CRank: 5Score: 11370

This is my biggest complaint in some games, never have I seen a good solution for button to pressed to talk. Unreal tournament on PS3 expected me to slide my thumb down to the D-Pad to talk which was impossible to do if you are trying to fire and move at the same time.
I understand why there is push to talk but please think of other solutions like proximity chat or something as it is just ridiculous, Warhawk used to be push to talk but than they gave option to have it or not which was ...

5772d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Go retire and perhaps get a picture on your blog that doesn't look like you want to give a hard boiled lolly to a child.
Your getting as bad as Jack Thompson in the fact I would love to tear you a new one, get rid of these grey haired people in the gaming industry you have no idea on any subject.
I suppose at least he wasn't blowing Microsoft for once with the article.

5781d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played the 360 demo multiplayer and I honestly must be playing a different game cause it is crap.
After just a few minutes I got bored thinking it's the same old thing.
Thought the graphics were bland and it felt like a co-op hack and slash were I am just repeating the same thing over and over. Is it just because it is done by Valve or something, I'm just not feeling any love for this game.
Getting sick of overhyped games, and I am a big fan of zombie style games.

5784d ago 14 agree12 disagreeView comment

You ought to be ashamed to let Microsoft launch their NXE before you've delivered HOME.
Why are we constantly on the back foot, nothing is ever on time , everything is always delayed and excuses are constantly made and I'm not just talking home. Seriously am sure most peoples patience have run dry.
Haven't even received my promised QORE HOME invite!!!
F##cken ridiculous.


5789d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just throwing this out there and not all games do it unforunately but
Ridge Racer PS3 had install full game to HD but still need disc obviously.
Just want to make a point PS3 did this feature first!!!! :)

5807d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Like charging for a service doesn't mean that you won't get online issues when a game launches.
Honestly give up on the PS3 bashing, I own both and both have had equal issues when it comes to initial online issues that arise after a game launches. What a stupid statement to say paying is going to make server/client issues go away as this is a flawed statement due to already paying for xbox live which as I stated has exactly the same issues.
Getting so sick of these ignorant artic...

5810d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"4 - Slow BR drive.
PS3 needs these big game installs (Farcry 2, 3.5 Gb) because the BR drive can't read data fast enough, how lame."

Basically a SL DVD is on average 1.57MB/s Faster than a SL Blu-ray, but a DL DVD is on AVG 1.07MB/s Slower than a SL Blu-ray.
What is lame is not thinking HD installs are great across the board, hence the next feature with 360 is being able to install our games to HD.

Also the comment about how SOCOM is doing, giv...

5813d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thanks Lumbo, shouldn't have been so slack and checked on that error myself.
Just thought something was broken after maintenance.
Cheers mate.

5824d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Anyone else having issues purchasing stuff from the store, no matter which account I use I get
"Error occurred during the download operation (8071040C)"
I've tried using my proper store (Australian) and a US account and both give that error.
Just want some chille pepper songs for Rockband !!
In fact there is missing pictures all over the shop on the store, also if you go to the new Account Management section and scroll through the avatar section hardly any of...

5824d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have accounts US, UK , JAP and Aus.
Out of them all Australia where I am from is the slowest.
I agree with the4time2doctor0 it is super quick for me from all overseas PS stores. Get close to 1 meg a second and takes no time to download demo's etc.
I'm on adsl2 connection so nothing fancy compared to other parts of the world now getting fibre :)

5825d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They keep including updates without the basic needs everyone keeps asking for.
What is going on how long will I have to wait before I can cross game invite / cross game chat and send a voice message to someone.
Starting to get very impatient waiting for this stuff, almost 2 years out now so no excuse!!

5826d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop with shoving digital download service down our throat which is what this article is getting at.
You run with digital download service and I can guarantee thats when movies will become a disposable item. A consumer isn't going to see the "worth" of all these movies sitting on their hard drive, that they have paid top dollar for and cannot sell, trade or buy second hand. You will just see more so of a shift to people downloading movies through peer to peer or other mechan...

5827d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wake up and smell the coffee, the spike in 360 sales is a direct relation to JRPG being released.
Why can't they see this, they seem happy for the PS3 to potter along with all their assumptions and predictions of what the consumer wants.
You've been wrong on everything since it launched Sony, get your act together!!!

5836d ago 12 agree13 disagreeView comment

Why is this linked as if it is a PS3 review of Ferrari Challenge, it's Nintendo DS the review relates to.

5841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

better not be any push to talk on this

5844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I seen the store updating, first I seen the psp burnouts go up so was hoping the big one i've been waiting for was not long after and sure as there it was , ahhh Wipeout here I come :)

5844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Megaman is there too for those interested :)

5844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

B_U_L_L for any aussies wanting to add me

5844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

thanks for the info whatis
I'm pretty big wipeout fan, back in the PS1 days my flatmate and I extended the system link cord so we could multiplayer from the living room to the bedroom.
Quake, Mines , Rockets ahhh I hear the voice now.

5844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can anyone tell me which store they got it from, I'm in Australia and I have looked on the aussie store, UK store and US store. Have an account on each and couldn't see it. I know it's 25th for release so just desperate to get it, only reason I looked at US store although not 25th of Sept there yet :)

5844d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment