CRank: 5Score: 11370

Kinect I bought you, now where is the games man where's the freaking games.

4913d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just announce what we want to hear and that is it has online multiplayer, and if it does it needs to be as smooth as streetfighter is which is the benchmark in my books.

1. Turn on 3DS
2. Boot up streetfighter
3. Online Quick match selected
4. Seconds later I'm crunching down some skull !!!


4916d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Crap on the PS3 because MS didn't make every 360 with a HD, ohhhh the logic I see pfff.

4932d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cutesy games don't need 3D and that's all you ninty fans love isn't it :)

4935d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

Remember Saints row 2 had an option to turn on vsynch or not, well PS3 version did anyhow.
Why can't we just have that option on all games.
They even explained the outcome of turning it on or off.

My preference as long as we aren't talking a slide show with the fps is to have vsynch on, can't stand tearing.

4935d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yep Aussie here and don't we have such quality programming in Australia.

Good Game bites the big one and I can't believe it's even being referenced.

Should be Good Gay because the male presenter I'm sure hasn't come out of the closet as his mannerism's and how he carries on about games highly suggest this.

4935d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Keep bending over for the big corporations will you.

Sony say:
Accept the agreement and quick do the upgrade so you can get back online and play.

You say:
What do you mean that last upgrade that you did now monitors all activity I do on my PS3. I didn't see that part as I quickly accepted it without reading so I could join my sheep friends back online. Ahhhh well lucky Sony know what they are doing and have my back privacy wise.

4935d ago 0 agree18 disagreeView comment

The concept of using a single display to display different content to multiple viewers at the same time has already been done.
2 players would be the limit and the glasses just keep showing the left frame through both lenses to one player and the other player keeps getting the right frame through both lenses of the glasses.

4938d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Plays beautifully for me too since launch I reckon but if they make it better than so be it :)
Only thing I noticed and haven't tried other games but if let my controller power save off and am in kz3 and go back to the game and start up my controller I cannot move anything I can only hit the ps button and back out to the xmb

4947d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Been playing Bulletstorm on PC last few days.
Everyone that is delusional about it coming close to KZ3 it doesn't hold a candle to it.
It is just a junk B grade game with marketing, and people say Sony supporters are brainwashed cmon keep it real please!

4954d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well just watched the 360 c2 video long, very good look at it.
Come on mind blowing is some of the stuff I have seen written here, cling to it boys cling to it.
Help me obi wan crysis 2 your 360's only hope..
Bland Bland Bland where is the action I just see a dude running around boring the crap out me to be honest.
Get ya kz3 on feels like a proper battle multiplayer and single player, you know it rocks!!!

4958d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't blame the game thats just lame , learn to play pfff ohh they got a shotgun and I can't tell whose team there on pleasssssse
Play warzone long lasting games and plenty of maps.
No online co-op who cares just play single and be content, seriously nothing ever good enough is it
What connection issues, been running fine since launch

4958d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

said it all along ppu big old fat hooker gets the job done, spu's little pretty hookers you love to come back too mmmm mmmmm
Come on MS bend over got something for you. ( )*( )~~~((((==================00

stream the data !!!!, huh ohhhhhhh thats how you do it.

4958d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What other freedoms now do you want to mention?????

What so the human race should stop progressing and learning because of the potential implications to something else, have we operated as a human race like this up to this point, no

eg:So we shouldn't have learn't how to split the atom because that led to the atomic bomb but also in turn led to a usage in providing a good source of energy to us...

Closed mind is unh...

4964d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nobody still gets it, freedom of learning and freedom of speech.
Why shouldn't I be able to buy something and pull it to bits in hardware or software.
He learn't he could memory glitch a ps3 with a specific pulse to the memory to expose access to the hypervisor calls which isn't illegal and made legitimate calls to the hypervisor commands so again nothing really illegal.

So what has he done wrong ...

This is why he will get fundin...

4964d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

Funny I have no issues on PS3 Black Ops with lag, in Oz here and green bars all the way.
Tick the play with local and join local only whatever the option is and away you go simple as ...

4982d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yawn, ps3 kicks any current console just admit it.

4984d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never understand this, what is broken about Black Ops online.
I play every night for hours without any issues.
You do realise you can select only to connect to local players, the option is before you choose team deathmatch etc. I think you press select form memory and pick your online options.

The hosting is all done by P2P, and a lot of the times I do get to be host fortunately.
Again you do realise the game traffic is all hosted on a users PS3, th...

4999d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

guerojose they have always been able to run backup games since the usb exploit first appeared earlier this year.
It was one of the first applications that come along with the exploit was a backup manager.
This hack is far worse as explained they can now sign their own code, your security of your PS3 just took a major hit with this announcement.
To all the people claiming games are 20gig that is only far and few between, majority are no different than a 360 game size or...

5018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Killzoned what the hell dude you have been able to run games from external hd or burn to dvd disk since first usb overflow exploit, some are bigger then others yes but overall very easy process by the looks of it.

5018d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment