I am honoured to receive PS3 fanboy rage and inappropriate moderation


CRank: 5Score: 36270

"I just love the fact that if you don't love Kinect and speak the truth you're immediately labeled a hater. "
Wow, that's quite ignorant my fellow Aussie.

Kinect looks like a bucketload of fun. Testament to this are the millions of preorders that have registered across the world.

Sure, not every Kinectgame will appeal, but it really is a case of 'horses for courses'. Just because you don't love kinect, doesn't mea...

5083d ago 6 agree25 disagreeView comment

Everyone have a look at darkride66's comment:

"They must be having some problems moving the new units or something."
Last I checked, the 360 was outselling the ps3 worldwide?

Additionally, you checked 3 shops and found that "almost all still had stock of the old, cheap 360 models and bundles"?
What exactly does 'almost all' mean?
2/3 still had stock?
1/3 still had stock?

When you...

5083d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Yeah, well said uxo22

Isn't it funny that the same people who constantly disparage kinect conveniently forget about things like this:

5083d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

"M$ did say they have 70 developer working on Kinect games. "

Whoa... really?
didn't know that.

Sounds like this thing is going to be exceptionally well supported by MS and developers.
That's what I like about MS - they actually suport their developers, whereas other companies just call them lazy.

5083d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

that doesn't mean a thing.

Anyone can make a blog, with a fancy logo, write stories, pass the contributor test and then submit each and every article to be approved on n4g.
It's sooo easy.

I have noticed a few users on n4g already doing just that, with a commensurate decrease in submission quality.
Trash journalism, I think it's called.

Lots of amateurs are trying to get a slice of the online advertising revenue by...

5084d ago 13 agree17 disagreeView comment

I smell ps3 fanboy bs

5084d ago 16 agree57 disagreeView comment

Oh thankyou.

The issue is now closed.
Sony SHIPPED 1 million units.

Isn't it weird that in months gone by, SOny fans have argued until they were blue in the face that Sony ONLY reports sold to consumers.

Yet, here we are with the facts, seeing Sony reporting sold, when really they mean shipped. Of course, they only corrected themselves when people started asking 'shipped or sold'?
I am glad that we have websites ke...

5084d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

"Yeah, games with Uncharted 2/God of War III/ Killzone 2-3 like production values are becoming standard on PS3"

hmm, as far as I can tell the ps3 has 3 games that truly are great, as mentioned above.
But let's be realistic here, the ps3 is approaching its fifth year and all we ever hear is UC2, GOW3, KZ2.

Those three games are repeated ad nauseum and ad infinitum here on n4g, amonst the Sony fanboys.
While I am not disputing the ...

5084d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Oh I don't know, dude... it seemed quite a lot more accurate than this

but then, you haven't actually played kinect either, have you?

5084d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Flamebait? Yep. Obvious.

Note, however, that this thread is still full of ps3 fanboys diving into the flames in order to defend their precioussss.
like moths. kind of.

5085d ago 5 agree34 disagreeView comment

agreed joy.

It's so funny to watch ps3 fans whine like children when vgchartz numbers don't estimate sales how they want.
In every single vgchartz thread we have ps3 fans bemoaning the fact that VGC numbers don't quite match up.
Sometimes I think they are going to burst a blood vessel over this.
It really does seem strange, especially when we all already know that VGC estimates sales. This is no secret.

Conversely, when Son...

5086d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

"The general consensus among analysts like Wedbush Securities’ Michael Pachter has been launch day sales of 2-3 million units, with 4 million units by Christmas. "

If they get close to that, then look out Sony!

Sony has shipped 2.5 million PS move in 30 days.
Imagine if MS matches that on launch.
N4G will explode with anti Kinct rage!

I am looking forward to enjoying the spectacle of meltdowns....

5087d ago 10 agree7 disagreeView comment

Sony 'shipped' 2.5 million controllers.

This is great news.
Obviously Sony is expecting to sell some or all of what they have shipped. The only problem is, those expected sales will achave been to the exisiting hardcore base. Actual PS3 console sales across the world haven't changed appreciably to reflect the Move shipments.

I can only imagine how much more Kinect will sell, given that it appeals to exisitng 360 owners as well as the new c...

5087d ago 5 agree14 disagreeView comment

Here in Australia, the gtx 460 is very hard to beat for value, so far.
We can buy a 460 768mb for $AU187.

SLI two of those and you get performance that beats a gtx 480, for $100+ less overall... it's simply astounding value.

However, the introduction of 6850, which seems to be better than the 460 1gb will likely push those prices down even m...

5087d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

360 still outselling ps3 in Europe?

Didn't Sony just release their much vaunted PS Move thing?
Wasn't that supposed to sell ps3s?
What happened?

Honestly, I hope GT5 sells a few more ps3 skus, because when Kinect hits I predict a lot more 360 sales on top of the lead they already have now.
Just saying.

5087d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

"so lets say Kinect will sell... then wut?"

well, dude, then developers will leverage the installed base to develop more fun titles which will attract more gamers which will sell more units, which will attract more developers.. etc etc.

The 360 is not the wii.
Hardcore games are certainly possible on the 360.
It just needs developers to do it, and the first step to getting developers on board with hardcore kinect titles is to sell lo...

5087d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Dude... really?

Are you for real?
You preach "Play games NOT marketing/sales", but then speculate about how
"PS3 is CERTAIN to take the sales crown well before the launch of next gen devices"

Are you crying about how it's not fair that ps3 sales are compared to 360 sales?
Is it deleterious to your ego?
Can't sleep at night?
is it.. not fair?

Jesus dude..
wtf is wrong...

5087d ago 4 agree24 disagreeView comment

"Not everything is perfect however, this is the first fitness game to use the PlayStation Move technology and the game does a poor job of explaining when you actually need to hold the controller and when you can sit it down. Prior to beginning several specific sets the game will pause and tell you, you need the controller, at other times it’s more of a guess and go and hope that you’re holding it correctly."

Why anyone would want or need to hold a controller, much l...

5087d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

yeah... the jailbreak thing had become very quiet, until now.

I guess the PS3 hacking floodgates REALLY are opened now.

5087d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Yeah, you know what?
I agree.

It looks FUN.
My guess is the people that vote with their Wallets will concur.

I can certainly vouch for what's not fun.. and that's the endless drone of geeks raging on n4g about how kinect does not fit into their mom's basement.

5087d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment