
CRank: 5Score: 5290

Even on the planetxbox360 website itself the majority of the comments completely criticize the author for his heinous reasons, and the reaction of his reasons to purchase gears over uncharted 3 were almost unanimously heckled both on n4g and on planetxbox360. They weren't at all good reasons. Plain and simple.

You've proven time and time again with your trolling as to where you stand omi25p so of course you would try to twist this into some anti-ps3 thing.

4716d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

iF you skip down to airbornegamers last paragraph, this is what is stated:

"If you took the time to read my article all the way though, you have now reached my primary point in writing it. Good Job! This is a clear example of a blatant Fanboy article focused on attacking the other platform for no good reason at all. Why do we gamers always have to argue about which game is better? If you own only one system, get the one on your system and live with it. The other game sho...

4716d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is anyone noticing the trend of 360-centric websites taking the time to come up with criticisms of Uncharted 3 while boasting gears of war 3? Its ridiculous.

totalxbox360 or something made an article stating that Gears of war 3 would destroy uncharted 3 in sales, and stated that naughty dog should make the series available for the xbox360 or else uncharted 3 would flop.

And now this website comes up with 5 stupid reasons why they want you to take your money a...

4717d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

They need to make some sort of "US sales data" 360 exclusive game for xbox live to all their fans since that's all they seem to talk about nowadays.

@SEE!! people like starwolf below prove that "sales" seems to be all they discuss. Not games, not quality but, "who will sell the most". MS needs to get on board and make some sort of 360 sales estimator game or something.

4717d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Actually gray-fox-type0

The lowest rated halo game was halo wars which was 82. That would make the "recent" infamous 2 a tad higher. And uncharted 2's metacritic score was 96 compared to halo's 94, so what was your point comparing metacritic numbers?? They aren't even in the same damn genre.

no "looooooooool" necessary. Just stating facts.

4718d ago 16 agree3 disagreeView comment

Im afraid you've mistaken the console.

Crackdown 2
Alan wake
fable 3
Splinter cell conviction

None of these games above have scored as high or come close to having the same amount of sales as halo or gears. Hell, heavy rain (a ps3 game btw) outsold 4 of these. So that would make these games "flops" as well then right? Or wait lemme guess, since they're 360 exclusives, they get the blind eye treatment.

4718d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hes right, besides gears of war, and halo, and maybe fable if you're pushing it, there haven't been any other 360 exclusives to hit those same level of numbers. Some ps3 exclusives have even outsold others. for example,

Alan wake

Splinter cell conviction
4718d ago 18 agree1 disagreeView comment


That xbox site did not say what you stated. Planetxbox360 encited a flaming article that ended up being taken down because they stated that uncharted 3 should become multiplatform because of its low pre-order sales, and that it wouldn't make good numbers if it remained ps3 exclusive. Did you not read the same article?

And when it comes to the whole "replay" value factor, that is entirely subjective depending on the gamer. Some game...

4718d ago 26 agree9 disagreeView comment

Hot show my ass. crappy, sensationalist, and most CERTAINLY not "keepin it real".

4719d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

@ gwertyz

So tell me "fact" have you stated in your comment? All you said was how Gears 3 was gonna "blow" uncharted 3 out of the water, and that ps3 fanboys should be worried that uncharted 3 isn't going to sell because of its release window.

The only fact that could be determined from those statements were that you're a fucking 360 fanboy clown with nothing better to play on your console and is simply reduced to determining sales...

4720d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Preorders mean absolutely nothing. uncharted 2 had only 300,000 preorders yet it sold 4.7 million copies in one year.

Fanboys like you should be focused on playing games instead of sales numbers, but unfortunately im guessing you have none to play cause since you sound like a strict-assed xbox360 fanboy.

4720d ago 16 agree4 disagreeView comment

No one needs courage to prove you wrong. Your rabid stupidity clearly speaks for itself. All I saw was a big wall of text on how sony somehow failed with the ps3. You even used metacritc scores of good games as some sort anti-sony stance.

Infamous 2 83%
killzone 3 84%
Gran turismo 84%

Erm HELLO?!?!? Did you really just try turn something negative out of that?! OMG lol.

4721d ago 17 agree0 disagreeView comment

Kotaku REALLY are starting to becoming a joke in the industry. I mean seriously. Why do they even bother with sony coverage? Sony should have just kept them blackballed.

4721d ago 15 agree0 disagreeView comment

Infamous 2 sales were a substantial increase from its predecessor 2 years ago. The first infamous only sold 192,700 copies in the United States over the month of June 2009 and even with that first month it still sold quite well into becoming part of ps3 "greatest hits" No doubt that Infamous 2 will continue the trend.

This isn't 2006-07 anymore. The demand is strong for ps3 exclusives which is the reason sony continues to pump them out for its fans.

4721d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

ps3 exclusives don't need to have "halo or geow" numbers in order to become hits. And with the huge list of exclusives from gamers to choose from this year, I can see why.

I'd take more exclusives than two franchises any day.

4721d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

You went and compared a multiplatform game's sales with a game with only one platform to try and make some sort of anti-sony stance? lol!! Typical blaze. Unfounded, poorly researched, and plain ignorant. Lol.

4721d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

@Eyeco I disagree completely. Lbp2 infamous 2, and god of war 3 exceeded far more than their predecessors did. There was more to do, plenty of new addditions, and entirely more fun overall.

believe you're mistaking those titles for Crackdown 2, Fable 3, and Halo ODST. Those titles were far more fitting of the blame you're talking about.

4722d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

You said

"Sony announced 50 million shipped end of march, MS announced 55 million shipped one month later. So a 5 million lead is an educated guess."

That is an un-educated guess completely. They announced that number at the END of their fiscal year. Those numbers didn't all of the sudden freeze for a whole entire month making MS have a 5 million lead dumbass. It had to have gained since then.

4724d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was a 9 million lead originally yodacracker. Not a 5 million lead. The gap constantly gets shrunken since then. Stop trying to twist it.

4724d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

bitch please. No matter how good this game looked you know you would find a way to trash it somehow for the simple fact that its a ps3 exclusive. C'mon be real.

4724d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment