CRank: 5Score: 11370

360 is jut crap admit it, you can let go of the loyalty now seriously.

5024d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Can't believe people still even click on this tool, seriously.
He never knows what he is talking about, now your giving him hits for some fantasy about TV technology...
Which he also has no idea about, pffff up sampled refresh on a TV not even true Hz rating and he thinks it makes it look better. Get a clue HipHopelessGamer hahahahahahah
back to the interwebs!!!

5040d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm gaming at 720P 3d projector 110" and no problems here.
DLP optoma glasses that keep perfect synch via white light with my optoma projector, I still use nvidia 3d driver so still have the IR pyramid plugged in but I'm not using nvidia's glasses with it at all.

Don't bash what you can't setup correctly you freakin fool you have to tweak stuff like anything if you want to play around with 3d

It's comical to keep seeing pe...

5087d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

... PSN details have already been found, user and pass.
You better hope things don't move too quickly because at the moment your PS3 may have 3.52 and can't do the exploit anymore but the system might not be safe on PSN even as a legit at this stage

5130d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It sounds like it is all based off a Sony Jig stick and files that got leaked a fair while ago for distributed games.
They have got this onto a normal usb memory stick and it is Sony's own fault really.

They shouldn't make a system like this, screw hotels or wherever else they use these systems, make them buy multiple copy of the games.
Still if this is all true technically they didn't hack squat and it's all sony's own app that got leaked...

5150d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

To the unoriginal comment, you know what your talking about.
Sony was the first with eyetoy with no wand, and they also demo'd the eyetoy using a wand so many years before the Wii come out.
Again Fucktard.

5158d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why even click on the article, you can tell by the headline.
I stopped given these click through not long after joining N4G
You keep clicking they will keep coming, simple hey!

5159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Again stop lying, I get the same SPEED whether downloading an update or content on XBL as PSN.
You guys are just flat out lying!!!

To the losers saying a firmware update for 360 that comes out once a year is so much quicker then the ps3's, have you thought maybe one system's update is smaller then the other. You know maybe put some logic behind it.

5161d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Aussie here, this is just a crock.
I have always downloaded from both consoles at the same speed and both have always taken same time for any updates.
Why keep lying, if you think it is taking 30mins to download something than that's your connection not Sony or MS fault ya fag.

5161d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pfff @halo leach I'm waiting on electro freddy 2, now this will be the all time game until next gen.
Hang on I've been waiting since the early 80's for a sequel so dev time has been long but it should be good.

5163d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I heard this can only be achieved because the new 360S has a wifi N connection now :) mwahahaha

Surely my comment will bring moths to the flame. zap zap zap...

5163d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It all depends on what is best suited for your environment and content!!!
Neither is the best for all situations.

Don't even click on this crap, stupid guy has no idea what he is talking about.
Read an AV forum instead where you have engineers, calibration experts etc commenting.

Here is some other points
Plasma Buzz
Dot Pitch on LCD vs Plasma.
Shape of pixel etc.

Yep the list goes on so refer to my...

5167d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never went to engineering school, don't project your failures onto me ya piss ant.

5179d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL built in camera into the console, please what a stupid idea.
Think about how you would restrict yourself on where you can put your console from that point on just to get the camera in correct position.
This is why you shouldn't be an engineer, on that note alot of current engineers shouldn't be engineers.
They couldn't manage a decent sh*t on a Sunday!!!

5180d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Give up on the f*cken glasses free 3D.
Everyone quotes the same crap, go watch this you tube clip or go look at this clip. "I'm waiting on this technology."
This technology has been around for so long now, so why do you think the current sets aren't using that method.

There has to be a method to give each eye a different view, that there lies your problem with glasses free.
It will be loosing resolution to achieve your glasses free 3D...

5180d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop the press there mate, have you read about the IZ3D monitors.
Worst for ghosting, if you are new to 3D and haven't experienced ghosting it is the worst issue you can have.
I highly recommend canceling your order, you may think it is weird in me saying this but trust me you will not stop regretting the ghosting issue.
Listen to me man, cancel while you still can :)

5183d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why the next article that has "Why *** is destined to fail" is destined to fail.
Because I'm sick of them, get some real news on here for **** sake.
Instead of all the articles on some persons opinion on what the next tech will be that soars or sinks.
You have no idea so go back to saving up your money and then maybe you can comment on how well your 3D TV is going :)

5185d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop with the 100 line comments nobody reads them!!!

5197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Troll on.
At least it was a PS3 being offered because they knew she wouldn't go for a 360 <- yep just kidding go on take the bubble
Troll off

5198d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@peowpeow which game are you having lag on? Aussie here too.
I get zero lag on MW2 99% of the time, they brought a patch around christmas where I only join Aussies which cured everything.
Here is why I play MW2, I can boot my PS3 up and I'm in a game playing in less then a minute online that reason alone I keep coming back.
UC2 brilliant and I loved it but it is quite slower getting into a multiplayer game.

5200d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment