
CRank: 5Score: 23830

I played Mass Effect 1 about this time last year when I picked up my 360 and I have no recollection of the story- nothing.

It is a very forgettable game I think. I'm yet to play the sequel but Playstation owners aren't missing much- a simple cutscene at the beginning will be more than enough I'm sure.

5138d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

RAM stands for Random Access Memory, which I'm sure is what he was referring to.

5143d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

The writer is clearly an idiot, but I'm afraid I do have to agree with Heavy Rain- it seems to get a free pass because its trying to be original, but its script, acting and gameplay all fell short for me. Metal Gear Solid 4 is universally acclaimed and its still underrated in my eyes- a perfect game in every way.

5145d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Co op wave defense in Bioshock would be amazing.

5145d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

He's my local MP and a prize idiot. I guess everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it is stupid.

5145d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think that Resistance was an 8.8 kinda game at launch. Nowadays, I'd call it a 7. I did enjoy it at the time, but there's no way I'd go back to it after playing everything that has come since. It was a solid and fun game, but there's a lot to be done before the series can be considered alongside FPS royalty. I'm very interested to see how Resistance 3 turns out.

5145d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I saw a video of Greg Miller playing this game with 2 Move controllers and it just looked terrible.

I respect that Sony and developers are offering options for those not wanting to buy new controllers, but this and using half a DualShock in place of a Nav controller, are not particularly good alternatives. I think I'd rather stick to normal games than bodge together a motion control setup that is awkward and uncomfortable.

5148d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Looks good, interested to see how it turns out- Insomniac will need to step up their game from the previous iterations. Resistance feels like a series built up from an average game, which flourished at a time when there was very little choice.

Resistance 2 was a poor effort when compared with Gears 2 and Killzone 2. Insomniac definitely have the potential, really creative bunch, I hope they manage it- Resistance is an intriguing idea and it would be a shame if it continues to...

5149d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think Braid and Bioshock definitely deserve to be on here. Wind Waker and Geometry Wars I agree with totally.

I'm glad he did a list of the best looking rather than "technically best".

Art direction and creativity > polygons and high resolution textures.

5150d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah, totally unacceptable- incredibly smooth, awesome sci fi art style, hey and let's not forget the brilliant gameplay, weapons, controls, and balance.


My god, are you for real? Go f*** yourself. Go look at your precious Uncharted 2 if this is so painfully ugly.

5150d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

New Wii in 2011, Microsoft and Sony rip offs in 2012.

Maybe we haven't seen the vitality sensor for a while as they're planning to use it as the primary controller for the Wii 2- that'd be off the chain!

5151d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I really hope it isn't capable, I don't want my games in 3D and I don't want developers wasting time making their games 3D.

5152d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The author had the choice to write some news, but decided to do this instead. And the worst bit is, it takes up 1 whole entry on the N4G homepage! Wait, it gets even worse, you're obligated to both read it and make a witty comment about how worthless it is.

5152d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bioshock needs to be in there- maybe not the best graphics from a technical standpoint, but for me, far and away the most thoughtfully designed game world- incredible art direction.

5153d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

To all the people acting as the mature voices of reason- this article isn't comparing loading times to declare a winner, but to reassure potential GT5 buyers that the loading times are not as bad as rumored earlier in the week and hold up very well with other games in the genre. It isn't petty or pointless- it is informative and good to know.

5153d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


Gran Turismo and LittleBigPlanet? Isn't that the same as 2008?

Look at that- works both ways.

5154d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Agreed- people are quick to dismiss Kinect as an Eye Toy ripoff, but when comparing Move to the Wii, they argue that they're totally different because of the Playstation hardware (HD, more precise); exactly the same can be said for Kinect, a similar concept to the Eye Toy, enhanced by far better hardware.

Most of Move's biggest games are re releases and games that will play extremely well without Move (Resident Evil, SOCOM, Killzone, Heavy Rain). That isn't progre...

5155d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I guess they're going for a nice balance of different styles and genres- seems like a pretty nice list to me, I'd recommend most of them to anyone buying a 360.

Should I have heard of Earth Defense Force 2017? Anyone here played it? Impressions?

Also, ODST should be in place of Halo 3 in my opinion- much better story and all the same multiplayer elements as well as Firefight. Plus I think the story works without having played previous Halo games.

5165d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Did you know, in the space of time that 5 Halo games have been released, 1 of which being an RTS, 9 SOCOM games have been released.

And did you know also, that in just 5 years, 4 God of War games have been released as well as a re release of the first 2. By the time Reach comes out, it will have been almost 9 years since Combat Evolved first launched. 6 games in 9 years, which technically is less, even if you exclude the God of War Collection.

My point isn...

5166d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

In much less time, ODST has outsold GT5 Prologue.

1 Halo game you're referring to being an RTS- a niche genre especially on a console, the other- ODST, did really well, especially for something most people considered a glorified DLC. In 1 year, ODST has sold around half as much as Halo 3 has in 3 years. Also, I don't think anyone said it would be the "Be all and end all" in terms of sales, although, it has still sold very well.

Sure I'm ...

5166d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment