 5 agree31 disagreeView comment

"I seem to recall the same sort of wishes when it was all about digital distribution (that its a fad and nobody will support digital gaming"

Yup. And how stupid was that short sightedness in retrospect.

1676d ago 10 agree19 disagreeView comment

"People are overselling the market potential behind titles that rarely sell to 10% of the market reach as it is. They're not meaningless, but they're not why most people buy the consoles"


1676d ago 9 agree51 disagreeView comment