
CRank: 5Score: 5290

Ugh, you're back.........

5031d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Disgusting tinted glasses in gaming journalism. Really. This "Opinion" Piece is geared for pure hits. Like usual in JonahFalcon nature. If you are going to attack Sony for being deceptive or any case, you had better have a credible source for your data, which is something that this article is missing and is something TO DATE you've never had in ANY of your articles.

Also, Ad hominem abuse (also called personal abuse or personal attacks) usually involves insulti...

5035d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ugh...please don't.

5035d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

Oh please JonahFalcon, YOU have got no room to say anything mr fakeass journalist with your, "Sony are teh liarz!" "sony are teh evil" articles on "Strategyinformer". You and this guy with this misleading article are whats wrong with gaming journalism. Sony in no way voiced ANY dismay of the competition in the article, but it was twisted to look that way. You should know how that works right? Twisting stuff to make it seem more than what it is? For hits??

5035d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny. The only ones making a big deal out of this and saying that this is some sort of "deal-breaker" or "horrible news" are the ones who have no intention on purchasing GT.

5059d ago 11 agree2 disagreeView comment

Exclusives go multiplatform all the time, and since its happened with this game, no one has really made a big deal about it other than butthurt 360 fanboys such as yourself.
Take your loss, grow some, quit complaining, and GET OVER IT.

5060d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

funny? So far I see no ps3 fanboys laughing or throwing it in 360 gamers faces as of yet. All I see is bitching and pre-emptive attacks from you guys. Its almost as if no one really cares, EXCEPT you guys who're complaining about it.

Probably because they've got other games to worry about, and spend money on than sit here and laugh while you guys cry foul over a game that MORE people get to enjoy.

5060d ago 27 agree1 disagreeView comment

He said this "below expectations" thing back in october and then he retracted his statement when sony released their sales numbers.

This article was a recycled statement that was made last month, and switched to look like a rebuttal to sony's "exceeded" expectations statement.


5062d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its not even worth it going back and forth with you jokesonyou because at the end of the day, we'll still have the same conflicting views against each other. I don't need to "wake up" and look around, just because I don't share your one-sided view of what occurs within

You say that my POV is foolish, idiotic, and doesn't make sense, lol hell I think the same EXACT way against your POV. Point black. You could bring up examples, quotes and suc...

5072d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I disagree. The double standard of fanboys in general on n4g varies from day to day. It all depends on what is being reviewed, showcased, or discussed. There is no "prominant" side. They're both all in the same in my eyes. Thats the way its always been.

For you to say that the mentality that I wrote against fanboys is weakly supported, is fine with me. Thats your opinion. But ive been around here around here long enough to witness the ridiculous accounts from th...

5072d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The type of thought you're stating is COMPLETELY one-sided. Let me give you the OTHER side.

Reviews score a xbox360 game low= Reviews don't matter
-the same people who flouted the "AAA or FLOP" standard when halo 3 was released

Reviews score a ps3 game high= "x game is over-rated" "It wont sell as much as the halo/mass effect franchise"
-the same people who were so admant to claim that ps3 has no AAA title...

5072d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Kinect average score. high accoring to non gaming websites
newyorktimes, msnbc, newyorkdailynews, time, etc...

Kinect average score. MIXED to AVERAGE according to GAMING and tech websites. Ign, joystiq, attackofthefanboy, co-optimus, pcworld, endgadget,wolverton. Not a 9 or 10 in sight. 8's at the highest, but an 8 isn't a "breakaway revolution into the future of gaming" like MS touted.

The scores between the sites are wholly differe...

5074d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

A 360 xbot trolls only line of defense nowadays. Saying that its "shipped"

5075d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

I fell out of my computer chair laughing so hard at that statement. Japan waiting for...kinect? Please tell me that was sarcasm. It just had to be!!! lol!!

5081d ago 18 agree8 disagreeView comment

The article stated:

"However, CVG understands that the review was based on a hands-on with the kit orchestrated by Microsoft, rather than an exhaustive product test."

That should tell you something right there. If this were a bad review, MS would have hushed it before it even made print. Everyone saw how intense they were on destructoid for criticizing peripheral's commercial. And they were just commercials.

5082d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

To All the 360 fanboys are screaming "SHIPPED!!" Its hilarious. Move sold way more and faster than people expected it. Simple and plain. Even patcher admitted fault.

5085d ago 15 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well actually in fact that 300,000 sold was an estimate made by michael patcher. It was never an official sales number. Once sony released their sales figures he had retracted his statement admitting fault, and then went on to say that they are on a roll to sell 3 to 4 million copies by december 31st.


If yo...

5089d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Really. for someone who hates fanboys, that must be some SERIOUS self-hatred going on there.

-First you say that 1 million sold isn't good within the first month, despite it only being america

-then you make a baseless and horrible comparison with its sales to *TADAA!!* 360 only software titles that have sold substatially less worldwide in a month. And why anyone would compare a software title to a gaiming peripheral is BEYOND crazy.


5089d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

I seriously cannot believe you ignorant fools. And what exactly will kinect's sales do for your system? Especially when you have hardly anything to show for it come next year. Im DYING TO KNOW.

5092d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Usually when a game is graphically gorgeous 7 times out of 10 the gameplay is as equally as good as it looks. Lets face it. Not many developers are going to pull all the manpower into making a game look good, if it can't play just as good or better.

But over all yeah. Graphics in my opinion play a big role in the entire package. Thats my personal opinion though.

5096d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment