Only a noob would call someone else a noob


CRank: 5Score: 49780

They're going to be releasing it way too soon. Why not extend that another year? It's better than putting it out on shelves with a lot of content left out, like what always happens..

Also, how do they even plan to have support for Natal with a game like this? I mean come on, are they going to expect you to jog in place to move your character or something? Or have you hold your controller in your hands like normal, but instead you swipe it around to use your attacks?


5295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only a few of those features would be worth having, the rest are just crap thrown in to charge you more. There's no way I would pay $70 a year for a bunch of junk with only 2 things that I want. Cell phone companies do the exact same thing, I can't stand it.

How about you let me pay for what I want for a change?

The only things that I would be interested in at all is the access to the PSOne classics, extended warrenty, discounts, and maybe the access to betas (usuall...

5296d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The world would be such a better place without all this retarded religious crap.. Those idiots think they're above everyone and everything.

Religious freaks are completely ignorant. Things like this are more than enough proof to show that. How can you people be so damn stupid?

I say instead of whining about some game you bought for your kids to play, that you never even bothered to check the rating of, you should go into your bedroom, kneel beside it, and pray for y...

5296d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have both an Xbox 360 and a PS3, and they both have stupid annoying kids and people being complete idiots over mics. The only reason it seems worse on Xbox is because there's like triple the amount of players, or more, compared to Playstation.

Anyway on topic with the article, I've always been waiting to be able to play games online with other consoles. I'm really surprised it hasn't became something most games do yet. I would at least love to have one game where 360 and PS3 pl...

5298d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've played both the Forza 3 and GT5 Demo and the only thing better about GT5 are the cars and lighting, that's it. The driving in the GT5 demo felt crappy to me, and the environment is way below average. If it wasn't for the nice looking cars I could have mistaken it for a PS2 game, seriously.

It's pretty clear anyone saying the GT5 demo looks better is just a fanboy. Come on guys, open your eyes.. I'm also pretty certain that the full game will look the same for the most part, ...

5299d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

All of you that are posting here are idiots.. Fanboys are getting to be worse than religious freaks these days, it's incredibly sad.

It's obvious not a single one of you have ever played a Halo game in your life, or an Xbox game for that matter, so therefor you have no reason to bash it. Bungie has stated before that ODST wasn't going to be anything big and it was done just for the fans. The only reason it got the $60 price tag is because Microsoft is greedy.

All of ...

5300d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

vhero, Shows how much you know.

Bungie is, and has been, working on a new IP. No one knows anything about it yet, but they've said at least a few different times that they are doing something new. They've even mentioned before that they would like to get away from Halo for a while to work on other things. Also, Bungie is not just in it for the money. The main reason they did ODST was for the fans.

Reach will be one of the biggest games next year, if not the biggest....

5306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ha, it would probably be like this;

(Pop-up during the game) "Oops! Sorry for the inconvenience, but in order for you to continue playing our great game online you will have to enter your credit card information in the area below and choose your payment option. We hope you continue to support our company!"

1: 1 month = $4.99*
2: 3 months = $14.99*
3: 1 year = $54.99* (Great deal!)

"Also, if you purchase now you can save $2 off...

5333d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You are stupid.

5346d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Said it a lot better than I did.

It really is true that Fanboys aren't in it for the fun of playing games. They are just morons that follow the crowd and can't think for themselves. The sad thing is there are a ton of people becoming like this these days. I really don't want people who act like this running things in the future, it's a pretty scary thought.

It can only get worse from here.

5346d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Team06, sorry but that doesn't make sense.

How you watch your movies can't be compared to what system you game on, it's a big difference. That's more like saying you only shop at GameStop and not Wal-Mart, or BestBuy, etc.

Gaming is more than just what system you play your games on, and you're killing your options by being a fanboy. If you're a gamer you want to keep those options open and not be so stubborn and stupid.

Fanboys just think it makes th...

5346d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Anyone who cannot appreciate what another console has to offer is not a real gamer, end of story.

Fanyboys may think they are gamers just because they're so "dedicated" to their platform, but they're not. They are just a bunch of closed minded idiots who aren't willing to even think about their other options, and will put another game down just because it's not on their system. So, how could they be considered gamers?

A real gamer is passionate about their ...

5346d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Chubear, I didn't say anything about comparison.

I can understand comparing similar parts from one game with another, though, but there is no reason to compare each game against one another like it's some head to head match. The only time a comparison like that should even come up is when you're comparing a game against it's sequel.

I get what you mean about trying to understand a game better and comparing some things, but there's no need for someone to pit one game...

5351d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

People shouldn't take their expectations of one game and base it on another. Also, Dragon Age and Demon's Souls are two different games. How can playing one have that much of an effect on the other? Why not just play and enjoy each game for what they are?

Just because one game you play may be the best thing ever to you, doesn't mean other games shouldn't be fun, too.

5351d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sweet. I Just skimmed through the article so I wasn't sure. I'm pretty excited for this game.

Wow, I got a disagree on my last post.. That makes a lot of sense. Must be some 360 or PS3 fanboy being an idiot.

5351d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I really can't wait to get my hands on this game, it should be pretty awesome.

40 hours is pretty good, was hoping it would be a lot longer than that, though. Maybe they just kind of flew through it without doing many sidequests or something. I guess I'll find out when I pick this up.

As for what console I'm getting it for I'm still not sure, since I have both a 360 and a PS3.

5351d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Games on Demand really is a ripoff.. Doesn't matter to me though, I'd rather be smart and buy a game used for a lot cheaper while being able to have a physical copy I can do whatever with.

If the prices were cheaper I would at least think about getting a game off live.

5358d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Now with Marshmallows!

It totally sounds like a cereal. =P

This game looks really boring to me, and I'm sure most people wouldn't be interested in it. There's too many other crappy games that are just like it.

5362d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow.. a 4? That is just way too low, in my opinion. I would give the game a 7 or 7.5. At least it is something different from most FPS games where's it's just about team deathmatch and fighting by yourself, for yourself to win. This game takes teamwork and it's not just about getting kills.

It bugs me how people are complaining about how it takes so long to kill someone.. It really doesn't as long as you set your guy up right. I can take a lot of people down in almost the same a...

5395d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm really looking forward to their next game. It will be different from RuneScape, besides using the same engine if I remember right, and it should be slightly better visually.

Something I'm pretty interested in finding more about is how there isn't going to be an XP or skills system involved. I wonder what they're planning on doing instead..

Jagex is a great company and they know what they are doing. I'm sure MechScape will turn out to be awesome.

5408d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment