
CRank: 5Score: 5290

I don't agree with eurogamers scores on the franchise at all. Sorry.

Infamous 1 didn't deserve a 7

Infamous 2 sure as hell didn't deserve just an 8 when it comes to the factor of how much sucker punch improved upon the original whatsoever. Much more than a miniscule 1 point increase.

But a good score, is a good score even if its given to a "great" game.

4865d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

They (being edge magazine) said that if infamous 2 was better than crackdown 2 that they would admit fault or something like that. I read it in their magazine. And they had the NERVE to give that horrible crackdown game an 8 out of 10.

4871d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh please. Sucker punch deserved the accolades with all the hard work they did. There's no praising ign. Fuck those asshats. Infamous 2 was totally deserving of a high score.

In my honest opinion, they are just settling the waters until they give another ps3 exclusive an unexpectedly low score.

There's still uncharted 3 and twisted metal. Ign will ALWAYS equal IGNORANT.

4871d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment


You can find it the same place he did. They posted the news here on n4g every time at the end of the year, and if you googled it up, you would get it. Its that simple. No ones making this shit up.

4871d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Know whats even more funny dirtrider? Fools like you who jump to defend their 360 fanboy brethren, and twist this news into some un-necessary fanboy debacle.

Your boy Organization expressed surprise laced with contempt with the news of Ninja gaiden being featured on Playstation mag (what the hell?!?!), he got called out and corrected for it, and you come in with some "ps3 fanboy" double standards bullshit.

hilarious. Im sure this news hurts your fee...

4873d ago 16 agree4 disagreeView comment

Its hilarious to see how far someone will dig to try and make this website seem like 2006-2007 all over again. It's not just Loner alone, its like a handful of fools digging for negative articles no matter how exaggerating and ridiculous they seem.

4873d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who the fuck critiques grammar in a damned gaming website? His sentence was clear enough to read, and you simply decided to clock his statement in an ignorant way simply because he said something positive about a ps3 title and ignored the heavily exaggerated article.

I hate it when fools stoop that low to insult sentence structure. Get a life.

4873d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

wtf happened with the "cult classic" bit? There's nothing "cult classic" worthy about a damn flight and fight game.

4873d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sadly, im expecting that the media will not give this game the recognition it deserves. They hardly ever do when it comes to ps3 exclusives. It will get nitpicked to death.

However that WILL NOT deter my experience with this fabulous title. Great job sucker punch. I hope they achieve some very good sales with this title.

4874d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Something tells me that this game is going to get unfairly hammered by critics. Lbp2 took a small hit, killzone 3 three took a MAJOR hit, and infamous 2 will be next. Just wait to see the ridiculous claims that will try to justify the unfair scores. Bet on it.

-too much variety
-cole looks/sounds too generic
-zero replay value (despite level edition)
-ps3 exclusive

4878d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Correction, jim sterling is a morbidly obese, ignorant, illiterate, biased a-hole.

4882d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't they do something like this last year? They aired it on nearly all major cable networks with youthful audiences. Logotv, mtv, spiketv, and a few other networks with that un-necessary cirqe de soleil, white poncho act that nobody thought was entertaining in the slightest.

4882d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Thats exactly what they do. If its a gutted copy, you can best believe that an employee has taken it home to play it. As an ex-employee, we were able to open up brand new games and take them home and try them out as long as they remained unscratched.

Kinda bullshit, but thats what they do.

4883d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

screw ign. Sony should just blackball these fools.

4883d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ROFL now that psn is back online, something else MUST be scrambled for to rag against sony with. Classic. Just classic.

4883d ago 14 agree1 disagreeView comment

halleloo. I agree wholeheartedly. Though sony could have handled this with its users a bit more closely, there was no way it was as heinous as the flood of fearmongering, exaggerating, hysteria seeking, flamebaiting articles from so called "journalists" who nosedived into this fiasco and blew it completely out of proportion. Even today, as psn is restored, journalists are still attempting to twist it into a negative.

Just another idiotic article by loner for sure.

4883d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

it isnt that bad, but it isn't that spectacular either. Slightly above average, but nowhere near great.

4884d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

After this whole psn fiasco, ps3 gamers should be able to tell the legitimate gaming news sources from the tabloid, unprofessional, and biased ones.

Ign, kotaku, destructoid, industrygamers, cvg, are prime examples of places to avoid for damn sure. Their coverage was downright heaping horrid trash.

4884d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ign have been one of the frontrunners of some of the most biased, fearmongering, un-necessary, trash articles these past few weeks on all things ps3 related and I dont see how ANY Ps3 gamer in their right mind would take ANYTHING they say as logical credence.

And arent they part of some MS partnership program on xboxlive? That ALONE should have gotten their asses blackballed by sony.

4884d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

what baffles me about this is that this "loner" troll is able to post flame bait, irrelevant drivel, and no moderator has done ANYTHING to address the situation. The guy has one damn bubble and for the past few hours has been submitting negative, uninsightful, and ridiculous opinion pieces.

But the moderators have enough time to compress the excess of comments in the articles? Wtf?

4887d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment