I am honoured to receive PS3 fanboy rage and inappropriate moderation


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We = World


5123d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

PC gamers probably buy a gaming pc because the technology in the ps3 and 360 is OLD.

Of course, if yo ask a ps3 fanboy, they will tell you that the ps3 is cutting edge, teh cell etc.
Don't fall for the hype.

PC gamers are the only ones who have the daily option of being on the cutting edge, with a commensurate price tag.

5124d ago 9 agree11 disagreeView comment

The ps3 fanboys have serious problems - they simply cannot bear the thought of any gamer actually preferring Kinect.

It looked to me like there were some comments positive about kinect by some gamers and some positive comments about move by gamers.

It's sad to see some people disparaging the veracity of pro kinect comments, while blindly accepting the truth of the move comments.

Additionally, I think the mods need to reinstate omega's...

5124d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment


Please refrain from stalking me and attacking me personally with your multiple account 'ColJessup'.

The ps3 has indeed done well with regard to Madden sales.
Does that imply that proportionally more PS3 owners in the US prefer playing armchair sports than the real thing?

5125d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

After Sony paid off the movie studios, HD DVD didn't have a chance.
It sucks that Sony did this, but facts are facts.

For those who don't like to verify this themselves, I have done it for you:

Sony paid Fox $120 million to switch to bluray exclusively
Sony paid Warner Brothers $400 million to switch to bluray exclusivel

"I mean, GOW 3 got a 9.2.
If it even gets close to that.....I'll be impressed. "

hmmm.. I predict Halo Reach will score better than that, and probably sell better too.
Quote me on that, if you like.

5127d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

It sure will.

I wonder why someone would disagree?
It seems so counter-intuitive.

I smell ps3 fanboys...

5127d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment

yeah, so far quite a few perfect scores, some 9.5s, 9.4s.
Also seen some 8.5s

Looks to be very high scoring.
AAA game.
As expected.

Thanks MS, thanks Bungie.

5127d ago 14 agree7 disagreeView comment

I agree KZ3 will be a great game, but why bring it up?
Seems like a stealth troll.

Can't we even write one sentence about Halo Reach without bringing the fanboy agenda to the fore?

5127d ago 7 agree13 disagreeView comment

Yes, a nine from eurogamer implies an outstanding game.
Eurogamer has always impressed my with their impartial and professional content.

Just wish we had more sites like Eurogamer to keep standards high.

5127d ago 4 agree11 disagreeView comment

agreed, I think we are ALL looking forward to playing this game.

Aren't we?

5127d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

booyah baby.

5127d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

so... hmm.

9.8/10 is not honest?
But 8.5/10 is VERY good and VERY honest?

I smell angry ps3 fans...

5127d ago 12 agree10 disagreeView comment


5127d ago 7 agree7 disagreeView comment

Of course they can't.

They are already in the red to the tune of $5 billion, thanks to the ps3.
Any money that they were going to spend on the ps3 has already been used in subsidising the sale of the Ps3 hardware in the last four years.

Not trolling, just pointing out the truth.

5127d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

well, what do you expect?

It was written by none other than darkride66.
It was submitted by none other than darkride66.
SMGamers.com is darkride66's blog.

The actual post from Barron's reports weakening demand across the ENTIRE chip sector, not just what the headline implies.

What's more, the 40% reduction in production for the 360 is likely a ramping down of production after extra 360s were produced for the expect...

5128d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

Recently, some ps3 fan made death threats simply because a game was published on a rival console, in Japan.

Discussing ps3 jailbreaking is playing with fire.
Some people are simply unstable.
PS3 jailbreaking seems to be provoking an unstable response in the ps3 community.

There's the answer.

5129d ago 11 agree16 disagreeView comment

Not only is it doing extremely well in NA, but also in Europe.

According to VGchartz, which estimates sales reasonably well, the 360 has also been leading the ps3 in Europe since the release of the 360slim.

Since the release of the 360s, all available evidence points to the 360 widening the worldwide sales gap again.
That's a no brainer.
Does it matter?
Well it shouldn't, but we all know it does, on n4g.

I woul...

5129d ago 12 agree25 disagreeView comment

"candle" is my favourite.

Seinfeld ftw

5129d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, we know it's VGchartz.
Yeah, we know they are estimates.

But seriously, the numbers have consistently pointed to the 360's continued success in Europe.
The sales gap is growing again, worldwide.
That's a no brainer.

Speaking of no brainers, I expect the usual fanboys to arrive shortly, disparaging VGchartz, even though VGC gets it right so much more often than not.

5129d ago 7 agree18 disagreeView comment