Only a noob would call someone else a noob


CRank: 5Score: 49780


That's part of the point.. Too many people rely on using sniper rifles because they were almost always instant death, and because it almost always gave them the upper hand. Thankfully, less people should be using them now because they will take more skill to get kills with. In the right hands they aren't going to be worthless, and that really is how it should be.

I really hate seeing 70% of players running around with snipers in BC2. Most ...

4687d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I was just coming here to mention that game, haha.

Brute Force was a pretty darn cool split-screen co-op game. I had a lot of fun with it, and I'd really like to see another one.

Makes me want to play it again, so I might just have to. =P

4687d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Influential, that's definitely true.. but it's not exactly a good thing. As much as I like playing some CoD, it's a franchise that has been showing other developers that they should start catering to the casuals as well, and to make their games simplistic, be lazy with it and put as little effort into it as possible, and absolutely no heart. I mean, I guess you can't blame them because casuals are where the money is at, as ironic as that sounds..

But it really...

4688d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think this was the tutorial I watched around a couple years ago when I was trying to get my PS3 controller working on my PC under XP. If you scroll down, you'll see there are also some instructions under the video.

I'm sure there's a better way to go about ...

4689d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, I was going to check out the game, but my AVG detected and blocked something after going to the 'Check it Out' link on the review page, which leads to the game at I recommend that people not go there if they're wanting to play it.

I'm not sure if it was from the game itself or what.. but here's another location for playing it.

For an MMO, The Old Republic looks pretty great, and in ways it looks to be changing things up a bit from how they normally are done by an MMO by adding in the voice acting and story elements, as well as doing some other things a little differently. It looks like BioWare is taking a step in the right direction, but from what I've seen, I don't know if it's enough of a change. But I could be wrong, and I hope that I am.

I'm not that big of a fan of MMO's, b...

4701d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do people not understand what the term 'option' means?

It would be something that you would never have to touch in your lifetime of console gaming. But, for those that are interested, they would be able to check it out, and it would make things easier on the devs themselves.

I see nothing about it that screams "Omg dude, you're so annoying".

4702d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only Nemesis is more attractive, and less orange.

4702d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Great family fun! Kinect at it's best!" 10/10 - OXM

"Duuude! It was almost like being there in real life! Can't get enough of that Snookie, brah!" "1.. 2.. 3.. uh, 5.. *holds up both hands* "This many! I think.." Two Hands Up - Representative of 95% of the US population

"Lyke! OH-EM-GEE! i have never, lyke, played a game be4, but i serisly totally fell in love with this game, u have know idea. I so can not blei...

4702d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

So no other games are allowed to add in different game modes to give players a little bit of variety? Was CS even the first game to use a bomb arming mode? Somehow I doubt that. Even if so, I see no problem with other games using a similar game type. More game modes give players more choices, and that makes us happy.

CS, and pretty much every multiplayer shooter in existence, came to be, and took from, older games like Doom, Quake and Unreal. So, going by what you're sayi...

4703d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's why it should be spiced up a bit. I think if some sort of bomb mode was done right to fit in with gears, it would be a lot of fun.

Maybe each team could have their own defective ticker that wanders around, and the goal is to take a grenade and stick it inside of the other teams ticker, after picking it up, to try and set it off. You could also allow the disarming of said grenade so the match isn't too quick. Maybe you have to kick it so many times or something ...

4703d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game rocks. I haven't played it in years, though.. I think I'll pop it in here sometime soon and replay it again. =P

All of the Jedi Knight games are awesome. It's too bad that all the newer Star Wars games are, at best, average.

4703d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm just guessing that it mostly has to do with the inclusion of NPCs in the game. Perhaps they'll be able to have land claimed as their own, so X area would be defined as one groups town/village, as well as letting you do the same. Maybe you could also get NPCs to live in your own sets of claimed land, have your own guards that could attack intruders, maybe even have your own shops. Who knows. =O

Maybe it could also be put in place for online play. So, say someone ha...

4705d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There really isn't all that much that's bad about Too Human. I honestly don't get all the hate. It's a pretty decent game, and it is FAR from being one of the worst games of the last decade.

Sure, it took a while to release and didn't live up to expectations that people may have had of it, but so what? That doesn't make for a horrible game. People need to stop giving themselves such high expectations of things. Expect less. You get more out of it, and ...

4706d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had no issues with it at all. I found the game on 360 to be amazing, even the combat system was great. I'm also a big fan of games like Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Dragon Age is one of my favorite games, I might even prefer it over Mass Effect. I'm sure it's better on PC, and I would rather play it there, but my computer is ancient so I had to go with the console version. =\ It still rocks a hell of a lot, though.

Dragon Age II, on the other hand.....

4707d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like both Dungeon Siege I & II, they're a lot of fun. I like the second one the best. I just wish I had someone to actually play them with. =\

Another great game is Sacred. I've spent a couple 100 hours playing that in total. =P

4721d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I find it to be a lot of fun to spend a lot of time on creating my characters in games, even on the Sims. It's one of those things that gets me a bit excited knowing it will be a part of a game. It just adds to it for me.

It kind of annoys me when I see someone not even bother with customization options, or when they don't put any effort in to it whatsoever. It's like.. do you really have that much of a lack of creativity? lol.

I know some people ...

4721d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, if they get this working fine, this will probably be the best multiplayer game in existence. (For people like me, at least) Morrowind is a freaking fantastic game, one of the best there is, and even just being able to have a buddy or two to tag along with, or without you, would be so damn amazing..

I am actually really excited for this, more so than I am with most upcoming games, but slightly less than Skyrim. =P I hope it works out.. *crosses fingers*


4739d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

My thoughts are that the Wii U controller should have been a new DS that was integrated to work with the Wii U system. It could have been both a controller for the console, and a standalone handheld as well.

Not only would have it been able to do whatever it's going to be able to do now, but it also would have been a gaming machine to take with you on the go, and play it's own separate games.

I really think that would have been amazing and an awesome ...

4749d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just started playing Spiral Knights after seeing it on Steam a couple days ago or so. It's some pretty decent fun so far. =P Been playing it with my 360 controller, and it works pretty nicely with the game.

4750d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment