
CRank: 5Score: 5290

Did you not see the part where he said "imo"?

4646d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Xbox gamers are busy playing and enjoying their games that's why N4G is known as a Ps3 fanboy site."

...yeah im sure.

4726d ago 17 agree8 disagreeView comment

Following you? You aren't that relevant. All you are is a constant trolling fanboy,you got pissed that I called you out on it in front of everybody, and you say im "following you?"

stop trying to make it seem as if you're "blocking" me when you were the fool who sent me a pm with the long ass text of how you aren't a troll. Get over yourself and quit PM'ing me. Ignored.

4796d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I swear MS should release some type of "sales tracker" for its devoted fans to keep them occupied since thats ALL they seem to care about. You guys scream "MORE SALES!!" and have almost nothing quality to show for it that isn't multiplatform.

They are making it RAIN with your money and you barely have a handful of quality titles. You guys are contempt with that?! Seriously?!

4796d ago 9 agree12 disagreeView comment

like a true 360 cheerleader.....Go team go! Go Team GO!!!!

4796d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

No, its a multitude quality exclusive titles keeping ps3 firmly afloat. Fun games with variety and innovation. Can't say the same for the console you obsess over can you?

4798d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

The fact that you used horrible examples of ps3 games that sold poorly (infamous 2, killzone 3) when in fact they didn't, clearly shows BOTH you and omi25p's total absolute ignorance when it comes to sales.

Stick to the gaming aspect because when fanboys like you want to talk about sales, it only makes you look mathematically incompetent as well as stupid.

4798d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

And its comments like these that prove my statment made yesterday against you omi25p.

You are and ALWAYS will be nothing but a jaded 360 fanboy buffoon.

4798d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Thats EXACTLY what im saying. Don't attempt to perpetrate as some neutral gamer when you know DAMN WELL that you're far from it.

4799d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I hate to be the bearer of bad news for you BImThug, but Heavy rain sold 1 million copies its first few weeks of release, which was completely unexpected and caught Quantic Dream by suprise that a niche title sold so well.

Then it went on to sell 2 million in its first year, outperforming your precious Alan Wake by a longshot both in critical acclaim and in sales. Sucks for you eh?

4799d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol like you're REALLY one to talk.....

4800d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't have a 360 and Im hardly missing anything that I cannot get for the ps3. Its quite funny how you try your hardest to show your obvious 360-centric biased while horribly attempting to appear as a neutral gamer.

"ps3 has some other games that are great but I wouldn't call them incredible" Yet you label fable 3 as "incredible"? Get real.

4801d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

In the words of Shangela Laquifa Wadley


4803d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never accused you of being a non-ps3 gamer, nor have I ever criticized your "attitude". I was saying that your assumption was flawed. Rightfully so.

You said

When I say "All Sony exclusives don't do great scores in selling", i mean that 100% of the exclusives don't do great scores, there are games that don't do great scores, it's normal."

That is totally false and outright tripe. All and 100% have th...

4804d ago 19 agree2 disagreeView comment

It boggles the mind how people still cling to that belief that ps3 exclusives don't sell, and use poor examples to prove them. Time and time again its been proven that great games have gone to sell quite well for example such as

Little big planet series
Uncharted series
Heavy Rain
Infamous 2

Lair was a critical failure and Heavenly sword was released months after ps3's release date when it was 600$, yet it STILL so...

4804d ago 71 agree9 disagreeView comment

Puhlease. Like that beta key incentive had no part in playing as to why geow 3 got pre-ordered so much. get real.

Uncharted 2 had low pre-order numbers but sold spectacularly so what's the difference?

4809d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

So your speculations in a nutshell is that Uncharted 3 will sell poorly due to the simple fact that

-The so called "low numbers" of the uncharted 3 beta even though it was 1.5 million (the biggest of any ps3 beta)

-Large numbers of gamers who refuse to pre-order the title like myself Despite still getting it on launch day (No incentives, no reservation)

-and because its release window is close to that of Modern warfare 3, (despite U...

4809d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Why type of "reason" have you two confronted us with? low preorder numbers? 1.5 million users in a free beta? Those ARENT great reasons to specify why Uncharted 3 is in some type of "danger" of not selling.

Uncharted 2 had no beta, and only 300,000 preorders at the time of release, yet it sold 2 million copies at the end of 2009 and has gone about to sell 5 million as of now. No gamer is really that worried about the sales of uncharted 3 other than 360 fan...

4809d ago 13 agree2 disagreeView comment

What are you flailing about? Uncharted 2 only had a measly 300,000 preorders yet went on to achieve 4.7 million in sales. Pre-orders don't show any negative indicator of anything, and its usually fanboys of the oppposite console who want to twist that into some sort of negative.

One of the main reasons that people ran out to even pre-order Gears 3 was because it came with a beta-incentive. Uncharted 3 has no pre-order incentives whatsoever. I didn't pre-order Unchart...

4810d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes she is. Capcom confirmed that Poison is a newhalf or post-op transexual which is the reason for her huge popularity and oddly in "hottest babe" catagories. She was also one of the most requested characters to be added in super street fighter 4 as well.

4815d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment