
CRank: 5Score: 39910

May as well, they nickel-n-dime us on everything else.

5603d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As keeping with the great traditions in all the God of War games, the artwork and direction is top notch. The character models show great imagination and creativity. The story is always great as we play through the series wondering what in the hell Kratos will come across next.

God of War 3 will be an instant buy for anyone who is within smelling distance of a PS3.

5603d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wii Dead Rising graphics < Dead Rising Box Art! LMFAO!!! Killzone 2 will fail in comparison when Edge gives this game a 9/10.

5604d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The ounce of respect I had for my Wii just retreated into a sewer! What a Asszaster! Is this even a game? Moaning Manequins? LMFAO!!! Ugghhhhhhhh! Plop Scrreeeeccch! This game surely maxes out the Wii's capabilities. Is this game is scheduled to release on April Fools or what?!

5604d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The movement during the load is controlled by the Sixaxis you idiot. Stop moving the controller and the screen will be still... LOL. This demo was awesome and short. 1.2GB for 12 minutes of gameplay, who says Bluray isn't needed for gaming?

And for people who wanted the demo twice as long, 99% of you would've complained and whined about the 2.4GB download that would've take twice as long.

5608d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought I was gonna be a victim after the update... it took longer than usual to boot, etc. after everything was done. I held my breath and wished the RROD away from my console as if it was an exorcism taking place.

5609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bet all these jerks telling people to "STFU and Learn the controls" are the same pack of azzholes who dissed Lair for its awful control scheme.

Lair had great graphics for its release, but the controls sucked... a patch was Released later, but the analog controls have always been there for Lair, they were just locked. This was revealed through the remote play of the game with PSP as analog stick controlled the dragon. But anyways, RE5 looks good, but the control...

5609d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If a game is weaker on one console it is lack of caring, resources, skill, or a combination of the previous listed. This is easy to answer and prove since Killzone2>RE5.

5611d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If anyone bothered to adjust the controls in the demo, they would find the much more familiar RE4 control scheme. It ain't better than Killswitch/Gears2/Dead Space move-n-shoot, but it is more familiar and can save your ass a few times. I found myself hitting the wrong button a few times on the default scheme. I have played the demo on the 360 and PS3. I did much better on the PS3 when I switched to the RE4 scheme.

Both looked close to the same, but I noticed DIFFERENT flaw...

5611d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The first thing I said was, "Wow, these graphics are nice!" The next thing I said immediately after was, "Damn, what's up with these controls?!?" I ASSUMED that RE5 would have Dark Sector, Dead Spaceish type control handling. Boy was I wrong! I know it is only a demo, but RE5 is about to officially be pwned by Dead Space...

Oh, and the last thing I said was, "Where's the damn ammo?" while slicing away in a panicking fashion with the machete. ...

5618d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

They must've laid off all those jerks who are sleeping at the Quality Control department in the 360 Games Division.

5621d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

The RROD Customer support dream team will keep their jobs for a little while. But with the warranty running out for so many systems in the near future, they may resort to a 15 minute automated call system.

This is the formula for excellent 360 customer support.

Press 2 for 360
Press 3 for Disc Read Errors
Press 7 for the RROD
Press 1 if your unit is on fire
Press # if this is you have repaired 2 or more 360s
Press 4 if you need...

5622d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

But to a CISSP security specialist, if you have not overwritten your hdd with several passes with a tool like NukeNBoot or Microscope, etc. It overwrites the hdd with random patterns of zeroes and ones, or some try to use a hdd magnetizer. The average person will just reformat the hdd and carry on, but if you have been naughty at work, you are screwed if a CISSP person works there. For example, just ask those nasty bastards who download kiddie porn get their so-called erased hdds confiscat...

5622d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is funny that you mention spin, Ferraris and Ford Mustangs. Last time I checked both of those companies make more than ONE product, which contributes to their success. Since NPD numbers is all about finances and is directly related. Would you discount the PS2, PSP, and DS from the list? The first rule of business is never put all your eggs in one basket. Which is what Microsoft has done. Sony and Nintendo have multiple products to sell, and therefore are more likely to benefit financ...

5629d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Other major gaming sites have been commenting on playing Killzone2 for a while, maybe by the time these guys got their request filled, they changed the package, LOL. Maybe this site was on the bottom of that food chain and had to wait, in doing such, they may have been lucky enough to get the latest and greatest revision of the software that just happened to be final build. It seems possible that these lucky bastards just got their hands on the game using the same final code that the "...

5629d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I prefer the quality behind Sony products, but I admit that the Zune is VERY nice. It is similar in hardware quality as the first XBOX was... too bad it is getting the same kill-me-off treatment. The only negative thing about the Zune is that the software sucks Donkey turds... (thanks for having piss poor quality control Microsoft for pushing out a patch to temporarly kill all the 30GB models which are some of the best ever). If the 360's hardware was as solid as a Zune, the PS3 would have...

5635d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember the P800? I have owned a P910, and now own a Pl1... I will probably upgrade to this smart phone later. Sony has had touch screen phones with built in camcorders for about 8 to 10 years now, and some folks drool over an iPhone like it is new tech... amazing. Just like idiots clamoring over the new Blackberry with a touch screen... folks buying up old tech at a new tech price. You gotta love dumb or uninformed cusomers who do no research and let advertising decide what they purchas...

5637d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

$60 X 100,000 (we know it is more) = $6 Million Dollars

Yes $6,000,000... and that is just one game! So yeah, MS and Developers are gonna take a hit. It is idiotic for anyone to say otherwise. I know that there are many folks enjoying the cost free benefits of the mod.

And before someone says it... no, modding is not raising the cost of games... games have been high priced since Atari and cartridge based games when modding was impossible by home users.

5640d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is mainly due to the fact that people do not trust mods yet, NOR their 360 consoles to be exact. Many people are afraid that a mod will CAUSE RROD to come quicker, etc. As I have seen, this is not true. The reason software sales are still high is because even though there is modding, there was a point in history BEFORE the mod, where they bought regular retail copies like you and me. But as modding becomes more mainstream, (CHECK YOU LOCAL CRAIGSLIST FOR A MODDER NEAR YOU) - LOL... y...

5640d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree, hacked consoles will continue to grow and this will help 360 hardware sells as well. The same guys who mod 360s can usually fix a few of the RROD issues. I will say this... 60 percent of the buddies I game with now own at least ONE modded 360 console... but they are tech heads in my inner circle. As more people take the plunge to get their XBOX modded, more and more people are deciding totake the risk as well. After they have seen people who play on XBL just like they do with hac...

5640d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment