Only a noob would call someone else a noob


CRank: 5Score: 49780

Hm.. I can't find anything anywhere about contests/giveaways not being allowed. =\ If they really aren't allowed, though, something should probably be posted in the FAQ about it.. Either that, or allow them by being posted under a separate category or something.

4608d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game looks pretty dang awesome.

4609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That really doesn't make any sense to me. I've played Warhawk, and I have to say that the game was just OK. Starhawk, on the other hand is actually a heck of a lot better, from what I've played so far. I love that you can set up bases and all that fun stuff. I'm still kind of annoyed by the awful auto aim they use in the game, though..

I don't know what the vets could be complaining about, but maybe there was something overpowered in Warhawk that isn't...

4616d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For the voices, it's probably just because there isn't anything in place for it yet. That could change when it's released, but I don't have any problem with them not saying stupid one liners and junk. =P

As for 2, I think it's because they're trying to emphasis the team play factor, especially against the mech thingies. Plus, the weapon you start off with isn't supposed to be amazing or anything. I have yet to use anything but that yet, and I'm...

4616d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Holy freaking nuggets, thank you! It's pretty sad, but so many people are resorting to using this crap. Just remove it from the game, it really does not need to be there anyway. =\

I just played BF3 for the first time in a while yesterday, and in every single server that I played, there were at least 3 or 4 people just on the other team alone using that shotgun with the frag rounds.. Why can't people just be decent and not use garbage like this to begin with?

4617d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Could be fun, but a month or so after it's out, 70-80% of players will most definitely be using the cloaking class/ability while using some sniper and shotgun loadout.. That's why I'm worried about Future Soldier as well.

I'm sure there will be a counter to it in both games, like an infrared gun sight or an eyepiece, but really, who is going to want to play a game for hours using something like that? =\

I really hope they find a good way to ba...

4625d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have you heard of Lugaru? It'll be a lot like that, but by the looks of things, much, much more awesome.

Check out the demo here:

As for the platform, it's just going to be for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Here's the site if you want to check out some more updates on it.
4628d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just played and beat these two games recently for the first time. I wouldn't say they're the most awesome games ever, but they have a special sort of vibe about them and they're pretty unique games. I would probably rate them both somewhere around the 7-8 range.

One negative I can think about with both games is that they're pretty empty.. There isn't a whole lot going on in either of them most of the time, but don't let that put you off from them. Th...

4628d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Simple arcade games.. Bleh. =P I don't find them to be all that fun anymore, to be honest.

We need a freaking Grid 2, though. Grid was pretty much the perfect balance between arcade and realistic.

I have a love/hate relationship with Grid, though, haha.. Dang game killed my Halo 3 Special Edition 360. =( My brother was racing, crashed into something, and next thing you know.. the console was dead. The thing doesn't even give any errors, either. It ju...

4635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, almost every new MMO seems to claim the same thing. Nothing ever changes, though. =\ It still turns out to be just another typical grind-fest with fetch quests. The Old Republic is the perfect example. It's still the same formula as everything else. The only thing going for it (minus the Star Wars name) is the story elements and voice acting, which is definitely nice, but it's not enough.

I'm not saying that Guild Wars 2 will be a bad MMO (nor am I saying th...

4635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just started playing this and Ico yesterday for the first time, and they're both pretty good games. I'm liking SotC a lot more than Ico, though.

I know SotC is a last gen game, but it's kind of funny that you have this big area to ride through, yet it's completely empty, other than the Colossi that you have to bring down. =P That's really my only complaint about the game, though.

I'm having a lot of fun with it. It's pretty epic....

4641d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played the beta of The Old Republic, and while I wouldn't say that it's complete crap, I really didn't care for it. It's really the same thing as all these other MMOs out there and with the same dull gameplay, except with voice acting and some sort of story. It's what I expected out of it, though. It just sucks that we got this instead of (a real game) Knights of the Old Republic 3, but MMOs can bring in a lot of money so I understand why the did it. Can't say that I...

4649d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I haven't played any of these X games yet, but I literally just won the X: SuperBox on Steam, haha. I still have to wait for my activation code to be sent, but right after that I'll be trying these out.

I'm sure at the very least they're pretty decent, but I'll let you guys know.

4665d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Oh, Wait.. That's not right...

4721d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

The big problem with these GOTY editions is that the people who were there to support the devs on day 1, even without really knowing how this game was going to turn out, get screwed over. I mean, if you really think about it, shouldn't it be those people that get some sort of nice benefit for doing so from the developers/publishers, instead of those who waited for a cheaper GOTY edition? I suppose there are pre-order bonuses for some games, but they're usually crappy things, sometimes...

4760d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm pretty sure that it was said that it was going to be online only. =\

I would actually buy the game if it would have split-screen as well..

4772d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Yup, you can use a gamepad with a program like Xpadder. I use it all the time.

It costs money for the newest version, but it seems like you can still get one of the older versions for free off another site.


4772d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


Lay off with that religious bs.. This is not the place for it, and you are attacking ElementX personally, as well as all atheists, so get the heck out of here, dude. N4G is bad enough as it is with the fanboy junk, we do not need that crap here too.

Also, so what if he made up his entire story? You're calling him out on that when the Bible is what exactly? Oh, right, false tales and stories made to intimidate, scare, control, and corrupt simple...

4779d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment


Do you choose to like games? Do you choose to like music? Do you choose to like (insert other favorite things here), or do you even choose to like/love a boyfriend or girlfriend? No. Pretty much, you just like them because you like them. That is basically what it comes down to. They're just appealing to you for some reason. You don't see something one day and then go "Hm, I think I'm going to start liking that". The same can be said for the things...

4779d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment


Just so you know, people don't exactly choose if they're interested in the same gender or not. You didn't choose to not be gay, did you? You didn't wake up one day and say to yourself "Hey, I'm going to be straight my whole life!" and just decide to follow that direction.

No, in real life, it is not a choice, nor is it really even a "lifestyle". Just like being straight isn't a lifestyle. You aren't strai...

4779d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment