I am honoured to receive PS3 fanboy rage and inappropriate moderation


CRank: 5Score: 36270

You guys need to get a sense of humour...
Everyone else is laughing their grass off!

5142d ago 23 agree7 disagreeView comment

I have been wondering myself about the absolute devotion that some ps3 fanboys exhibit.

Your metaphorical comparison of the Sony loyalists to the religious fundamentalist extremism of the 'al quaeda' network made me nod in agreement.
AS soon as I read your comment I thought, Yep, well said!

Although, it has to also be said that not all ps3 fans are like this. I own a ps3 console myself and am looking forward to KZ3 and I know it's possible...

5143d ago 6 agree11 disagreeView comment

@ big silky ^^^^

"where does it say HDD transfer"?

DUDE. read the article:
"Dodgy loading from a hard drive - sounds odd to us, considering we've never heard of such an issue with any of the other higher-end games on the (360) console. "

It sounds funny that they are complaining about the HDD transfer rates when we all know that games do not require installs on the 360.
Why install the game on HDD when ...

5143d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

so... it's Sept 2010
The ps3 has been out for four years.

Are we STILL blaming developers?
That record is well and truly broken.

Come on, guys, it's not 2007 anymore.
Time for a new excuse.

5143d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

I wonder if the jailbreak has anything to do with this?

Before you get all angry, consider that the PS2, when hacked, was also able to play copied games.
It seems to be a powerful incentive for hardware sales...

Just saying.

5143d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

@ ^^^

not sure why you got disagrees, dude.

If you already own KZ2 and UC2, then why not take advantage of the jailbreak to improve load times and decrease wear and tear on bluray drive and discs?

Makes perfect sense to me.

In time, the jailbreak will become cheaper or even free.
There is nothing morally or ethically stopping you from using it to back-up your games, if you own them.

5143d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Isn't that what the report button is for?

In any case, we already know VGC estimates its numbers.
YEs, they are not 100% accurate. Let's move on.
VGC need to be taken with a pinch of salt, but their overall estimates have been surprisingly accurate and are definitely of interest to the n4g community.

Having cleared that up, the article shows an impressive impropvement in 360 sales from 23/8/08 to 14/8/10, effectively doubling it...

5143d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


I have been saying this form the beginning.
'Fun' is the operative word that applies here.

I notice in the article that the author makes a point of how using kinect is physically demanding, but FUN. That is exactly what some of us gamers need. After all, being a lazy, overweight couch potatoe gamer does nothing to improve the stereotype of gamers that we are all used to:
5143d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ natsu
"Ps3 games never get leaked"

Now the jailbreak is here, expect that to change.

5145d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

yes, a big misunderstanding.

Isn't it funny though, how quick the trolls jumped all over this and disparaged MS for all that it was worth in the article that reported this falsely.

Anything will do to bash MS, anything at all.
roll up roll up everyone wins a prize!

5145d ago 13 agree9 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I can see it happening just like you said.

Let's face it. PS3 and 360 are both getting older.
Both were designed 5-6 years ago.

While we may see developers squeezing out marginally improved performance over the next few years, we already know that both consoles are realistically limited, due to their age.
Compared to modern PC components, both consoles are already lackingmand it will only get worse in time.

I think m...

5145d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ hoops.

Gotta agree there, dude.

Both Ps3 and 360 are dated tech.
Both were designed over 6 years ago.

Five to six years ago, the cutting edge of GPUs was a Geforce 7800 architecture.
As we all know, the RSX GPU in the PS3 is based on this chipset.

Now, with this in mind, consider t...

5145d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

How did it get approved, when this should have been fixed first?

I find it really sad that this seems to be a habit for submitters lately:
Ie: Change the title of a pending article to a flamebait headline, then get fanboys to approve it, then change the title later after it has reached 500 degrees.

Where are the mods?
The report system is broken.

5146d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment


Yes, the irony.

5146d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It matters to a lot of people on n4g, because their egos are inexplicably intertwined with the real and perceived success of their particular console.
In particular, third place has been a very sore last place for playstation3 fanboys.

After the success of the ps2 there was a great implicit expectation that the ps3 would trounce the competition, especially after the triumphant rhetoric of Ken "ps3" kutaragi.
Thus, the fact that the ps3 is still in th...

5146d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

hmmmm. well by all accounts the xbox live service is very well received by consumers and rakes in handy revenue for MS. Not sure what it is you want them to learn, in that regard.

On the other hand, MS needs to get back into game development.
They would do well to focus on first party exclusives.
That is something Sony does much better.

It seems Sony has attempted to step up to the level of 'live' with psn+ and they have certainly rais...

5146d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

oh gawd, are you guys for real?
"it's not a hack it's an exploit"

IS this what you cling to?
That's some hardcore nerd rage right there.
I am not happy about the JB either, but come on guys.

Just give it some time, fellas, you'll get used to it and t...

5146d ago 6 agree15 disagreeView comment

The only thing that might have been new was hinted at in the headline:
"Sony responds"

Sony actual response... “we don't comment on rumour and speculation.”
and that is nothing new at all.


5146d ago 16 agree5 disagreeView comment

Wrong. Dead wrong
How very ironic that you admonish someone else for 'choosing to ignore facts', when you can't get it right yourself.

Fact is, the ps3 is NOT the better selling console for EA.

If you had done your homework, you would have realised that for FY 2008,2009 and 2010, the 360 was the top revenue generator for EA.
5146d ago 21 agree15 disagreeView comment

I think maybe it's time for datnjdom to 'wake up'.

5146d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment