CRank: 5Score: 11370

There is no B/C in either the 80gig or 160 gig current PS3's.
They are just like the 40 gig which didn't have it either.
Think people are confusing it with the old 80gig model that did have B/C emulation but current 80's do not.
It is cheaper due to the 45nm architecture to manufacture is the main reason it is able to be cut in cost not because it is a inferior product in component terms.
Wait until your beloved backward compatible systems start getting YLOD what are ...

5413d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just traded my 40gig fattie for one of these and boat load of games and got to pay in full some up coming great titles. Trade worked out pretty sweet.
I wouldn't have really bothered but my fattie got yellow light of death couple months back.
Fixed it with the heat gun trick and it was working like a charm and put new thermal paste on the CPU chip, Sony's cheap ass thermal paste was kind dry and brittle so I seen what the heat does inside there after a while. Well it was quieter...

5414d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow couldn't see an article like this coming along....
i'm sure it was typed up and waiting for confirmation on ps3 slim or price drop.
build a bridge and get the f!ck over it

5416d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Traditional red/blue glasses says it all mate as to why your eyes can't handle it for long.
Shutter glasses or polarized glasses are full colour.

Can't stand red/blue anaglyph 3D, cheap nasty and makes the 3D scene into a gimmick compared to what is really available.

5420d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am currently using Nvidia 3D shutter glasses and I can tell you that games would take a big dip in frame rate if you want 3D enabled.
I can run things fine on my PC with current equipment but can tell you if we are seeing frame dips on current PS3/360 games with not many actually running at a steady 60FPS even at 720P and what about when there is bottlenecks with on screen action it will dip even further. Most games I find are hitting about 30FPS with all bells and whistles turned on...

5421d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least it is another dedicated hosted game experience and not a peer to peer :)
And as mentioned most issues are cleaned up pretty quickly these days.
I have a thought for PSN downloaded games were it is expected to be popular, have something that keeps track of purchases through PSN for that game and adds servers based on total.

Scalability people c'mon!!!

You know just like Black Friday sales crippling Amazon every christmas, they know it's going to h...

5435d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We've seen what the current can do, next please!!!
Still waiting for CGI styled graphics, neither any PC or console can still do it.
And before anyone steps up with a BUT BUT BUT what about this game, please keep it real.
I want movie grade CGI graphics or good enough realistic graphics/physics were you just sit there saying how freaky does this sh@t look and can't take your eyes off it.
Been gaming since very early 80's, so have only been waiting close to 30 years. <...

5441d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Carmageddon had door checking, yep GTA has nothing on this game.
Still an all time classic!!!!
Can't believe they were going to do a 2005 version of the game that got cancelled. Dam.

5441d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Demon5500 - Sorry to burst your bubble but Series 9 Samsung do not have sufficient refresh rate for stereoscopic movies or gaming so please stop kidding yourself, I sense you own this TV and are trying to justify your purchase.
They do not do a true 100hz refresh and like most current lcd's are just more a manufacturer gimmick than anything. The manufacturer is using an interpolation technique which is all a marketing ploy to rip the consumer.

Also your comment about 3d tex...

5479d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This aussie calls bs on the numbers!

5484d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Show us your pink bits

5492d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why can't the demo be ripped from the bluray and posted online
bluray's are piss easy to rip and if we can put the demo onto a usb stick etc would probably install
that latest firmware lets us backup more content now to usb stick or hd so what you think :)

edit: Didn't realize this is on it's own disc, forget what I said :)

5542d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How is it 2 years old for Halo 3, November 2007 it came out and we only just hit March.

5585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5637d ago

Why bother clicking on the link to all these ps3 is doomed or other titled articles lately.
Just boycott them all together thats what I've been doing.
We know PS3 is fine, that's all that matters right!

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why'd your Daddy waste a good batch of sperm producing you!

5645d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

For some reason I just want to crush this guy into powder.
Where are the cool hosts gone, he bothers me big time!

5660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5660d ago

Yeh die Wii die, I won't ever understand anyone over the age of 10 loving Mario and all the cutesy characters and crap that comes along with nintendo.
I had a launch Wii and sold it off pretty much straight away, year later friends start saying might get a Wii and I said wait until 2 weeks after you have it you'll see trust me you'll see :)
Guess what they see :), novel for about 2 weeks and than you understand what crap nintendo gaming actually is.
Bury the DS and the Wii, ...

5663d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I think the big point about all this pricing analyzing is man we're talking 100 bucks, not thousands and thousands of dollars.
Trust me I'm in Australia and we get bent over and shafted for how much we pay for things.
I paid $150 for End war bundle which included playstation official headset, thats only 49 bucks off getting an American 360 arcade. Come on just save up that extra 100 bucks for a PS3, the problem is kiddies whinging in mum and dads ear to get it now now now or peop...

5665d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment