
CRank: 5Score: 5290

with a 50 million install base, yeah about 1.5 million users participated within the beta, quit trying to spin it into something negative.

You could say the EXACT same for the gears beta and compare the numbers to the 360's user install base and come up with the same dilemma.

You're an idiot.

4825d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol you can literally see the upset fanboys as they use "timing" as their only defense of game that was once exclusive come out. Simple fact. Regardless of how long it took or how long you fanboys "had it" to brag about, more people now get the opportunity to enjoy it. No one other than a fucking 360 fanboy could get mad at something like that.

Accept your loss, and move on.

Im babbling about fools like you and redDead...

4828d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

Its irritating to see how fanboys have taken this news to generalize as if all ps3 gamers would suddenly approve of this method simply because its sony thats doing it. We aren't hive minded.

Im a ps3-only gamer and I think that its a stupid and un-necessary method. Some people can't afford paying full price, thats why they rent or buy secondhand. They shouldn't be shunted out for it. I hardly think that it would cause a drastic increase in buying new games at all....

4831d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

There are no huge masses of ps3 gamers approving of this method as you 360 fanboys are accusing us of. All you fools are doing is exaggerating and mocking a reaction when truly there hasn't been any.

Im like kobe. Show me the huge number of ps3 gamers who are approving of this method that you guys are claiming. I sure as hell haven't.

4831d ago 11 agree13 disagreeView comment

lol evanbrau, (the submitter of the story) also happens to be the writer of the review. Its ridiculous how some of these fools shamelessly promote themselves by ways of outspoken outlier reviews and controversial news headlines, for the simple fact of gaining attention.


4854d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gaming journalism as a whole has gotten somewhat trashy and attention seeking lol.

4854d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well its a good thing that hacks like these aren't included in the metacritic consensus. Totally misleading review from some jaded attention grabbing asshat.

4860d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Cool beans. Sony are really putting it in with all these exclusive sony characters.

Kratos for Mortal Kombat

And NOW COLE for street fighter X tekken

VERY impressive.

4861d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He said nothing of that sort. You've blown something way out of proportion to ridiculous levels. The only thing he said, was for the journalists who craved negativity and controversial fear mongering. that was a simple "you're welcome"

Im guessing that you aren't even watching the conference. You just took something and ran with it completely. They've apologized countless times, today included and have even rewarded free games titles.

4861d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sucker punch worked their asses off to give the faithful gamers a quality title, and they sat with us EVERY step of the way with the game's development. The way They listened to people's criticisms was the closest I had ever seen.

When people complained about Cole's reinvented "fresh" look, they scrapped it for his old-school gruff look that people were used to.

When people complained about a lack of variety when it came to powers, they ...

4862d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

A huge amount of sony gamers including me stood by insomniac's decision to go multiplatform. Even on insomniac's facebook page, sony fans remain loyal to insomniac as a company. There was no "turning" on insomniac as the author is desperately trying to make it seem. Im sure there were some butthurt fans who hated to see a company go, but every console fanboy has experienced the same. There was Bungie, Bioware, and Grasshopper who followed suit in making multiplatform games. ...

4862d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Exactly. That was an outright lie. Absorbing nearby electricity reserves instantly brought you to full health and with a juiced up energy reserve. No black and white at all.

And that's the stuff that pisses me off with journalists.

4863d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

some asshole is definitely PM'ing spoilers. He nearly got me.

4863d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Konami going multiplatform gives no sort of "win" to MS when the games are being served for everyone. Hell even handhelds are getting metal gear titles. Thats pretty pathetic to be considered as a "win".

Try harder.

4863d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Its only gotten two 7 scores, but in all honesty I expect it to get either more 7's or lower from some of these other websites to come. Edge, destructoid,, thunderbolt, etc.

4863d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You see, This is what I love despite the ridiculously low score infamous 2 recieved from gamespot, over half of the comments here don't even let it detract them from purchasing.

Sucker punch sought out to make a great ps3 title and they did just that. There's no way that I would let some persons opinion detract me from a developers hard work.

Ive played the demo, Ive seen the previews. Sucker punch was FAR more deserving of a better score than that.

4863d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I called it, I called it, I CALLED IT.

I said that ps3 exclusives this year would get nitpicked TO DEATH and recieve unjustified low scores without much credence or full reasons as to why, and BAM!!!!!

So far in 2011, every single 1st party ps3 exclusive that has been released TO DATE have gotten lower scores, and for unjustified reasons.

Little big planet 2 was nitpicked, killzone 3 was severely nitpicked, and now infamous 2 is currently rec...

4863d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

I guess someone lied and told them that it was coming for ps3 instead of 360. Thats the only justification I could come up with for such a low score for an amazing game.

4864d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im hoping that ps3 may get some Witcher 2 treatment later on down the road. This game seems friggen awesome, and id LOVE to have it in my ps3 collection if they allow it. C'mon projekt red!! Gimme!!!

4865d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment

I personally think that 8 is possibly the lowest score you could go for this title without getting flanked on for obvious bullshittery, and even that would get you shady looks. but I wouldn't put it past some websites who make no attempts to hide their bias nature whatsoever to give this game a low undeserving score. (edge, destructoid,, thunderbolt)

I just don't see this game hitting below 8 really with all that it has going for it.

4865d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment