I am honoured to receive PS3 fanboy rage and inappropriate moderation


CRank: 5Score: 36270

This article is choc-full of anti kinect trollers and nothing is done.

Kinect hasn't even been released.
It hasn't even been reviewed.
99% of the negative posters in this thread have NO intention of getting kinect.
All I am seeing is a bunch of low life, bottom feeding hateful trolls that are doing their best to express their geek rage.

Why is this being tolerated?
How very sad.

5088d ago 3 agree23 disagreeView comment

@ gtamike

"just wait
GT5 will sell alot of PS3's (sic)"

well that's what they said about the ps3 Move launch.
While plenty of move controllers have been sold, they have not really increased the sales of ps3 skus at all.
Existing hardcore ps3 owners are the only ones who seem interested in the Move, while significant numbers of new ps3 customers seem strangely absent.

Undoubtedly GT5 will sell bucketlo...

5094d ago 9 agree8 disagreeView comment

Dude, quit the trolling.

It took me all of 2 seconds to find this video of move, which clearly exhibits horrendous lag, inaccurate motion detection, and a conspicuous absence of 1:1 controller input.

Please note, this is not a staged demo.
There can be no doubt this is actual Move gameplay.
In fact, this game see...

5094d ago 3 agree17 disagreeView comment

LOL @ bathyj

So ... uh.. Sony prefers NOT to talk about sales?

But what's this?

It sounds very much like Sony LOVES to talk about sales when the news is good, but HATES talking about sales when the news is bad.

You know it's true, bathyj!

5094d ago 6 agree9 disagreeView comment

I would suggest it may not be a rage quit at all.

If this guy has $26 million invested in a single company, this points to him being quite the sophisticated investor.

The fact that he played FF14 and hated it, may be an indication that he expects future earnings of SE to decline - in other words a 'signalling' event.

Maybe it had nothing to do with rage, but more to do with being a savvy investor?

5095d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

@ newtype

"Hard drive optimization is not needed on SSDs."

Lucky for you, some modern SSDs trim...

5095d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Ultimately Gt5 will still sell very well.

However, "A true GT5 fan wouldn't care if it was only slightly delayed." is simply wrong.
Going by the response in these comments, plenty of GT5 fans are verily pissed.

5095d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

This ^

However, I think it is actually the fear that the ps3 might remain in third place, if kinect is TOO successful, that remains the underlying issue.

Most users already know that Sony will be fine.
The ps3 and 360 are already successful.
It's just the egos that are out of whack, if they can't be top dog.

5095d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Here's the numbers:

Valay «-» October 13, 2010 «-» PS3, 360, Wii, DS, PSP, News «-» 0 comments

PSP – 33,683
DSi – 22,301
DSi LL – 21,777
PS3 – 19,948
Wii – 12,158
DS Lite – 5,960
Xbox 360 – 2,746
PS2 – 1,373
PSP go – 1,191

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week.

PSP – 37,088
DSi – 24,937

5095d ago 1 agree37 disagreeView comment

jaw dropped

5095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not sure I see a problem with the delay

This game was announced in 2006.
An 8 week delay is acceptable, after already waiting 408 weeks, isn't it?
We should be used to waiting by now... just saying.

5095d ago 5 agree14 disagreeView comment

What your comment shows is that you are still using the same excuse for poor PS3 multiplats that was being used in 2007

The ps3 has been out for four years and blaming developers is simply poor form. Hundreds of talented developers worldwide have struggled with the ps3 architecture for four long years - yet multiplats continue to be slightly better on the 360 even today.

While I am not saying that the 360 is the superior machine, the evidence simply points to...

5095d ago 19 agree26 disagreeView comment

@ lifendz
"This is probably more of a marketing decision at this point."

Yes, you are probably right.

scheduled NA GT5 launch 2/11/10
scheduled NA Kinect launch 4/11/10

Or was GT5 delayed to avoid the Kinect launch?

5095d ago 14 agree43 disagreeView comment

Yes, good sales.

If this is how Move is selling, I predict even more amazing sales for kinect, taking into account Kinect's pre-orders.

5095d ago 7 agree72 disagreeView comment

With 1:1 tracking and zero lag like: http://www.youtube.com/watc...

I can really see why Sony is selling out of Move. They have the future of gaming on the ps3 in their hands. Resistance is futile.

edit @ pennyunwise reply:

Thankyou for your glowing Move testimonial.
However, I tend to prefer real evidence over fanboy testimonials.

5095d ago 9 agree13 disagreeView comment

"...we go after the person that is messing with people and kill him until he leaves"

So, you address the issue of bullying by becoming a bully yourself?
What's more, you and your friends resort to 'ganging up' on a single user?

I am thinking you are perpetuating the problem rather than solving it.

Did you stop to consider that the bully is probably bullying other people because he was bullied prior by someone el...

5095d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Really have to agree with the above three posters.

Darkride66 seems an innocuous fanboy most of the time, but now I really think he has some obsessive anti MS issues.
All he ever seems to do is rage on kinect, rage on MS, rage on Vgchartz. He's even started his own blog for this very purpose.
Anything at all will do to vent the spleen - over and over.

I am guessing Darkride66 has some other issues in his life that need sorting out. Every n...

5096d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

You are right, Ndibu.

The ps3 fans had me convinced that move was far better than kinect and would be so much more fun.
After dozens of anti-kinect blog submissions and thousands of pro Move comments here on n4g.com, I was convinced the PS move was going to be akin to the second coming of christ!

The pre-orders do tell quite a different story though, as you rightly pointed out.
From what I can see, consumers are voting with their wallets.

5097d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

Spot on Strikepackage.
You nailed it.

The vehemence of the replies and the fanboy disagrees are testament to the underlying truth of your statements.

(they know it too, deep down, but they will never admit it)

5097d ago 3 agree16 disagreeView comment

"...The reason sales are down is because PS3 there weren’t any worthwhile titles released in September."

I guess Ps3 move and its launch titles do not count as worthwhile?

Would it be safe to ...

5097d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment