
CRank: 5Score: 5290

lol. I guarantee you that this simple easter-egg joke is going to catch un-necessary flank and blown out of proportion. Some sore ass reviewer is going to dock points from the game, and some "fanboyism within the industry?!" article will get made. When its a ps3 exclusive in question, all forms of logic go out the window and it gets picked apart.

Bet on it.

4822d ago 53 agree8 disagreeView comment

The only proven fact is you're a 5 bubble troll who just joined 46 minutes ago to say nothing but stupid shit.

4823d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember my using my christmas money to buy beyond good and evil after watching some previews of it on g4's pulse (back when g4 was a show about games only and not that other bullcrap now). I played it and immediately fell in love. It was one of the best ps2 games I had ever played. I was quite disheartened to see that it didnt get the recognition it deserved. To me, it was an unforgettable masterpiece.

Now as for enslaved being this generations beyond good and evil?! l...

4837d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

indeed. Bought it launch day and still havent grasped it yet

4840d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I read through the article and hated it. Its one thing to have an opinion, but its another thing to have an opinion held in high regard as if its fact, and insult the ones who don't share the same. Throughout the "opinion piece" this comment irritated me the most.

"Heavy Rain holds something like an 83 rating on Metacritic, and there’s a part of me that wants to attribute this to the power of fanboys, which can be a very powerful thing. Heavy Rain is exclus...

4841d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

industrygamers is simply trying to quell the anti-sony flank they get with every article they have. Nothing to see here people. "MOVE" along.

4841d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ugh, and now you've gone from expressing dislike of the "exclusive" title, to generalizing ps3 fans with their "bragging" as you call it. Which so far, no one has come in this article and shown anything of that sort.

There have been articles with "exclusive title" plastered on plenty times. Especially in regards to titles that no one has even yet heard of. You're making something out of absolutely nothing for the simple fact of god knows ...

4843d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because its ps3 exclusive. Its nothing worth complaining about. Does the title "ps3 exclusive" give you a headache perhaps??

4843d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

How in the hell does it take best graphics on a console game for only 360 when its a multi-platform game? I don't understand.

Its readily available for ps3 owners as well, and truely up to the individual on how it stacks up graphically to its console counterparts. Their statement is over-reaching.

4843d ago 22 agree9 disagreeView comment

the tactic they used isn't something thats new when it comes to the profession of criticism. And its not just in gaming journalism.

A critic eager to be seen or stir some controversy (in thunderbolts case they were 2 months late) picks out something and scores it WAY below the aggregiate of the others, and rushes to pull the "individualistic opinion" card for notoriety. It happens not only in gaming journalism. Movie critics, book critics, hell even restaurant c...

4843d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wasn't gonna sit there and buy some half-assed crappy fps when I had just purchased a top notch fps (killzone 3) not less than a month ago. That doesn't even make any sense. Not only that, they cashed out by giving the 360 exclusive content and shutting out ps3 owners which was suicide as well.

Sorry. You wont get my money. You'd be lucky to even get rented. And im debating if crysis 2 will recieve the same treatment.

4844d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

tryin to get them bubbles back i see....

4856d ago 17 agree5 disagreeView comment

Sooo....whats your point muscular one? I have a 360, and a ps3 and flip coins on what system gets a multiplatform title.

4869d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mass effect 2 is mutliplatform. I also said "above" 85. You've got one game above 85. Which was what? Halo. That's it.

4881d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

last year you 360 fanboys only had ONE game average above 85 so you guys shouldn't be saying ANYTHING about something flopping.

And what exclusives do you have coming this year?

4881d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Just because you may know "some" that have bought a 360 simply for kinect doesn't necessarily mean that its an indication that the masses of the casual market have been swayed into the 360. If that were the case, it would have sold far ahead of sony worldwide of 2010. It hasn't.

4888d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 fanboys such as yourself could only wish of getting a 360 exclusive this year let alone with a great score. But the only thing you can do is stick around on metacritic, because you have scraps to play this year other than kinect titles and multiplats.

Just sayin'

4890d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ugh, I hate it how gaming websites want to claim neutrality and equalization amongst the gaming community, when they play a hand in the ignorance themselves all for the sake of sensationalism and page views. Make a un-necessary comparison, bash a company, downhype a popular game, Insert inflammatory title, and watch the flames. And it works EVERY time.

And its not just kotaku. You see tons of websites pandering to the ignorance by igniting flamewars to get attention. Destruct...

4900d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

Oh please deadreckoning. DONT EVEN. Granted that every console is a rabid group of cheerleaders, but don't sit there and scrutinize others when YOU YOURSELF play a hand in the ignorance that pollutes this website. You're just as ignorant as the group you try to speak against. Any day of the week you'll be found in an article bashing either sony or its fanbase. Right here, even now you've gone off topic to try to turn this into a anti-ps3 thing which is something you do with al...

4900d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment


4903d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment