Only a noob would call someone else a noob


CRank: 5Score: 49780

Do you really expect Nintendo themselves to come out with "Bloody-Gorefest: Exploding Head III"?

You know what Nintendo is capable of, so why expect them to create something different? Nintendo creates games that can be enjoyable for any age group or gender; gamer or non-gamer, and they do a great job at it. Just because their games look fun and colorful, are easy on the eyes, and offer simple gameplay does not mean they are just for kids.

Judging b...

4493d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I kind of hate this. Not the game itself, Luigi's Mansion was some good fun, I just hate the fact that they're releasing this on 3DS and not on Wii or WiiU.

They seem to bring out a lot of games on their handhelds that would have been fantastic additions to their consoles. It sucks. =\

We better get an awesome Luigi's Mansion for WiiU, dang it!

4493d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

It would be incredibly stupid of Nintendo to announce a new Zelda title for WiiU already, even if it is in development. Skyward Sword hasn't been out long, and they just announced a new Mario game.

The smart thing to do is for them to wait until the WiiU has been out for a year or so (at least) before making an announcement for "ZeldaU", and then working on it for another year or two before releasing it.

Also, why should he be fired for that? It...

4493d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Clearly you don't like Nintendo games, so, why would you watch the conference if you have no interest in them?

4493d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

They say "around 10 hours", but most likely that won't be the case. Take 2 or 3 hours off of that and you'll probably have your real number.

The game does look good, but I'm not a fan of the Uncharted route they're going with it. $60 for "around 10 hours" kind of sucks, too, but it's expected. I'll probably wait until the price drops on this.

4494d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This looked ok at best. I'm really tired of CoD though, so that probably doesn't help with my 'meh' reaction towards this game.

4494d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure that it is just referring to the first two games.

You're able to play 2 player co-op on the Xbox version of Doom 3 (I don't believe you could through split-screen), so I at least expect that to be a part of this, but I highly doubt that they would add in support for 4 player co-op with this release. It would definitely be nice if they do, though!

4495d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A 'tactical shooter', lol, really? Why in the world would they even claim that? It's clearly an arena-style shooter with a cover system. Is this really what people consider tactical these days?

While this game doesn't seem bad, it's almost pointless for a developer to make an online focused XBLA/PSN game. Heck, it's pretty much pointless for them to make retail games this way, too. If it isn't Call of Duty or Halo, most games with an online mode wi...

4495d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

What I really wish they would have done instead of this is to just have put this type of gameplay into the next Little Big Planet, instead of doing a spin-off.

Little Big Planet with options for both the normal side scrolling style, and open 3D levels would be amazing. It would open up so many more opportunities, like; making 3D levels for racing, first and third person shooters, platformers, etc.

Oh well. This will still be fun as heck on its own. It seems...

4498d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Woo! GRID is one of the best racing games out there. It's the perfect mix of Sim and arcade.

I hope they don't screw it up. =\

4499d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dang, for 1/3 the price of a new game, this better have a good amount of content.

I'm not a fan of vampires, though. They kind of suck. (Ha) I'll probably wait a few weeks after this is out before I decide if I want it or not. 'Gotta make sure it will be worth it.

4499d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That'd actually be pretty awesome to be able to load up some hand-picked WADs and mods for each of the games, even on the console versions.

Too bad nothing awesome like that ever happens, though. =(

4499d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just couldn't help myself so I ended up watching the whole thing already, and I have to say; this was fantastic!

Not only was this great for something done within Little Big Planet 2, but even as a movie it was pretty damn good.

I wouldn't expect it to happen for a long time, but I would definitely like to see a sequel to this.

4503d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

"IT'S SO FLUFFY!!" Haha.

I'm definitely going to have to watch the whole thing later, seems pretty good.

4504d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

9 years, and they're still charging for a game that is now basically dead. I hate that about companies. =\

4504d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, that was really unexpected, and it's great that they are doing this. It is complete bs that split-screen support for SDTVs was blocked. But, couldn't 4J Studios just easily have changed it, instead of this having to happen?

I managed to get my copy from Raptr through their rewards program, so it's not really like I got screwed over with this ridiculous crap, but many people did. I'm not going to take up the offer for a refund, but I can't say that I&#...

4508d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I cannot stand those ugly-as-heck villagers. They're hideous. I just call them Squidwards.

I wish, for one, that they would make them look like a person, and second, I really, really wish that they would make them actually do something. You know, like, actually have some of them build/repair their buildings, some of them could mine, some of them could guard the town, others could venture off around the world to go on their own adventures or create/populate new towns, etc....

4508d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least give some real reasons. You might've gotten a few less disagrees that way.

4509d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, most of the people that play MMOs don't want a challenge, that's why they play them. They want mindless repetitive boring gameplay that does nothing but reward them for doing their mindless repetitive boring tasks; over, and over, and over, and over.. Any sort of difficulty or challenge will just turn them away, and if you sat most of them down to games like Demon Souls, or Braid, their heads might literally explode.

Since most people playing games prefer no sor...

4509d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If I have space to spare, I like having an option to install a game. But, mandatory installs are lame, especially when you have no space left, like I currently do on my PS3. It's just all kinds of suck. =\

Other than the space issue, I don't mind installing, and in fact, I welcome it. Consoles these days are cheaply made and have a limited life-span, so, anything to extend the life of it is good in my book.

Next gen, though, the absolute minimum har...

4510d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment