CRank: 5Score: 11370

pff wii never had better graphics than xbox
even the xbox 1 was HD compliant and a very small handful of games utilising it
dragons lair comes to mind not bad for tech how many years before wii.
Nintendo need to step it up in graphics department instead of being the runt of the litter constantly.
Who doesn't want nintendo franchises with the best graphics of the gen, I never understand why nintendo loyalists are just happy with how they coast al...

4479d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony back to being arrogant like at the start of PS3 I see.
Sony you have a short term memory of how this attitude has kept you in the red all this generation, listen to the consumer chant Sony not the one and only.

You think a gamer is a little sick of the waiting game on Sony's behalf.
Sony you take sooooooo long in every regard of releasing something and this is why you are loosing customers!!! Your practice is to hype something up and think a consumer...

4480d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

There's also a step closer with someone gaining psp kernel mode not just user space like up until now.
And yes there will be more psp titles that work ...

4564d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Until PC gaming becomes me grabbing a controller and relaxing on a sofa and with push of one button to turn on / launch a game and start playing then PC gaming can GTFO.

Yes I do have a gaming rig so don't even go there.

4590d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

where's the aussie's online ps3 huh huh!!!

Drummed up the game as the second coming of jesus and there is more on MW3 yet again, don't get me wrong BF3 is much better all way round but if people get it and drop off you just hurt other series of games and the masses go for the same old crap COD

I think the devs think it means Can't Over Dose, but we can infinity and treyarch !!!

4683d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How many time has this same tactic been used, pffff sick of hype!!!

4712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why do I only ever see less than a 100 in my region playing gears 3.
Aussie here and surely there should be more than 100 online at peak times, the stat looks accurate to me.

4712d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've been chewin the hours in Horde 3D so far, even at SBS it's great in 3D!!!
Ink bombs look very cool.

4759d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Gears always gets the red carpet treatment, I don't understand why reviews hype it up it's same old same old really.
Campaign so far is just the same old every gears, 3D option I do like though haven't done multiplayer obviously yet.

Same as GTAIV hype really, reviewers have clouded judgement every big game!!!

Reviews would differ so much if they did it 2 months after release, keep it real will you!!!

4759d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment

Same old wine about Bluray speeds I see.
360's DVD faster reads on the first layer
PS3 Bluray faster reads on the second layer
Same Same
Now drop it already, and drop the old duplicated data on discs for bluray.
People know every game does this huh?
You rip every disc and read the filesystem and see duplicated files/dirs pffff

There is more than one way to skin a cat with filesystem layout optimisation.

4766d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article is just a load of crap!!!
This is all not true, memory issues pffff please.
They could fit voice chat into about 5mb in my books.

Lies Lies Lies.

If they are that concerned drop the friggin web browser functionality in games, seriously who uses it.

4785d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

where is the 3ds games, the problem is friggin obvious you idiots

4845d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

actually even at 240hz the 3d dudes only get 30hz per eye so you need higher again
480 would be nice
so the basic diagram is
1st person L+L lens glasses
2nd person R+R lens glasses
3rd person L+R lens glasses
4th person R+L lens glasses
Software or hardware multiplexes the 4 different video feeds into the 480hz window
1st 120hz 2d
2nd 120hz 2d
3rd 3d 60hz per left and right eye
4th 3d 60 per left and right...

4857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You just see the left eye image through one set of glasses and the other set sees what the right should see when you used to be in 3d think of it like that, simple. It's already been done by re-wiring a set of nvidia glasses before.
What would be the point the delay would be too much for more glasses?
120hz=60hz*2 people
possibly 4 people could watch different video at 60hz or you could do 30hz
Here's how
2 people with one seeing left and the o...

4857d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll be getting the 3G version for sure, it's worth only little bit more.
I disagree over 3G I've played before and it's carrier dependent on how good the results are, location etc etc. At least let us decide whether or not it uses 3G or wifi as connectivity.
Anyhow, just use your smart phone as the wifi hot spot is the easy answer here.
You get to use your same plan as phone and instead of using data on useless app store type crap you could put it towa...

4859d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Love it...
Can't wait for Resident Evil soon.
Don't under estimate it, steam will pick up when the big boys drop..

4884d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

8.5 bill, man xbox live already does this technology and probably better in some regards.
Besides acquiring the registered users, for that money you could have just used what you already got which is the xbox live model of communications and infrastructure and bolstered it up with voip out to pstn and mobiles. From here how many billion could you have spent on marketing to get the same amount of skype users through marketing. Hell they could have given away alot of freebies to sign up...

4885d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

@FredEffinChopin so what happens when there is a security breach with lastpass, all your passwords are there for the taking. Please what a stupid idea and I can't believe people would use a service like it.

4899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ironic you get an email from Sony saying they got the PSN log in details etc and to change password but you can't do via PS3 or via web because it's down !!!

4899d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

HaHa eat it !!!
Hope it continues to be a problem, won't be so arrogant on the next system will you $ony.
You don't dictate to us what we can and can't have, power to the people !!!

4900d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment