
CRank: 5Score: 23830

Remember the Metal Gear Solid 4 first person shooter trailer? Well, the trailer for Rising looked and sounded far more ridiculous to the point that I had to assume it was a similar joke. As the minutes passed, we witnessed some hilarious writing, some over the top, generic action gameplay and we were informed that Raiden's sword is a tool of justice... It began to dawn on me- "Revengeance" is no joke. "Revengeance"... no joke...

4573d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The game looks terrible. MGS games were always off the wall, but this lacks any sophistication. Far, far more excited for the EU release of the MGS collection.

4574d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

3DS is looking hot right now.

4581d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm a bit sceptical of how this game would work with Sony's potential selection of characters. Many candidates are too adult oriented and I'd be concerned about the inclusion of too many generic JRPG characters or characters from franchises that are now multiplatform or have lost their way (Crash). Though both have rich histories of great games- I can't see Sony's franchises pulling off this type of game anywhere near as successfully as Nintendo's. I'd love to be p...

4582d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

In the internet age, everyone is a critic. Of course, I'm all for people having opinions and I'm all for people voicing those opinions. But for someone so ignorant to have a platform of this scale is tragic.

Besides his ignorance, his inability to write particularly well is infuriating. I could forgive his terrible writing if the opinions therein were of worth, or even his ignorance if it were presented coherently, though would condone neither when preaching to such a...

4589d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Strange choice to target the audience that will already be buying this game- those who grew up playing Zelda. They need to be targeting mothers looking for Christmas presents. Any gamer over 20 should be buying this without the need for advertisements as far as I'm concerned.

4614d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The reason the PC is not only the best but the cheapest gaming platform isn't just lower game prices. There is the simple fact that practically every gamer, especially those here on N4G- spreading false information about the true cost of gaming PCs and their supposed need for alarmingly regular upgrades- require a computer in their day to day life. For a small investment, a stick of RAM and a dedicated graphics card will turn any modern everyday PC into a gaming rig capable of outshining ...

4653d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was specifically mentioning 2001 as a shining example of a technically astonishing film. One that still astonishes fourty years on and still without the need for 3D. It just so happens that it is also a great film on many other levels.

Someone who truly enjoys film doesn't need to worry about "flagship" TVs. And yes, I'd much rather own hundreds of the best films ever made and watch them on my average television than waste my money.

I neve...

4668d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It isn't just the economy that should put people off going out and buying a 3D television- it should be the simple fact that 3D is a novelty. And a bad novelty at that. Totally tacky.

I hope this 3D fad doesn't catch on and find itself incorporated in films and games that are actually worth a damn- I'll take 2001 over any 3D film any day of the week and I'll still be far more impressed with the visuals. 3D is for people with no taste and too much money- they s...

4668d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

2 of the best looking games of last generation are now 2 of the best looking games of the current generation. Should have released earlier without 3D- Ueda's timeless masterpieces don't need that tacky novelty. This is the first time since selling my PS3 that I'm really wishing I had it back. Though my PC does a pretty fine job of HDing up my PS2 copies, it isn't quite the same. Saves me some dolla I guess.

This and the MGS collection will be some of the fines...

4669d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, good idea, maybe you should go tell Nintendo to research the technology they're incorporating into their new console. I bet they never thought to do that. That's some really valuable thinking right there and you say Nintendo take risks? You sir are the pinnacle of innovative thinking- this is what Nintendo have been missing all along. Problem solved!

4669d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah, I agree with you there, the games rarely change much and I too have always been a PC Battlefield man, but The CoD single player campaigns are actually pretty darn good and the multiplayer, despite being very similar every iteration, is straight up fun. It certainly wouldn't sell on brand name alone if the games had always been terrible.

4669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Super Game Boy was amazing, one of my favourite peripherals ever released. The Game Boy Camera I remember being a lot of fun too. It's a shame I need an article like this to remember how much fun I had growing up with Nintendo- got my fingers crossed hard for Wii U.

4669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Call of Duty brand sells as it has a history of consistently good games.

4669d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

As someone very new to the DOTA formula, having very recently found myself hooked on League of Legends, I can't help but find a lot of the information so far released about DOTA 2 very boring- many of the characters look quite unimaginative and that trailer was so generic. The few screenshots I've seen are particularly dull. Is it going to be free to play? As a bit of an outsider, it just seems LoL has nailed the art style, character design and gameplay for this sort of game.

4669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I absolutely bought Minecraft with what it would become in mind- it was still fun, but I bought early to take advantage of the price. I haven't got my money's worth.

4670d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Doesn't matter anymore, too late in the console cycle for sales this similar to be significant. The 360 has already achieved an incredible boost in market share from last generation and will be riding high into the next- August 2011 isn't worth worrying about.

4671d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Definitely Bioshock Infinite, but plenty of others I'm anticipating- everything's coming up Milhouse!

4671d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gamecube REmake and L4D2 are the most fun I've had fighting zombies. The Hard Rain campaign was one of the most thrilling game experiences I've had.

4671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love Chet- good spokesperson for the games he's worked on so far. A talented writer and a real hero of the industry in my eyes.

4671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment