Only a noob would call someone else a noob


CRank: 5Score: 49780

Well.. I was pretty excited, until I saw that it isn't going to be a real game.. It's just going to be some free to play browser based thing.


And by the looks of it, it has nothing to do with Jupiter Incident, so it probably isn't going to play anything like it. =\

4499d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The problem is that neither MMO devs/publishers, or the players themselves, want something different. So until one of them gets tired of it, we won't see any real change with how MMOs are made.

4499d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I completely agree with this. It's just misleading, and actually false-advertising, to label an MMO as free-to-play, when in fact it is nothing but a limited trial of the game.

They do it to try and get people to flock to it, and to try and get them hooked on the game. Most people don't read a thing, so they just see the words "Free to Play!" and create an account and start playing, only to find out that after so much time, or when they reach a certain level...

4500d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You could always try to get into creating your own sprites and other things.

I haven't used RPG Maker in a really long time.. When I was in high school I was working on a Zelda game I was calling; The Untold Adventures of Link, and then my friend basically forced his way on board, started taking everything over with all of his ideas, so I just gave up on it because it was turning into a completely different game from where I was taking it. =\ I'm not a very assertive ...

4500d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They definitely aren't going to want to sell it for $600 again, but I'm pretty sure it won't come out any cheaper than $499.

One reason would be that people are going to be worrying that it won't be all that great, because of it being so much cheaper than a PS3 at launch. So it could, ironically, possibly have a difficult time starting out being sold at $400 or less.

Plus, they aren't going to want to lose out on too much money, so $500 is...

4500d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I love the 360 controllers, but there definitely is room for improvement.

- Redesigned D-pad

- Two customizable buttons on the back near where your middle fingers rest

- A bit of a redesign for the analog sticks, they seem to wear out quicker compared to a PS3 controller

- A new freaking battery that isn't retarded. =P The current type they're using, after a while, will be fussy and won't recharge most of the time...

4500d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm more interested in realistic style gameplay for these sorts of games, like Skate, rather than arcadey and way over the top. SSX is just Tony Hawk: On Ice. =P I understand that most people are interested in that style, but it's not really my type of game, though playing online could be pretty fun.

We need a snowboarding game done in the style of Skate, using some sweet analog controls.

4501d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Oh wow, I wasn't expecting any of these to be very interesting, but I have to admit that after watching the videos for them, at least Towns and WYV And Keep look like some good fun. =P I'm mostly interested in Towns, I think. Has a Dwarf Fortress sort of thing going on.

4502d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think that if we finally do see another Battlefront, it will most likely be done as a pay-to-win MMO type of game, with far less content than an actual game would have. I just have that feeling.. =\ But I hope I'm totally wrong about it.

4502d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I kind of agree with that. I did not like how the game was set up. =\

4502d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The best Zelda game there is. I love Wind Waker to death. <3 Haha.

I go back and play it usually around once a year. It's still pretty nice to look at, and really fun to play after all this time. And the music.. Oh, man, it's just so dang perfect.

Nintendo needs to give us a real Wind Waker sequel, dang it! And add in co-op like Four Swords while you're at it, just splitscreen instead of using a handheld. I think the game would benefit from it ...

4502d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well that's kind of lame. When someone says free to play, it should be, you know, free to play.

But still, $15 for the multiplayer of this game isn't a bad deal at all, as long as people actually play it. But usually, once a game starts dying, there isn't anything you can do for it. =\ It may get some more people playing it, but it won't take too long before the numbers drop significantly.

My brother seemed to really like the multiplayer of it...

4502d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ah, the good old days of dial-up. =P

4502d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sadly, old and clunky are the core fundamentals of 99% of all MMOs. But, for some dang reason that seems to be what people want, so the formula hasn't changed.

Somehow, this is considered to be fun; press 1, wait, press 2, wait, press 4 to use potion/healing ability, wait, press 1 again, wait.. "oh, lets mix things up this time!" press 3 for AoE attack, wait..

This is why I really cannot wait for PlanetSide 2, a real MMO. Games like ToR just get...

4502d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We already have N4G, so there really is no need for something new that nobody will use.

And the name.. Stockdoodles, really? That's a pretty dumb name, and not even game related at all.

The Twitter page for this does not even have anything to do with games, and the background is just a collection of random photos.

Yea.. don't think I'll be visiting this site. This blog post just seems like spam.

4502d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree, and $10 may even be a bit too much. If she would have done her own game from scratch, then sure, but that isn't the case here. Most likely used a bunch of scripts made by others as well, for most things.

I would not be surprised if it was only around an hour long, haha.

4502d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

And for something that was clearly made with RPG Maker, ha. That's pretty ridiculous.

I understand wanting a bit of money for a game, but for it being an indie game, and also being made in a game maker, $40 is kind of too much to ask. People do a lot more for free.

4502d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

And most MMOs are boring to begin with, haha.

Can't say that I hate the cute-like art style to everything, though. =P

I also kind of like the rounded planet-like shape. It's neat.

4502d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

More like.. "where the *whiners go!"


4507d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

True, but some games really could benefit from having co-op added to it.

I would love to play Skyrim co-op. It's such a big place, and as fun as it is to play by yourself, it would be a lot more fun (to me) to explore it with a friend or two. Co-op RPGs are pretty dang awesome.

4507d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment