CRank: 5Score: 11370

Graphics look awesome.
I was big Gears fan 1 and 2, I think the graphics look better than both Gears, and appears that character moves more fluid and quicker.
Will give it a go.
And whoever thinks Gears was first to adopt a cover system, please :)

5366d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

anyone with 360 there is a XBL game that is so similar to NBA JAM its not funny
I can' remember name of it and I'm unsure if it is on PSN too.
Tired and can't be bothered turning on the xbox to find out the name :)
Been a long week at work.

5367d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FPS has nothing to do with 3-D
So if I'm looking at a picture in 3-D with my Nvidia 3d Vision shutter glasses at present please tell me how I can see 3-d :)

Games will be checkerboard 3-D with Sony tech I reckon so not as much overhead, you do loose half the resolution on the vertical component but I don't notice currently whilst using my Samsung Plasma with Nvidia shutter glasses in this format.

My PC doesn't get anywhere near 120fps with my GTX260OC card, I a...

5367d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ghost crapcon, Boring. Next !!!!

5368d ago 1 agree18 disagreeView comment

Stop with all the crying about how you will just keep your current TV or your not interested in 3-D.
Who cares, all manufacturers are in on it not just Sony, sure mass market will take a while ....

Finally the home consumer is getting viable 3-D solutions.
The content is coming instead of D grade movies from the past however many years.

I have 3-D setup at home now with both 50" Plasma and 22" screen both using Nvidia Shutter glasses and I can t...

5368d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you can't wait for all the Sony 3-D products or others this year and want a plethora of PC games to play in 3-D buy the Nvidia 3D vision bundle kit. 1680x1050 res each eye (60hz left eye) (60hz right eye) 22" screen using shutter glasses like Sony will use and you won't want 2D gaming ever again.

The thing I'm excited is finally we will get some good movies in 3-D with Bluray spec now set and the market picking up steam.

Now where FPS comes into play is at t...

5376d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Zalman make a 19" and 22" monitor that is polarized and the couple of 360 games like that kung fu tiger one and avatar will have a menu option where you can pick your 3-D standard.

(I had a Zalman 22" and was awesome but sent back due to stuck pixel and am now using shutter glasses with Nvidia 3D vision)

Most 3-D screens seem to only run in 3-D mode when you are at native resolution of the screen.
For example I have a PS3 and a Samsung Plasma tha...

5378d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I currently have 3D setup with Samsung 22" 120Hz monitor, true 120Hz not your TV interleaving frames like SONY or SAMSUNG or other brands advertise with 100hz and now 200 hz and now 400hz that is not what you need for 3D that is fake and not a true 120Hz signal being fed.
Anyhow I also have a Samsung plasma that does do 3D but uses "checkerboard 3-D" format to accomplish this so I loose vertical resolution by half. The Samsung monitor however gives me a full resolution 1...

5386d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yep same here I didn't notice the icon after the last firmware update I'm sure it just suddenly appeared :)
Need to up the frame rate a bit more and it will be great, at the moment compared to me streaming through a browser on a pc hooked up to my plasma is better. Should be no ps3 issues I'm sure it's just a case of the iview not being optimized for ps3 browser I do hope they fix it soon.
I'm on iinet so it's unmetered downloads for Iview for me.

5411d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This figure is always around the 10,000 currently on UC2 when you look at the multiplayer total people on, I seriously think this total is not correct because it is always the same amount. So to the guy in these comments crapping on about 250,000 halo 3 players at 1:00am in the morning, you can't be that dumb to think the uncharted player total is accurate seriously.
I think it's a bug of some sort.

5442d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who keeps buying Wii for f##ck sake get over that trash already.

5457d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

Don't believe the hype on graphics, how many times have consumers heard this all before with every game console / graphics card. Of course they are always going to overstate things, not once has any graphic card or gaming console lived up to the hype the companies push.
Surprised I'm not hearing "Pixar" style graphics again.

5457d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Midnight launch for UC2 hell yeh but Brutal Legend pfff your kidding right.
Game looks like ass and the video with Jack Black and the developer I watched where Black is in a muscle costume total crapola and was about as funny as aids

5466d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

I hope they make it that you can race against your mates, this was the one thing which pissed me off with GT Prologue. Joining random people was no fun at all I want to race with my mates, Poly mentioned they would patch to have private matches or maybe invite friends to the race but never showed up. I am sure this is why alot of people got rid of their copy of Prologue well I know myself and alot of mates got rid of it on this reason. Too much emphasis was put on downloading racing content...

5483d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm in Australia and the ticker is region dependent, I do not get it with my aussie profile.
If I log in as USA profile I do get it, we pay through the ass for gaming but I guess one good thing no ticker :)

5492d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Make a crap game and you know the rest, not surprised.
Wasn't HipHopLamer hyping this crud up.

5492d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought there was meant to be more avatars with this update, still same old ones from what I can see.
We need more variation.
I like the new update especially multiple audio outputs at once.
Funny thing is I was sometimes able to get my PS3 output to optical and via the multi av cord in the past but couldn't ever put my finger on how it did it, I believe it was just a lucky bug and it didn't happen that much.

5498d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"You guys made the battery meter move from being over the clock"
Wow and it only took you over a year to get that done and that was something so simple.

5503d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

stop quoting , M$ always with lies

5510d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

EBGAMES Australia gives you $220 for a trade in of a 40gig PS3
They now have mine which got a YLOD but I fixed it and traded it in , now awaiting a PS3 SLIM.
$499 for a new PS3 Slim, yep bend over Australia as per usual and take it hard :)
I am thinking about extended service through EB which costs $80, gives you a year after the official Sony 12 month warranty if anything happens. They will send a refurbished one to EB for me to replace my broken one with. Now having YLOD...

5511d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment