I am honoured to receive PS3 fanboy rage and inappropriate moderation


CRank: 5Score: 36270

1. Some people experience problems related to the firmware update
2. Other people immediately post blogs defending Sony's Firmware.

Never fails.

5130d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

Well done, Cayal, you just proved his point.
How utterly predictable.

5130d ago 1 agree10 disagreeView comment

One the one hand we have ps3 fanboys condemning the death threat, but then justifying a 'kick to the teeth'?

What the....?
Are you guys insane?
It's JUST a frickin computer game!

Threatening death or physical assault because this game is being released in Japan on the 360 is so beyond acceptable I am almost ashamed to be on the same forum as you guys.

Get a life, guys. seriously.
You have lost the...

5130d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

Dude, try to follow this logic.

The ps3 and 360 are roughly on par.
Some ps3 fanboys assume the ps3 is more powerful than the 360.
I disagree, but let's run with it.

The 360 has to emulate the old xbox1, which was technically superior to the ps2.
Now, if the 360 can easily emulate xbox1 games, even with improved resolution, then running a ps2 emulator on the ps3 is absolutely possible and easily achievable, as the task of em...

5130d ago 8 agree22 disagreeView comment

I hope so.
You would do well to make good use of it.

5130d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Dude, you are an exemplary example of what is wrong with ps3 fanboys on n4g.
Not only do you believe your own lies, you also actively seek to convince others that the lies you believe are true.

With regard to your lie:
"Sony was the first to offer full retail games...
For download. "

Did you forget about Steam?

Yes, Sony wins.

All the people that wanted to use the JB but were dumb enough to update their console have lost - that much is clear.

A phyrric victory?

5132d ago 11 agree66 disagreeView comment

Yes, I think we can bet money on that.

If Sony has disabled the JB, then they certainly seem to have won a battle.

However, the hackers are probably already at work sorting out how to overcome this firmware update for new revisions of JB.

As such, Sony's victory is really a phyrric Victory.

5132d ago 1 agree34 disagreeView comment

Just like all the anti kinect comments on n4g. completely unbiased.


5132d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment


Hint: You WON'T be using any calculators with your ps3 from now on.

5132d ago 4 agree16 disagreeView comment

Yep, some Sony and Ps3 fans are slowly waking up from their slumber.

I previously remarked that, if this is true, then Sony has duped their customers from the beginning.

If this is true, then the Sony fanbase will be divided that's for sure. I am already seeing indications from traditional Sony fans that they are considering taking u...

5132d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Modifying the ps3 is not akin to stealing gasoline, at all.

Modifying the ps3 merely allows the user to fill up with whatever fuel they wish. It is more akin to converting the car to run on ethanol or natural gas, instead of the fuel that Sony dictates.

Stealing said fuel is a separate issue altogether, and not comparable, unless games are stolen (pirated).
However, on its own, the JB does not do that, in the same way that a sharp axe does not ki...

5132d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment


Awesome! You made my day!
I am going to be sitting here chuckling for the next hour over that comment alone.
Thanks a bunch and bubbles +1

5132d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hmmm... lots of angry fanboys will hate cvg for this.

I am looking forward to the awesome game that is Gt5, howevere, in a all honesty, the damage does look a bit weird.
So high is my expectation for gt5, that I would not have believed it had I not seen it for myself

5132d ago 3 agree20 disagreeView comment

I am going to find my old commodore64 and rig up a usb cable and eprom cartridge.

Seriously, how funny would it be to hack the ps3 with any old commodore64?

5132d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Morganfell is having a minor meltdown.
The effects of the jailbreak hack are far-reaching, indeed.

Have a couple of days off, morganfell.
You'll be right as rain again in no time.

Sony will be ok, I promise.

5132d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

The 360s has been selling extremely well in Europe and NA since the release of the 360s.

It's no wonder.
The price is right, it's tremendous fun,looks great and is ultra reliable.
Those Germans seem to be returning to the xbox brand with good reason.

5132d ago 24 agree20 disagreeView comment


I predict a floodwave of alternative JBs in the next few weeks.

5132d ago 17 agree21 disagreeView comment

@ Omega

"Sony choose not to do it so they could make money off remaking PS2 games in HD."

Hmmm... there is more to it than that.
Sony needed to ditch ps3 emulation on the ps3 so that they could continue to sell profitable ps2s and profitable ps2 games.

Had Sony kept ps2 emulation on the ps3, then ps2 sales would have dwindled to nothing. It was a business decision. Sony needed the ps2 profits to prop up the ps3 losses.

5132d ago 29 agree38 disagreeView comment

Yeaaah.. really does look intense!

I hope the game looks that good when it is released.
Those screens look better than anything i have seen on consoles.
Fingers crossed!

5133d ago 19 agree36 disagreeView comment