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"PS5 is all about speed and being the fastest console "

Eh? Speed in what sense? The SSD drive?

1551d ago 57 agree48 disagreeView comment

Lol don't get your hopes up mate. Read the article- it offers nothing substantive:

1. It dedicates 3 paragraphs talking about processing power could be freed up from less audio workload...its all speculative.

2/. The final point is : Also, Sony is going with a whopping 448GB/s of RAM with a higher I/O throughput over the competition. From the looks of it, Sony is trying to eliminate potential bottlenecks in the main threads as much as possible. No aud...

1552d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment


1554d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Lol let the SSD wars begin.

1554d ago 9 agree21 disagreeView comment

Sony chose to reveal its console this way. Who told Sony to pick GDC to reveal its console first?

"The PS4 Reveal had a live show, it actually showed the controller and also showed off real-time footage of games in development, as well as a few technical demonstrations."

Exactly. Why didn't Sony do that here? That's what this article is about. This stream was a big marketing misstep for Sony.

1554d ago 37 agree66 disagreeView comment

"so we can't really be disappointed at the way they did it."

Yes we can. This was a spec reveal to the world. Doesn't matter if it was designed to be pitched to devs. This was our first glimpse into the PS and this was how it was shown off? It was dry, delivered in Cerny's monotonous tone and frankly pretty shit if you ask most people. It didn't need to be revealed this way. Want proof? Look at how the PS4 was revealed.

1554d ago 69 agree112 disagreeView comment

Razzer...yet again I've seen you get triggered because you're wrong and then throw out ad hominem attacks


"That doesn't change the TF, Einstein. It is still has max TF of 10.28. Not 9.2 TF. FACT."

Ssssh. You're wrong. Deal with it with some dignity ffs.

1554d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

Xbox Series X is a proper BEAST 🔥

But the PS5 being weaker doesnt mean its not a beast. It's got considerable power in it's own right and Sony will deliver some outstanding looking titles.

1554d ago 97 agree66 disagreeView comment

That didnt go down so well did it 😂

1554d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"PS5 will play ‘almost all of the top 100 PS4 games’ at launch"

That's a shit 'solution' to proper backwards compatibility no?

1554d ago 86 agree51 disagreeView comment

Lol those verified insiders haha...the people who ripped Github apart and then believed a so-called deciphered riddle. So much egg on their faces.

1554d ago 8 agree35 disagreeView comment

Yeah this is why Sony were waiting. I said it before. They are waiting on Xbox to reveal the price now that they have lost out on power.

1554d ago 29 agree66 disagreeView comment

Lol yeah that 11TF rumour was silly...yet allowed "because a dev said it" through a riddle.

So yeah= 10.28 BOOSTED....Github leak was legit.

1554d ago 21 agree39 disagreeView comment

Fair play mate :) I am confident Sony can pull something out of the bag and have an even more powerful console or at least match the power. Sony traditionally put the power to better use imo but I expect things to change drastically next-gen. Cant wait for both consoles.

1556d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

"I'd counter that by saying 90 percent of the new care bears don't give a flying ### about the life of developers but do now all of a sudden because it's a Sony dev. "

Lol! My days...that Sony violin. If Playstation created covid-19 you lot would be injecting yourselves with it 😂

At one point do you think posting "Goes both ways" is fooling anyone now bruv? 🤣

1559d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol that video of the kid smashing his room up because of the announcement is shocking 😂

1561d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Competition driving positive moves. It's great for all fans.The twitter meltdown though is something to behold

1562d ago 39 agree25 disagreeView comment

Good to see Playstation fans excited for Xbox games and vice versa. 😎

1562d ago 12 agree10 disagreeView comment

and Overwatch is basically Team Fortress....right?


1565d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

Lol the excuses come in. I've already read how Digital Foundry is biased. The fanboys are preparing their narrative in light of the rumoured specs, one of which ended up being true. They can cry and pretend it's all a PR campaign etc but had it been flipped, these guys would be saying the complete opposite.

1575d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment