Only a noob would call someone else a noob


CRank: 5Score: 49780

That's one of the biggest reason why I haven't picked up any of those games yet. Since the online communities are pretty much non-existent, I don't see much of a point in grabbing the games unless I can get them for really cheap (and also don't plan on buying anything else around the time). I'll have to try to do some bargain hunting.

I also still have so many games that I need to get as it is for 360/PS3/PC (plus I need a new computer), so I try to focus ...

5016d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still have not played any of the Killzone or Resistance games, haha. I really have to go out and buy them sometime.

Sadly, neither of these games are going to take much out of Black Ops. The majority of people playing games prefer them to be extremely simple, have camp friendly multiplayer, noob weapons (noobtubes), and have quick matches. That's why Call of Duty games sell so well.

Between the two, though, Killzone 3 will sell a lot better, and most li...

5017d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Huh, really?? I don't understand the two disagree's that I have for that.

You cannot tell me that it wouldn't be awesome to pretty much be able to make your own game/mod out of this game, or just play games/mods other people have made.

With some sort of toolset or something it would give maps like these some real use, and it would give Minecraft itself tons more replayability. I'm sure plenty of people (like the maker of this map) would absolu...

5021d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

If campaign elements and mods are ever put into the game then this would kick sooo much ass!

5021d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

I am not liking how much they're changing this game. It seems like the console version of Dragon Age II is now some retarded button mashing game. The first game was completely fine, though I do wish it had the tacticle view on consoles.

I hope that the console version will at least still have a tacticle pause based combat option, like the PC still has. If it doesn't, I think I'm passing on the game until I can get a better computer.

I love Bio...

5026d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would really freaking love to see 3 player co-op in Mass Effect 3. That is exactly what sort of multiplayer experience this game needs, if done right. It would also probably be great to have it in Dragon Age II as well.

5037d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This MMO wasn't the worst that I tried, but it definitely wasn't anything good. With that said, some of these MMO's have a lot of potential to be something better, but sadly they're mostly just quickly made piles of junk just there to get your money. The developers/publishers don't even care about the games, or the players.

If you ask me, Voyage Century, EVE, and a little bit of this game mixed together, with a good amount of extra effort put in, could t...

5040d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sweeet, I love me some split-screen.

I just hope that it won't be some short as heck 5 hour campaign like most games.. If the campaign is short or not, though, they better give us split-screen online as well, dang it, lol. I don't care much for Black-Ops because of the issues and lag (and from my experience, horrible hit detection), but being able to play it online with my brother on the same system is pretty dang nice. Split-screen online just makes gaming more enjoy...

5042d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everybody that noobtubes and/or chucks grenades at the beginning of matches like this is just completely pathetic. The same applies to those who have to rely on those sort of weapons to get all of their kills, as well.

This video makes me sad because it totally sums up just how cowardly almost all players are in these kinds of games. Even more so because they are also the same kinds of douchebags who consider themselves to be great at these games they play..


5077d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No.. no it is not.

Honestly, there are free MMO's out there that are better. Paying $15 a month for this game is just not worth it, in my opinion. Almost all MMO's are the exact same game, so pretty much whatever you choose, you're getting the same exact dull and repetitive experience.

If they still have the option to, you could try it out for free for a bit. I really did not find it fun at all. =\

If you haven't yet, you shou...

5084d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

I was expecting this to be more along the lines of $30 or $40. $15 isn't bad. It is just a multiplayer expansion, though, and the multiplayer aspect IS what the Battlefield games are about, anyway. So that's less money I'll have to spend. =P It looks pretty dang awesome, but I still have yet to get BC2. =\ I loved playing the Beta and demo, though.

They really should have waited to release the Ultimate Edition with this.. Now we're going to see something along...

5087d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I take it you don't play any games online, then?

Cheaters are everywhere, in, probably literally, every single multiplayer game. It's unavoidable. A few bad experiences in Halo 2 shouldn't ruin that for you. I never had that much of an issue with people in Halo games. There are many other games out there that are much, much worse.

5124d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing is perfect. In any game released, there will always be something there that people abuse. You can't blame the developers for the actions others take, no matter how easy some exploit may be.

Bungie is already on top of this. A lot of devs would probably take a couple weeks, or more.

5124d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea, that's a bit of a relief, even though it does look pretty cool. I'm just hoping that at some point, if not at launch, they'll put a game mode in for matchmaking, for the space combat. It could be pretty sweet.

5128d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup, can't believe it's almost that time already.. I know I'm getting pretty excited. =P

5128d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think the game works really well for co-op, especially if they take it back to the old style.

Just imagine playing Resident Evil 0 like that, it was basically already built for it as it is. You had to switch back and forth between the two characters, and you could even move the character you weren't using with the right analog stick (still drives me crazy they didn't just set up a split screen mode..). Now just think about having to split up in co-op like what happ...

5151d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

RE4 was really great, and sure, RE5 was still pretty good, but they changed that one way too much. I really am not expecting anything special from the next RE game, it's only going to be easier and even less "scary" to get even more of the casual players into it..

Dead Space stomps RE into itty bitty gibs.

5151d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny, it would have been the opposite for me. It would have been a pretty crappy list if they didn't include RuneScape.

I'm guessing either you have never even played it because you think it looks too "kiddy" to you, you secretly like it but you're too afraid to admit it, or you just don't play games that aren't seen as "cool" by your friends. Oh, or you were banned at some point so now you hate it because of your own mistake. I run in...

5159d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

They actually care about their games and the players. They made a choice that they really didn't care to make, but it's something that had to be done.

If you had an MMO of your own, would you want to basically support real world trading and scamming? Doing what they did basically eliminated almost all of that. Relying mostly on reports from players/mods was not effective enough, and these real world traders just kept coming back anyway. Unless someone can come up with...

5169d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh no, I'm not being hostile towards those that use regular at all, haha. I definitely didn't mean to come across that way, sorry about that. If someone finds it easier to use the normal way I don't have any problem with that, I just don't quite understand it, that's all. =P

5187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment